Corpus callosum morphology and microstructure in late-life depression
Louise Emsell1,2, Christopher Adamson3, Filip Bouckaert1, Thibo Billiet2, Daan Christiaens4, Francois-Laurent De Winter1, Marc Seal3, Pascal Sienaert1, Stefan Sunaert2, and Mathieu Vandenbulcke1

1UPC-KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2Translational MRI, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 3Developmental Imaging, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia, 4ESAT/PSI, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium


Differences in corpus callosum (CC) morphology and microstructure have been implicated in late-life depression (LLD), however it is not clear to what extent microstructural alterations result from partial volume effects arising from macrostructural differences. Here we combined T1 morphological measures (thickness and area) with multiple diffusion MRI measures (fractional anisotropy, radial diffusivity and apparent fibre density (AFD)) to investigate the mid-sagittal CC in 51 patients with LLD and 52 healthy controls. LLD was associated with subtle, independent regional macro- (reduced area) and microstructural (reduced AFD) differences in the corpus callosum, unrelated to depression subtype or illness severity.


Differences in corpus callosum (CC) morphology1 and microstructure2 have been implicated in late-life depression, however the relationship between macrostructure and microstructure is rarely investigated in the same region using complementary techniques. This is necessary to disentangle genuine microstructural alterations from partial volume effects arising from macrostructural differences3. In this study we used T1 anatomical information in combination with two different diffusion MRI techniques to investigate CC structure in late-life depression.


3T (Philips) 3DTFE T1 MRI data were collected from 51 currently depressed patients with late-life depression and 52 healthy controls (voxel-size 0.98 x 0.98 x 1.2mm); diffusion MRI (dMRI) data were obtained on a subset of 45 patients and 32 controls (b800mm/s2, 45 directions, voxel-size 2.2 x 2.2 x 2.2mm). The CC mid-sagittal slice was defined in each subject's native T1 image using an automated pipeline4 and parcellated into eight callosal sub-regions: rostrum, genu, body (anterior, mid and posterior), isthmus, splenium (ventral and dorsal) (fig 1). The T1 and dMRI data were diffeomorphically coregistered using ANTS and all measurements were obtained in T1 space. The following parameters were obtained from the whole CC and each subcallosal region for group comparison: thickness and area, estimated using Adamson et al4; fractional anisotropy (FA) and radial diffusivity (RD), estimated following motion and distortion correction using ExploreDTI5; and apparent fibre density (AFD)6 using MRTrix7. AFD was calculated following bias correction; WM and CSF response functions were calculated in all controls in single fibre and pure CSF masks, then averaged. Multi-tissue CSD8 with average WM and CSF responses was performed on all subjects. AFD was calculated as the integral across the entire sphere and intensity normalised using the median b0 obtained from a whole brain mask. MANCOVA analyses were used to identify group differences in each parameter, with diagnosis as fixed factor and age and total intracranial volume (tiv) as covariates. Exploratory ANCOVA analyses were used to assess main effects of late depression onset, psychosis and white matter hyperintensity (WMH) lesion load (estimated using9). Bonferroni adjusted p-values were deemed significant at p<0.05


There were no group differences with respect to age (t=-0.920,p=0.360), gender (χ2=0.095, p=0.830), tiv (t=0.166,p=0.0889), or WMH lesion load (t=-1.253,p=0.213). We detected a decrease in area in the mid- F=4.915,p=0.029, η2=0.047 and posterior body (F=4.977,p=0.028, η2=0.048), but no differences in mean thickness between patients and controls in any region (table 1). There were no regional differences in FA or RD, whereas mean AFD was significantly decreased in patients across the whole CC (median AFD, F=4.40,p=0.039,η2=0.058), CC body (F=<5.849,p<0.022,η2>0.073) and ventral splenium (F=5.767,p=0.019, η2=0.077) (table 1, figure 2). There were no associations between callosal area or AFD and the presence of psychotic features, late-onset of depression or depression severity (MADRS).


In this study we found that corpus callosum macrostructure was largely preserved, with only regional area reduction in the mid and posterior callosal body in late-life depression. This is line with other studies1. There was some evidence of microstructural alterations throughout the CC, particularly in the callosal body and ventral splenium, and that AFD was more sensitive than DTI metrics for detecting these differences. This is in contrast to other studies which detected reduced FA in patients2. As we did not detect significant differences in thickness or DTI measures, it remains plausible that in other studies, changes in DTI measures are enhanced by macrostructural partial volume effects3. The lack of group differences in WMH and a lack of association between WMH or late onset of depression and CC measures suggests that different kinds of white matter pathology may independently contribute to late life depression.


Late-life depression is associated with subtle, independent macro and microstructural changes in the corpus callosum, which are unrelated to depression subtype or illness severity. Combining anatomical and diffusion data provides greater insight into structural MRI changes than using either technique in isolation


The authors would like to thank all study participants for their invaluable contribution to this work; Kristof Vansteelandt for providing statistical advice and Donald Tournier for providing advice relating to AFD.


1. Cyprien et al, Corpus callosum size may predict late-life depression in women: a 10-year follow-up study, J Affect Disord. 2014 Aug;165:16-23

2. Reppermund et al, White matter integrity and late-life depression in community-dwelling individuals: diffusion tensor imaging study using tract-based spatial statistics, Br J Psychiatry. 2014 Oct;205(4):315-20

3. Vos et al, Partial volume effect as a hidden covariate in DTI analyses, Neuroimage. 2011 Apr 15;55(4):1566-76

4. Adamson et al, Software pipeline for midsagittal corpus callosum thickness profile processing : automated segmentation, manual editor, thickness profile generator, group-wise statistical comparison and results display Neuroinformatics. 2014 Oct;12(4):595-614

5. Leemans et al, ExploreDTI: a graphical toolbox for processing, analyzing, and visualizing diffusion MR data. In: 17th Annual Meeting of Intl Soc Mag Reson Med, p. 3537, Hawaii, USA, 2009

6 Raffelt et al, Apparent Fibre Density: a novel measure for the analysis of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images, Neuroimage. 2012 Feb 15;59(4):3976-94.

7. Tournier, J-D, Brain Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia,

8. Jeurissen et al, Multi-tissue constrained spherical deconvolution for improved analysis of multi-shell diffusion MRI data. Neuroimage. 2014 Dec;103:411-26

9. Jain et al, 2015, Automatic segmentation and volumetry of multiple sclerosis brain lesions from MR images, Neuroimage Clin. 2015 May 16;8:367-7


Fig.1 Mid-sagittal corpus callosum parcellation scheme

Table 1. CC structural differences between patients and controls. p-values derived from MANCOVA.*denotes pcorr<0.05

Fig 2. Differences in AFD between patients and controls. *pcorr<0.05

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)