Tine Verreet1,2, Janaki Raman Rangarajan3,4,5, Kristof Govaerts5,6, Frederik Maes3,4, Sarah Baatout1, Lieve Moons2, Mohammed A Benotmane1, and Uwe Himmelreich5,6
1Radiobiology Unit, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, SCK•CEN, Mol, Belgium, 2Laboratory of Neural Circuit Development and Regeneration, University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium, 3Electrical Engineering (ESAT-PSI), University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium, 4Medical IT, iMinds, Leuven, Belgium, 5Molecular Small Animal Imaging Center (MoSAIC), Faculty of Medicine, University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium, 6Biomedical MRI Unit, Department of Imaging and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium
Prenatal exposure to
ionising radiation can severely compromise brain development, leading to
functional impairment of the brain. Behavioral deficits and/or morphological
alterations have been reported, but the consequences of prenatal irradiation at older age remains
unexplored. We irradiated pregnant mice with different doses (0.05 to 1.0Gy) at
embryonic day 11 and investigated structural sequelae at an old age using in
vivo longitudinal MRI. Apart from small brain size, we noticed predominant
regional changes and increase in brain volume as the mice aged (unlike humans).
Hippocampus seems to be affected by exposure to even low-doses and relates to impaired
spatio-cognitive performance.Introduction
In utero
radiation exposure resulted in an increased prevalence of neurological
aberrations, including mental disability and decreased IQ levels, in the atomic
bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki(1,2). While the interaction between
radiation exposure and ageing processes has been reported(3,4), investigating
the consequences of prenatal irradiation at older age is unexplored. Apart from these
epidemiological studies, investigating the in-vitro and in-vivo animal models
to further explore such a relationship is interesting. Previous animal experiments
have evidenced that radiation exposure of the young adult
brain can result in an early molecular response associated with cognitive
dysfunction, advanced ageing and Alzheimer disease(5). Also, excessive DNA
damage during brain development was found to drastically accelerate ageing(6),
indicating that gestational distress might have profound effects for the onset
of ageing processes in postnatal/adult life(7). This has never been
investigated in the light of prenatal exposure to radiation. Here, we
explore for the first time whether in utero radiation exposure might affect
brain ageing. To this end, we irradiated pregnant mice with different doses
(0.05,0.10,0.5 or 1.00 Gy) at embryonic day (E)11 and investigated structural sequelae
at an old age using in vivo MRI.
At E11, pregnant C57Bl/6J mice were irradiated with different doses of
X-rays (0.05, 0.10 and 1.0 Gy, N=50) using a Pantak HF420 RX instrument
operating at 250 kV, 15 mA, 1 mm Cu-filtered X-rays (dose rate of 0.375 Gy/min).
Animals (female offsprings) were imaged
at the age of around 10, 30 and 90 weeks(w) after birth with a 9.4 Tesla Bruker
Biospec Scanner (Bruker Biospin, Ettlingen, Germany with following parameters: 3D
RARE,TR=1.3ms,TE=14.2ms, matrix 192×256×128,80µm resolution (isotropic). In
addition, we subjected aged mice (90w) to 3D diffusion tensor MRI (DTI) imaging
using single shot EPI with TR=1ms,TE=0.32ms,matrix128×96×64,156µm in-plane, 30
non-collinear directions with b-value 1500smm
-2. For morphological characterization
of regional volumetric changes, T
2 images were first corrected for intra-
and inter-scan intensity variations and a study-specific mean deformation
template(8,9) was constructed by iterative non-rigid registration(10,11). By
co-registering this template to a mouse brain atlas(12), the atlas labels(~19
structures) were propagated to the individual study images
(Fig 1). Volume of brain structures (mean±SEM) were compared among different experimental groups by one-way
ANOVA, with correction for post-hoc comparison (significance 0.05). Parametric maps of mean-radial-axial-
diffusivity and fractional anisotropy from DTI data, were examined for dose-dependent
differences at 90w.
At all time points, the whole brain volume of animals exposed to 1.00Gy were
smaller compared to controls and other low dose conditions (see
Fig 2). Likewise,
the absolute volumes of most of the brain regions (~16/19) of
1.00-Gy-irradiated mice were significantly small at all three time points. Although
the whole brain volume increased over time in all groups, only the increase in
the control group between 10w and 30w was significant. While most brain regions
like ventricles, showed increase in volume over time, structures like posterior/frontal cortex and striatum, did not change. Interestingly, the
midbrain was significantly reduced in a dose-dependent manner for the 0.05-,
0.10- and the 1.00-Gy-exposed mice at 10w and 30w, but not at 90w. Also, the
hippocampus was the only structure that was significantly reduced in volume in
all irradiated conditions at 90w (
Fig 3,4). Unlike the previous reports on enlarged
ventricles or hydrocephaly following in utero radiation(13), ventricle volumes did not show any significant
increase in a dose dependent manner. Our preliminary analysis
of the DTI data at 90w included only hippocampus region, which did not show differences
in parametric maps.
Discussion & Conclusion
We followed-up
the alterations in brain morphology induced by prenatal irradiation over time
using in vivo 3D T2-weighted MRI. The high-dose exposed animals clearly
exhibited microcephaly, thereby leading to decrease in absolute volumes. Animals
exposed to low-dose condition also demonstrated alterations in regional volumes
like mid-brain and hippocampus, which are brain structures known to be particularly
affected by ageing. Absence of hydrocephalus condition could not be explained, although
experimental conditions remained identical to(13). Further, the
longitudinal MRI allowed us to visualize the growth of the mouse brain over
time, which matches with literature(14). In contrast, the human brain
volume declines with age and in particular, hippocampal atrophy is closely
linked to dementia and ageing-dependent cognitive decline. Of interest, this
link between hippocampal
structure and function might be of relevance for our finding of a decreased
hippocampal volume in aged prenatally irradiated mice. This might attribute to
the impaired spatio-cognitive performance that was assessed
in a behavioral test battery previously reported on the same animals. Ongoing work on DTI analysis for the whole brain, may provide insight on white matter differences.
work was supported by the FP7 Euratom EU project CEREBRAD (Cognitive and
cerebrovascular Effects Induced by Low Dose Ionizing Radiation, grant agreement
number 295552). JRR and UH are supported by the Flemish
government grant IWT MIRIAD (SBO 130065). The university of Leuven supports the
Program Financing IMIR (10/017). KG is a PhD fellow of the Research Foundation
Flanders (FWO). TV is funded by a joint doctoral SCK-CEN/KU Leuven grant.References
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