Claudia Blaiotta1, Patrick Freund1,2, Armin Curt2, Jorge Cardoso3, and John Ashburner1
1Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Spinal Cord Injury Center Balgrist, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Centre for Medical Image Computing, University College London, London, United Kingdom
Magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord has a pre-eminent
role for understanding the physiopathology of neurological disorders; nevertheless
it is confronted with numerous technical challenges, which currently limit its
applicability. In this work we focus on the problem of automatically extracting
and segmenting the cord, a crucial processing step for neuroimaging studies. We
present a novel computational framework that allows delineating structures
within the cord, thus providing a reliable and fast alternative to manual
segmentation. We test the method on a data set of high-resolution cervical
scans and demonstrate the consistency of our results with expert manual
The potential of MRI, for tracking
structural and functional spinal cord changes in vivo in neurological disorders, is currently not thoroughly
exploited, both for research and clinically. This is because of many unresolved
technical challenges, which involve both image acquisition and processing
With regard to the processing phase, difficulties arise
primarily from the small cross-sectional dimensions of the cord, combined with
low gray-to-white matter contrast and high morphological variability across
subjects. Consequently, as opposed to the large availability of brain image
processing software, spinal cord imaging suffers from the lack of similar computational
Extracting the cord and segmenting it into gray and white
matter represent pivotal steps for most spinal cord MRI studies. Such tasks are typically performed manually, by trained experts, thus making the process
time consuming, labor-intensive and fairly subjective. For these reasons, the
development of spinal cord segmentation algorithms constitutes a primary
research goal in the field of medical image analysis. Nevertheless, the methods
that have been proposed so far are mostly semi-automated and require user input,
often in the form of a partial labelling or delineation
Instead, in this work, we present a fully automated and unsupervised framework that
can be effectively applied to create probabilistic tissue templates of the
spinal cord and segment individual images, with negligible user effort.
Our method exploits probabilistic clustering techniques
to learn tissue specific intensity distributions, given MRI scans of a sufficiently
large population. Morphological variability is captured simultaneously across
subjects in the form of average-shaped tissue templates. Such a representation
of the data provides a powerful framework to infer tissue labels without
relying on the availability of preexisting atlases.
We model the observed image intensities as random
variables drawn from Gaussian mixture distributions, with the incorporation of
unknown tissue priors that are warped non-linearly to match the individual
scans 3. As a result, for a
consisting of M individual scans, each one comprising N voxels, the likelihood of X
can be expressed as
p(\mathbf{X}| \mathbf{μ,Σ,π,α})=∏_i^M∏_j^N∑_k^K π_{jk} (α_{ij} )\;\mathcal{N}(x_{ij} |μ_{ik},Σ_{ik})\;,
with \{\mathbf{μ},\mathbf{Σ}\} denoting the Gaussian means and covariances for
the K tissue classes, \mathbf{π} representing the tissue priors and \mathbf{α} the deformation parameters to map between the individual and the reference anatomical space.
Additionally we introduce priors over \mathbf{α} to assure biophysical plausibility of the
deformations and topology preservation. Thus
we obtain
p(\mathbf{X,α}|\mathbf{μ,Σ,π})=p(\mathbf{α})∏_i^M∏_j^N∑_k^K π_{jk} (α_{ij} )\;\mathcal{N}(x_{ij} |μ_{ik},Σ_{ik})\;.
We estimate \{\mathbf{μ},\mathbf{Σ},\mathbf{π}\} making use of the Expectation-Maximization
algorithm for Maximum Likelihood estimation, while we adopt a Gauss-Newton
optimization scheme to obtain Maximum a Posteriori estimates of \mathbf{α}.
The output of our algorithm consist of: a set of point
estimates of the model parameters, segmentations of the individual scans and
average shaped, population specific tissue probability maps.
We tested our method on a dataset consisting of 22 scans
obtained in healthy control subjects acquired with a 3D high-resolution
optimized proton density weighted multi-echo sequence (MEDIC). High-resolution
axial volumes of the cervical cord at C2/C3 level were obtained with a
resolution of 0.25×0.25×2.50 mm
3. The following parameters were used:
field of view (FOV) of 162×192 mm
2, repetition time (TR) of 44
ms, echo time (TE) of 19 ms and flip angle α=11. All subjects are healthy
adults (aged between 24 and 56 years).
We applied our algorithm by implementing a
multiresolution (coarse to fine) strategy consisting of 5 stages with axial
resolutions of 1×1mm
2, 0.8×0.8 mm
2, 0.5×0.5 mm
0.4×0.4 mm
2 and 0.25×0.25 mm
2 respectively. We set the
number of classes equal to 6. Before performing the last two optimization stages
we manually restricted the field of view to 37.5×35 mm
2 so as to focus on the cord area only.
The resulting white and gray matter templates are
illustrated in figure 1 (b-c) together with an average shaped intensity
template (a). Three individual segmentations are reported in figure 2. We used
our automatically generated segmentations to calculate the mean spinal cord
area, white matter area and gray matter area for all subjects of the population.
Results are reported in figure 3, where they are compared to equivalent
measurements obtained by expert manual delineation.
We presented a general framework to estimate tissue
templates from MRI datasets and perform intensity based image segmentation. We
demonstrated that the method can be successfully applied to delineate internal
structures of the spinal cord and that the segmentations can be used to obtain
morphological measurements that are consistent with the ones produced by manual
annotation. Therefore our method could represent a fast and reliable alternative to manual spinal cord segmentation.
This work was supported by the Clinical Research Priority Program (CRPP) Neuro-Rehabilitation of University of Zürich, IRP Foundation and the Wellcome Trust.References
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2. Horsfield, Mark A., et al. "Rapid semi-automatic segmentation of the spinal cord from magnetic resonance images: application in multiple sclerosis." Neuroimage 50.2 (2010): 446-455.
3. Ashburner, John, and Karl J. Friston. "Unified segmentation." Neuroimage 26.3 (2005): 839-851.