Masaaki Hori1,2, Ryuji Nojiri2, Yasuaki Tsurushima2, Katsutoshi Murata3, Keiichi Ishigame2, Kouhei Kamiya4, Yuichi Suzuki4, Koji kamagata1, and Shigeki Aoki1
1Radiology, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, 2Tokyo Medical Clinic, Tokyo, Japan, 3Siemens Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 4Radiology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
We investigate the effect of multi-band reduction factor (MBf) on tractography methods, diffusional kurtosis tractography (DKI) -based and diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) –based, and quantitative diffusion metrics
in the cervical spinal cord white matter in vivo. The numbers of WM tracts increased
in DKI tractography, compared with DTI tractography for the same position. Moreover,
the numbers of WM tracts decreased in MBf of 3 data, compared with MBf of 2.
Unchanged diffusion metrics values were observed on any conditions. DKE-based
method seem to be preferable and MBf of 2 is recommended for spinal cord WM tractography.Target audience
and clinicians who investigate the spinal cord by using diffusion-weighted
imaging and tractography.
White matter (WM) tractography and diffusion MRI (dMRI) derived
quantitative metrics, such as fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD)
and mean kurtosis (MK) are promising tool to investigate spinal cord microstructures.
Recently, diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI) - based fiber-tracking technique was
introduced for WM tractography as a solution for crossing fibers by using the
kurtosis diffusion orientation distribution function
1. Therefore,
this technique seemed to be more robust for WM tractography, compared with conventional diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)-based WM
tractography. Moreover, multi-band echo-planar imaging (MB-EPI)
technique has been introduced for diffusion-weighted imaging as a useful tool
to reduce scanning time
2 for clinical use of multi-shell dMRI data
acquisition, such as DKI. The
purpose of this study is to investigate
the effect of multi-band reduction factor (MBf) of MB-EPI on WM tractography
and dMRI metrics and to compare DKI tractography with conventional DTI
tractography in vivo.
cord diffusion datasets with MBf of 2 and 3 were each collected from one
healthy volunteer using a 3.0T MR system (Magnetom Skyra, Siemens AG, Erlangen,
using a 20–channel head/neck
receiver coil. Imaging parameters for 2-shell diffusion protocol were
as follows: repetition time/echo time, 5000/102.4 (ms/ms); number
of signals acquired, one; section thickness, 3 mm; 54 slices; field of view, 150
x 150
mm2; matrix, 150x 150; imaging time, approximately 9min. for MBf of
1 and 6 min for MBf of 2 and 3, respectively; 3 b values (0, 1000, and 2000
2) with diffusion encoding in 30 directions for every b value. Δ = 50.6 ms and δ = 19.2 ms
for both shells. Spinal
cord WM tractography from C2 to C6 level and diffusion metrics maps were
obtained and analyzed with Diffusional Kurtosis Estimator(DKE)
3 software
version 2.6.0 (,
DKE Fiber Tractography Module1 and
the TrackVis software ( Six-parameter rigid-body
co-registration between dMRI data of DKI was performed as a function of DKE
software. Both DKE and DTI tractography procedures were implemented for MBf of
2 and 3 data to estimate number of fibers and DKI and DTI derived metrics: FA,
MD, MD, kurtosis FA. Statistical evaluations were performed by using IBM
SPSS Statistics software (version 19.0; SPSS, Chicago, IL). P value less than 0.05 was
considered to indicate a statistically significant difference.
numbers of WM tracts increased in DKI tractography, compared with DTI
tractography on the same condition of MBf. Moreover, the numbers of WM tracts
decreased in MBf of 3 data, compared with MBf of 2 data in both tractography
methods. The results for the numbers of WM tracts are shown in Table 1.There was
no significant difference in all diffusion metrics between MBf of 2 and 3 data
and DKI- and DTI based tractography (all P > 0.5, Mann-Whitney U test). Their values of each
diffusion metric in different condition are shown in Table 2.
on our results, DKI based method seemed to be more robust technique for WM
tractography than DIT-based one, even though simple structure of WM bundles,
such as spinal cord WM tracts. Moreover, MB-EPI technique is useful technique to reduce scanning time, however, dMRI data with higher
number of MBf may lead to unfavorite results of WM tractography, presumably due
to image quality degeneration. Unchanged diffusion metrics values were observed
on any conditions. However, this is not guaranteed on pathologic condition. Limitation
of this study is a single subject analysis and using no patient data. Larger population and inclusion
of disease patient study and sequence optimization will be needed before clinical
conclusion, DKE-based method seem to be
preferable instead of DTI-based one for spinal cord WM tractography. Moreover, MBf
of 2 is recommended for spinal cord WM tractography with this technique.
Glenn GR, Helpern JA, Tabesh
A, Jensen JH. Optimization of white matter fiber tractography with diffusional
kurtosis imaging. NMR Biomed. 2015;28(10):1245-56.
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3. Tabesh A,
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