Iris Yuwen Zhou1, Yingkun Guo1,2, Yu Wang3, Emiri Mandeville4, Suk-Tak Chan1, Mark Vangel1, Eng H Lo4, Xunming Ji3, and Phillip Zhe Sun1
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Department of Radiology, Key Laboratory of Obstetric & Gynecologic and Pediatric Diseases and Birth Defects of Ministry of Education, West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, People's Republic of, 3Cerebrovascular Diseases Research Institute, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, People's Republic of, 4Neuroprotection Research Laboratory, Department of Radiology and Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United States
Kurtosis augments DWI for
defining irreversible ischemic injury. However, long acquisition time of
conventional DKI limits its use in the acute stroke setting. Moreover, the
complexity of cerebral structure/composition makes kurtosis map heterogeneous,
limiting the specificity of kurtosis hyperintensity to acute ischemia. With strongest
correlation found between mean kurtosis and R1, we proposed the
relaxation-normalized fast DKI approach to mitigate the kurtosis heterogeneity
in normal brain with substantially reduced scan time. We further demonstrated
that this approach enabled semi-automatic lesion segmentation and enhanced
stratification of the heterogeneous DWI lesion, aiding the translation of fast
DKI to the acute stroke setting.Purpose
Despite its widespread use,
diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) provides crude stratification of heterogeneous
ischemic tissue injury
1,2. Recent studies
have shown that diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI), measuring non-Gaussian
diffusion, complements DWI for defining irreversible ischemic injury
3,4. However, the conventional DKI acquisition time is
relatively long, limiting its use in the acute stroke setting. In addition,
the complexity of cerebral structure/composition makes kurtosis map
heterogeneous, limiting the specificity of kurtosis hyperintensity to acute
ischemia. Herein we developed relaxation-normalized fast DKI for the improved
characterization of ischemic tissue injury, aiding the translation of fast DKI
to the acute stroke setting.
male Wistar rats were anesthetized throughout
the experiments with 1.5-2.0% isoflurane. Multiparametric
MRI was performed on two animal groups:
normal rats (N=9) and stroke rats within 2 hrs after standard middle cerebral
artery occlusion (MCAO, N=11) using a 4.7T
Bruker scanner (Bruker Biospec, Billerica, MA). Multi-slice
MRI (five 1.8-mm slices, FOV = 20x20 mm2, matrix = 48x48) was
acquired with single-shot EPI. Fast DKI was acquired using three b-values: 0,
1000 (three directions), and 2500 (nine directions) s/mm2, gradient
pulse duration/diffusion time (δ/Δ) = 6/20 ms, TR/TE = 2500/ 36.6 ms, 4
averages, scan time = 2 min 10 s5,6. T1-weighted
images were acquired using an inversion recovery sequence, with seven inversion
delays ranging from 250 ms to 3000 ms (TR/TE = 6500/14.8 ms). T2-weigthed SE
images were obtained with two TEs of 30 and 100 ms (TR = 3250 ms). Images were
analyzed in MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick, MA). We calculated mean diffusivity (MD) as
described by Jensen et al.7.MDx,y,z=(b1+b3)D(12)x,y,z−(b1+b2)D(13)x,y,zb3−b2 where D(ij)x,y,z=lnS(bi)/S(0)−lnS(bj)/S(0)bj−bi, i = 1,
j = 2, 3, and b1=0, b2=1000, and b3=2500 s/mm2. We have MDfast=MDx+MDy+MDz3. Mean kurtosis (MK) was
obtained using the method described by Hansen et al.5 MKfast=615(∑3i=1lnS(b3,ˆn(i))S(0)+2∑3i=1lnS(b3,ˆn(i+))S(0)+2∑3i=1lnS(b3,ˆn(i−))S(0))+6⋅b3⋅MDfastb23MD2fast where ˆn(1)=(1,0,0)T, ˆn(1+)=(0,1,1)T and ˆn(1−)=(0,1,−1)T, and similarly for i =2 and 3. Fractional anisotropy (FA) was estimated based
on standard diffusion tensor model.
Results and Discussion
Fig. 1a shows parametric T
2, MD, FA, and MK maps from a representative normal Wistar rat
brain. Fig. 1b compares the relationship between MK and MD, FA, relaxation
rates of R
1 and R
2 in normal brain, and found strong
correlation between MK and R
1 (P<0.001). Based on this
correlation, we used the univariate linear regression coefficients determined
from R1 and MK (MK
est= 1.36*R
1-0.22) to
generate relaxation-normalized mean kurtosis (RNMK=MK/MK
est) maps. Fig.
2a shows that the RNMK approach could suppress intrinsic kurtosis heterogeneity
in the intact brain. Importantly, it can also enhance ischemic kurtosis lesion
segmentation over conventional MK map (Fig. 2b). Fig. 3 shows substantial MD
and RNMK lesion mismatch in an acute stroke rat. We found significantly
different RNMK and MD lesion volume, being 135±78 and 157±86 mm
respectively (P<0.01, Paired-t test). Moreover, there was no significant
difference in MD value from MD and RNMK lesions (0.62±0.04 µm
2/ms vs.
0.61±0.03 µm
2/ms, P>0.05, Paired-t test) while RNMK was
significantly different between MD and RNMK lesions (1.52±0.15 vs. 1.70±0.13,
P<0.01, Paired-t test).
Our study demonstrates that
relaxation-normalized fast DKI reasonably corrects for intrinsic regional
variation in cerebral kurtosis, enabling semi-automatic segmentation of
ischemic kurtosis lesion with reduced scan time. The relaxation-normalized
kurtosis analysis represents a promising approach to aid elucidation of the
diagnostic value of DKI in stroke prior to its translation to the acute stroke
study was supported by grant from NIH/1R21NS085574.References
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