Disrupted Resting State Connectivity in Term Neonates with Complex CHD
Vincent Kyu Lee1,2, Vincent Schmithorst2, Shahida Sulaiman1, Lisa Paquette3, Jodie Votava-Smith3, and Ashok Panigrahy1,2

1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Radiology, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 3Cardiology, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States


The last trimester of brain development in fetuses with complex congenital heart disease (CHD) is abnormal. In this study, we use ICA analysis on resting BOLD of CHD patients to characterize the neuronal activity and compare it to healthy controls. A total of 117 BOLD images from CHD and healthy neonates were analyzed using Temporal concatenation ICA with MELODIC FSL. Both CHDs and Controls exhibited common RSNs, but CHDs lacked additional RSNs observed in controls. CHD group exhibited ICAs with less complexity than controls, which maybed due to global brain dysmaturation with disruption of cortical to subcortical connectivity.

Background & Purpose

The last trimester of brain development in fetuses with complex congenital heart disease (CHD) is abnormal, with structural and metabolic abnormalities documented [1]. While resting state networks (RSN) are well characterized in preterm neonates, very little is known about the RSN in neonates with complex CHD. Importantly, healthy neonatal brain RSN has been characterized through the use of resting BOLD and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) [2]. In this study, we use ICA analysis on resting BOLD of CHD patients to characterize the neuronal activity and compare it to healthy Controls.


A total of 157 term neonates were recruited and scanned from two large surgical centers for CHDs (Children’s Hospitals of Pittsburgh and Los Angeles). Of these, 117 (PCA at scan 37-46 weeks; CHD n=51, Healthy Controls n=66) were within acceptable criteria for motion in BOLD imaging, and included in the study. All were scanned using 3T Skyra (Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany) in Pittsburgh or 3T Achieva (Philips Technologies, Hamburg, Germany) in LA. Following common sequence parameters were used: FOV=240mm, TE/TR = 32/2020 ms, with an in-plane resolution of 4x4 mm2 and slice thickness of 4mm with 4mm space. Custom pipeline in IDL[ref] for image reconstruction, brain extraction, affine motion correction, and spatial coregistration into MNI space (neonatal atlas) of BOLD images was used prior to analysis. Temporal concatenation ICA for resting analysis was conducted on CHDs and Controls as two separate groups using MELODIC on FSL (FMRIB) [3, 4].


No statistically significant difference in distribution of CHD and Controls between sites (p=0.137). Total of 56 and 43 ICAs were generated for CHDs ad Controls, respectively. Of the CHD ICAs, 48% had unilateral only activation patterns compared to controls which had 23% with just unilateral activations. Default mode network, sensory, motor, cerebellum, brainstem-thalamus, and frontal executive RSNs were found in both controls and CHDs [5]. However controls exhibited additional networks such as auditory, visual eye field, fronto-parietal, and salience networks (Figure1), which were poorly delineated in the CHD patients. Notably, the areas associated with frontal executive network showed depressed activation in CHDs. In addition, complex pattern of activation involving both subcortical and cortical regions (i.e. cerebellum hemispheres and vermis, lingual gyrus, perisyvlian region, and anterior cingulate) was seen in a single component of the control group, but not in the CHD group (Figure2).


Overall, the neonatal CHD group exhibited ICAs less complex patterns of activation then Controls. The CHD activation patterns were characterized by activation more limited to local regions and many of the components show patterns unilaterally constrained to one hemisphere. These ICA findings suggest CHD patients have global brain dysmaturation with disruption to callosal, intra-hemishperic and subcortical connectivity compared to healthy controls.


Alexandria Zahner, Nancy Beluk


1. Limperopoulos, C., Tworetzky, W., McElhinney, D. B., Newburger, J. W., Brown, D. W., Robertson, R. L., ... & du Plessis, A. J. (2010). Brain volume and metabolism in fetuses with congenital heart disease evaluation with quantitative magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. Circulation, 121(1), 26-33.

2. Doria, V., Beckmann, C. F., Arichi, T., Merchant, N., Groppo, M., Turkheimer, F. E., ... & Edwards, A. D. (2010). Emergence of resting state networks in the preterm human brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,107(46), 20015-20020.

3. Beckmann, C. F., & Smith, S. M. (2004). Probabilistic independent component analysis for functional magnetic resonance imaging. Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on, 23(2), 137-152.,

4. Beckmann, C. F., DeLuca, M., Devlin, J. T., & Smith, S. M. (2005). Investigations into resting-state connectivity using independent component analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 360(1457), 1001-1013.

5. Fransson, P., Skiöld, B., Horsch, S., Nordell, A., Blennow, M., Lagercrantz, H., & Åden, U. (2007). Resting-state networks in the infant brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(39), 15531-15536.


Figure 1. Observed RSN's from Multi-session temporal concatenation of Control and CHD groups. Both groups exhibited certain RSNs (Top and Middle rows). However certain RSNs were only observed in Controls.

Figure 2. ICA from Controls exhibited more complex activation pattern involving both subcortical and cortical regions (Top row). The pattern of activation for CHDs were less complex and confined to cortical or subcortical regions. CHD ICA #27 shows subcortical cerebellar activation without activation in the cortical region. CHD ICA #5 and #23 demonstrate cortical activation without subcortical involvement. Note the lack of Salience Network, which was absent in all CHD ICAs.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)