Thomas Christen1, Samantha Holdsworth1, Hesamoddin Jahanian1, Michael Moseley1, and Greg Zaharchuk1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
In this work, we acquired whole brain,
high-temporal resolution resting-state BOLD fMRI in 10 healthy volunteers, 10 stroke
patients, and 8 Moyamoya patients. Using information from co-registered perfusion
and diffusion-weighted images, we defined 4 classes of tissue (healthy tissue, chronic
perfusion deficit, acute diffusion core, and mismatch) and examined the
spontaneous BOLD fluctuation patterns in these different regions. The results
suggest that a single, short rs-fMRI sequence contains enough information to
distinguish different tissue types in patients with cerebrovascular diseases, obviating the need for gadolinium and potentially dramatically
shortening the duration of an acute stroke MR study. Purpose
Spontaneous BOLD fluctuations
are usually acquired to explore the brain’s functional connectivity of healthy subjects
using the resting-state BOLD fMRI (rs-fMRI) analysis. Yet, a few recent reports
have suggested that rs-fMRI could also be used to locate perfusion deficits in cerebrovascular
disease patients
1-3. To further investigate the potential of rs-fMRI
to distinguish different tissue types, we propose to examine the patterns of BOLD
spontaneous fluctuations in different tissue types (healthy tissue, chronic perfusion
deficit, acute diffusion core, perfusion-diffusion mismatch) in healthy
volunteers, Moyamoya patients, and stroke patients. To avoid aliasing of cardiac
and respiration frequencies, which might contain valuable information, we used
Simultaneous MultiSlice (SMS) EPI with blipped CAIPI
4 to achieve a
high-temporal resolution and full brain coverage.
The local IRB committee approved all studies. 10
volunteers (4 women; range 21-63yrs), 9 stroke patients (imaged between 7 hrs
and 3 days post-stroke) (5 women; range 30-90yrs), and 8 Moyamoya patients (6
women; range 24-51yrs) were scanned at 3T (GE Healthcare Systems, Waukesha, WI)
with an 8-channel GE head coil. Gradient echo SMS-EPI with blipped CAIPI
(TE=30ms, TR=350-600ms, SMS acceleration factor 5, CAIPI FOV shift 3, FOV=20x20
cm, ST=5mm, matrix size=70x70, imaging time <3min) was used for rs-fMRI. 1
stroke patient was also scanned at 1.5T with both short and long repetition
times (TR=350ms and 2000ms respectively). Resting-state data were corrected for
head motion with SPM12 (least squares approach, 6 parameters) and the first 20
time points were discarded. A cross-correlation analysis was implemented with a
superior sagittal sinus reference region, signal shifting between +/-20TR, with
delay maps created by taking the time lag of the maximum of the correlation
1-3. In patients, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and dynamic
susceptibility contrast perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI) maps were also obtained
Images were co-registered to the rs-fMRI data and regions-of-interest (healthy
tissue [all subjects], chronic perfusion lesion [Moyamoya], acute diffusion
lesion and mismatch [stroke]) were defined automatically through thresholding
Figure 1 shows the signal fluctuations obtained in healthy
tissues in 7 volunteers and 7 stroke patients (blue lines). As expected, the
signals are specific to the inviduals. However, it can be seen that the
patterns are comparable between the volunteers: same amplitude range, large
variations at low frequencies (<0.1Hz) and smaller variations at respiration
(~0.3Hz) and cardiac frequencies (~1Hz). Signals in the stroke patients are arranged
according to increasing volume of infarcts (top-bottom). Larger variability
between the patterns in healthy tissue can be observed, with S1 and S2 (small
lesions) resembling those observed in volunteers, while other patients show reduced
amplitude of fluctuations without slow component (S3 and S4), or large signal
variations with chaotic fluctuations (S6-S7). When comparing the fluctuations
obtained in healthy tissues (blue lines) to the corresponding DWI ROIs (red
lines), one can observe that the signals become disordered in the lesions, even
though the amplitude of fluctuations is similar. This is particularly evident
in S4 and S5 (red arrows). In Moyamoya patients, where chronic PWI lesions
without DWI lesions are present, the fluctuations in healthy tissues and PWI lesions
were similar to those found in healthy volunteers (Fig.2). As expected, delays
were found between slow fluctuations in the normal tissue and PWI lesions (Fig.2-Fig.3).
The seed-based analysis (Fig.4) confirmed that healthy signals were well
correlated to the PWI lesions. These findings are also present in stroke
patients with mismatch (Fig.3). However, DWI positive regions were usually not highly
correlated to healthy tissues. PWI, DWI, and rs-fMRI (with TR=2000ms) results
from a stroke patient imaged at 1.5T are presented in Fig.5 to illustrate the
versatility of the approach and the quality of the final estimates.
This study suggests that rs-fMRI can be used to
detect different types of lesions in patients with cerebrovascular diseases. While
a cross-correlation delay analysis seems to be sufficient to locate perfusion
deficits, the amplitude of signals fluctuations is not enough to locate the
diffusion core. However, it might be possible to use the rs-fMRI correlation
map to directly estimate the mismatch region. A measure of signal complexity such as local
or multiscale entropy
6 might also provide valuable information. Overall,
this study suggests that a single, short rs-fMRI sequence may enable
identification of both diffusion and perfusion lesions, potentially obviating
the need for gadolinium and dramatically shortening the duration of an acute
stroke MR study.
in part by (NIH 5R01NS066506, NIH 2RO1NS047607, NCRR 5P41RR09784) and GE
[1] Lv et al., Ann Neurol, 2013.
[2] Christen et
al., JMRI, 2014.
[3] Amemiya et al., Radiology, 2014.
[4] Setsompop et al.,
MRM, 2012.
[5] Straka et al., JMRI 2010.
[6] Costa et al., PHYS REV E, 2005.