Alex Cerjanic1,2, Ellen Grant3, Borjan Gagoski3, Marie Drottar3, Thea Francel3, Alana Matos3, Clarissa Carruthers3, Jonathan Litt4, Ryan Larsen2, and Bradley P Sutton1,2
1Bioengineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 2Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 3Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 4Beth Israel Deaconness, Boston, MA, United States
Diffusion weighted MRI was used on a
cohort of 5 neonates to quantify cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood volume
through the intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) model. Data at two time points,
approximately 2 weeks and 14 weeks, were obtained. The obtained pseudodiffusion
coefficient and the perfusion fractions were examined across white matter, gray
matter, and the basal ganglia for all subjects. A significant longitudinal decrease
in the perfusion fraction (-1.12%) was noted in the white matter between 2 and
14 weeks while the static diffusion coefficient of tissue decreased for all
tissue classes between those time points. Introduction
Measuring changes in neonatal cerebral blood flow (CBF) and microvessel density are critical tools for studying neurodevelopment. Post-mortem studies have shown changes in microvessel density over the first two years of life1, but are difficult to measure. Existing noninvasive measurement techniques for neonatal CBF and volume (CBV) include arterial spin labeling (ASL)2. ASL suffers from difficulty in obtaining white matter (WM), gray matter (GM) and basal ganglia (BG) relative CBF measurements in the same acquisition without measuring transit delays and re-tuning acquisition parameters3.
The intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) model provides a way to noninvasively characterize microvascular blood volume and flow in the brain with diffusion weighted MRI (dMRI)4. Compared to other methods for measuring blood flow in the brain, such as ASL, IVIM can characterize both blood volume, through the perfusion fraction, f, and flow, by the pseudodiffusion coefficient, D*, while modeling tissue through the diffusion coefficient, D.
S=S0[f exp(−bD∗)+(1−f) exp(−bD)]
As IVIM is based on the motion of blood in vessels rather than bulk transfer of blood like ASL, it is suggested that IVIM reflects microvessel geometry and volume as well as flow4,5.
In addition, IVIM is applied by fitting images from dMRI techniques, and thus can leverage advanced acquisition techniques that are available on clinical scanners, such as simultaneous multislice (SMS) acquisitions. Furthermore, acquisition can be integrated into protocols for diffusion tensor imaging sequences with very minor protocol modifications.
A cohort of 12 healthy volunteer
infants were scanned at 2 and 14 weeks post-natal in compliance with IRB
guidelines with written and signed informed consent. An SMS sequence was used
to acquire dMRI images with TE = 104ms, TR = 3.4s, FA = 90, and 2mm isotropic
resolution with multiband factor 2
6. 5 subjects were included after discarding
7 subjects for excessive motion. Time point 1 (TP1) scans occurred at (25.2 +/-
7.8) days and time point 2 (TP2) scans occurred at (99 +/- 12.7) days. Seven b-values
were acquired between .5- 700 s/mm2 with gradient direction
<1,1,1> in 33s. The IVIM model was fitted using a biexponential model with
a maximum penalized likelihood estimation cost function
7 minimized in MATLAB R2015a.
Brain extracted images and subject specific atlases with WM, GM and BG labels
were made longitudinally over both time points from fractional anisotropy data,
T1-weighted, and T2-weighted scans using iBEAT
8-10 and BET
11. IVIM parameters
were averaged inside of each tissue class to ensure normality for statistical
Perfusion fraction, pseudodiffusion
coefficient and diffusion coefficient maps
were estimated for each subject and each time point. In addition, fD* maps were
calculated from the product of f and D* maps
to evaluate the blood flow. Figure 1 shows representative maps for the two time
points from a single subject.
Pairwise t-tests were performed to
assess longitudinal changes in the IVIM parameters for the different tissue
classes across both time points (Minitab Ver. 17) as listed in Figure 2. A
significant decrease (p<.05) (1.12%) was observed in f between TP1 and TP2
in WM but not GM nor BG. Significant changes (p<.01) were found in the D in all
three tissue classes between TP1 and TP2. Significant changes were not seen in
the D* coefficient for WM, GM, or BG. Separately, one-way ANOVA tests were run
to detect differences between tissue classes inside of each time point and
shown in table form in Figure 2 and graphically in Figure 3.
Discussion and Conclusion
The longitudinal decrease observed in
perfusion fraction in WM may be associated with the microvessel density in the
WM dominating over the GM at 40 weeks gestation as compared to developmental
trend of GM microvessel density dominating at two years1. Higher blood flow, as
reflected by fD*, was seen in GM vs WM although significant longitudinal
changes were not seen in this study. The BG showed an intermediate level of
blood flow that agrees with another study examining ASL perfusion measures on
Near significant longitudinal changes
in the flow related parameters fD* and D* were observed in the subjects
suggesting a follow up study with more subjects may be warranted. IVIM is a feasible
measure of perfusion in neonates in a very short scan time, with the caveat
that sensitivity to motion corruption is high, as with all blood flow imaging. Increasing
the number of b-values acquired or incorporating repeated measures may lead to
a higher success rate through increased redundancy by rejecting motion corrupted
volumes while obtaining acceptable data fits.
This work was supported by the
Center for Nutrition Learning and Memory at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign and Abbott Laboratories and NIH R01EB018107. References
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