In this study, we performed intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MRI in 25 patients with histologically proven gliomas, and compared the intravascular fraction f with the cerebral blood volume derived from dynamic susceptibility-contrast (DSC) MRI (CBVDSC). Results showed that f was able to differentiate contrast-enhanced glioma from peritumoral edema by detecting elevated vascularity. Cross-modal comparison indicated that f correlated better with contrast-leakage-corrected CBVDSC than uncorrected value.Introduction
The ability to
differentiate solid tumor from peritumoral edema is of clinical importance (e.g.,
for surgical planning and therapeutic assessment). When there is progression or recurrence, elevated vascularity is usually observed, particularly in
contrast-enhanced tumor, and has been assessed with cerebral blood volume (CBV)
as measured by dynamic susceptibility-contrast (DSC) MRI
Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MRI is a contrast-material-free alternative
for CBV measurement
2, but few studies had examined its performance
in brain tumor
3,4. Here we performed IVIM MRI in a group of glioma patients
and compared the intravascular fraction
f (a parameter directly proportional to
CBV) with DSC-MRI-derived CBV (CBV
Materials and Methods
The institutional review board approved
this study. Twenty-five patients with histologically proven brain gliomas were included.
Tumors that had been treated were included if they showed definitive signs of
residual or recurrent tumor at conventional MR imaging. Written informed
consent was obtained from each participant beforehand.
MR imaging was performed on a 3T clinical system
(Tim Trio, Siemens). Diffusion-weighted imaging was based on a single-shot
twice-refocused spin-echo echo-planar readout: TR = 3.8 s, TE = 94 ms,
field-of-view = 20 cm,
in-plane matrix = 98x98, GRAPPA acceleration factor = 3, 18 slices, slice
thickness = 4 mm, b-value
= 0, 400, 600, 850, 1200, 1700 s/mm2, 8 repetitions after 1 dummy
scan. Diffusion encoding was applied along three orthogonal directions in
separate series. DSC imaging was performed after intravenous injection of 0.1
mmol/kg bodyweight Gd-DTPA followed by 15-ml saline flush (TR = 1 s, TE = 25 ms,
120 measurements).
Echo-planar images were corrected for head motion. On a voxel-wise basis, f was estimated by fitting the multi-b-value
data with a previously described model 5
in which pseudo-diffusion coefficient was dropped considering
its low precision. The contrast leakage effect on CBVDSC was remedied
with a method described by Boxerman et al 6. Contrast-enhanced tumor,
peritumoral edema, and normal-appearing white matter were defined by two raters
independently on conventional images, and overlapped areas were used as the
final regions of interest. The ability of f in identifying contrast-enhanced
tumor was assessed by repeated-measures analysis of variance and the area under
the curve (AUC) derived from receiver operating characteristic analysis. A
p-value < 0.05 was considered significant.
1 demonstrates the typical observation that unaccounted contrast extravasation
causes CBV
DSC miscalculation. In a lot of the voxels enhanced in the
post-contrast T1-weighted image, the concentration-time curve undershoots the baseline
after the passage of contrast agent, leading to underestimation in CBV
(sometimes even negative CBV). By contrast,
is able to measure blood volume regardless of the integrity of
blood-brain-barrier. Figure 2 shows the group comparison between
f and CBV
DSC in glioma
patients. Negative CBV
DSC is found in several
contrast-enhanced tumors as well as some peritumoral areas when contrast
leakage is not accounted for. After correction, negative CBV
cases notably decrease and the correlation between
f and CBV
DSC increases (Pearson’s r = 0.61 as opposed to
0.40 with uncorrected CBV
DSC). Repeated-measures analysis of
variance revealed significant
f difference among areas (peritumoral edema,
contrast-enhanced tumor, and normal-appearing white matter): Greenhouse-Geisser
F(1.654, 39.688) = 17.666, p < 10
-3. Post hoc analysis further indicated that
f is lowest in peritumoral edema but there is no statistical difference
between normal-appearing white matter and contrast-enhanced tumor. The AUC for
differentiating contrast-enhanced tumor from peritumoral edema is 0.766 (p <
-3) with
f and 0.804 (p < 10
-3) with corrected CBV
but there is no statistical difference between the two parameters (p = 0.62).
Discussion and Conclusion
between f and CBVDSC has
been previously reported in healthy volunteers 7,8. In this study, we further demonstrate that f correlates with CBVDSC in brain glioma. However, the two measures have inherent differences that should be noted. First, f measures blood volume without contrast delivery and is thus less susceptible to alterations in capillary permeability. CBVDSC originally works on a basis of intravascular tracer and demands correction when contrast leakage is present. The correction method 6 we adopted is computationally robust but its underlying assumptions (small leakage and homogeneous mean transit time) may not be always valid. Second, f is defined as the intravascular volume fraction of the protons that are moving or flowing in a random pattern and detectable by MR imaging. Thus, f is normally greater than CBVDSC, particularly when partial volume is present with large vessels that are not randomly organized.
In conclusion, IVIM-derived f is able to differentiate contrast-enhanced glioma from peritumoral edema by detecting increased vascularity.
work was supported by Taiwan National Science Council (grants:
102-2221-E-002-219, 103-2420-H-002-006-MY2, and 104-2221-E-002-088).References
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