Ka Hei Lok1, Lin Shi2,3, Queenie Chan4, and Defeng Wang5,6
1Department of Imaging and Intenvntional Radiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, Hong Kong, 2Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, Hong Kong, 3Chow Yuk Ho Technology Centre for Innovative Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, Hong Kong, 4Philips Healthcare, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 5Research Center for Medical Image Computing, Department of Imaging and Intenvntional Radiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, Hong Kong, 6Shenzhen Research Institute, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China, People's Republic of
Brain tumours are the second commonest form of
childhood malignancy while medulloblastoma is the most common brain tumor in children. Accurate Segmentation of medulloblastoma is necessary for maximum tumor
surgical removal. We proposed a novel method to segment medulloblastoma by modifying
signed pressure function (SPF) function in Gaussians Filtering Regularized
Level Set (SBGRLS) method. Quantitative validation is performed in this
project. The method is proved to be clinical-oriented which is fast, robust,
accurate with minimal user interaction.Introduction
Medulloblastoma is a primary, malignant,
high grade brain tumor. It is the most common brain tumor in children. About
20% of childhood brain tumors are medulloblastomas. The patients with this
disease have to be treated by maximum tumor surgical removal [1]. Accurate
segmentation is necessary for this surgery. However, Manual segmentation of medulloblastoma
from magnetic resonance images is a time-consuming task. We proposed a novel
method for the segmentation of medulloblastoma with minimal user interaction.
Medulloblastoma can be seen clearly in T2
image. It shows heterogeneous due to calcification, necrosis and cyst
formation. Overall tumor region is isointensity with grey matter.
Selective Gaussians Filtering Regularized
Level Set (SBGRLS) method is first proposed by Zhang [2]. It combines the
merits of Chan-Vese model and Geodesic Active Contour model (GAC), which
utilizes the global intensity information to construct a singed pressure force
(SPF). It modulates the signs of the pressure forces inside and outside the
region of interest so that the contour shrinks when outside the object, or
expands when inside the contour. It has advantage to efficiently stop the
contours at weak or blurred edges, and does not require a prior. However, it is
hard to deal with inhomogeneous gray intensity and sensitive to the initial
contour. In our modified SBGFRLS, we modified the SPF function by using a
kernel of intensity information to overcome the inhomogeneous problem. With
addition of brain mask into SPF function, the SPF function can ignore non-brain
structures which help increasing the flexibility in ROI setting. The modified
level set equation (ϕ) is defined as: ∂ϕ∂t=spf(I′(x))⋅α|▽ϕ| where I’(x) is local mean
intensity inside a small kernel and α is constant propulsion term.
New spf function is defined as: spf(I′(x))=I′(x)−c1+c22max(I′(x)−c1+c22)
c1 is the mean intensity value inside brain
mask inside contour boundary and c2 is the mean intensity value inside brain
mask outside contour boundary, and is defined as: c1=∫ωI(x)⋅H(ϕ)⋅B(x)dxH(ϕ)⋅B(x)dx and
c2=∫ωI(x)⋅(1−H(ϕ))⋅B(x)dx(1−H(ϕ))⋅B(x)dx, where B(x) is binary brain mask and
H(ϕ) is aHeaviside function.
A patient with medulloblastoma was selected
to be study cohort. T2 image was acquired by 1.5T MRI (Ingenia, Philips Medical
Systems) with the following parameters: TR=6046ms, TE=100ms, dimension=672x672x30,
spacing= 0.342x0.342x5.5. T2 image is obtained in DICOM format.
method consists of five main parts. (1) Brain extraction was first done on the
T2 image using BET module of FMRIB Software Library (FSL, Analysis Group,
FMRIB, Oxford, UK), which show the most promising result. (2) ROI with tumor
was manually cropped to reduce the computational cost. (3) Then, locally
ultra-hyperintensity value was normalized in reference with cropped image. (4)
The preprocessed image was then segmented by the modified SBGFRLS method. The
initial contour is set automatically in the middle of the ROI. (5) Final
segmentation was obtained by applying hole filling operation on the binary
image after the SBGRLS algorithm as some regions with inhomogenous intensity will
be too big for the algorithm to be segmented out.
In our experiment, we choose propulsion
term as 20 and kernel size as 3x3x3. The contour converges in 30 iteration. The
result segmented by our method agrees well with the result of manual segmentation
(ground truth). Our method yield a segmentation result with dice similarity
coefficient of 92%.
Computation time for our proposed method is
between 60 and 100s on a single CPU running at 2.70 GHz. Computation time
mainly depends on the size of image dataset and the region of interest. Comparing
with SBGFRLS algorithm and our proposed method, our proposed give more accurate
result. As SPGFRLS depends on the difference in global average mean intensity
between inside and outside of contour. With improper initialization, SBGFRLS
algorithm is easily trapped into the ultra-hyper density region while our
method does not have this initialization problem, no matter initialize on the
region of necrosis, calcification or cyst formation. Our method is more robust
in contour initialization. Moreover, our method gives a smoother edge in the boundary
of the tumor.
We presented that our method perform well
to segment medulloblastoma with definition of ROI only. This algorithm is a
clinical-oriented method which is fast, robust, accurate and little user
interaction to segment medulloblastom. This method can still be improved to further
segment the region of necrosis, calcification and cyst formation.
The work described in this paper was
supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region, China (Project No.: CUHK 14113214), a grant from The Science, Technology and Innovation Commission of Shenzhen Municipality (Project
No. CXZZ20140606164105361).References
[1] Frank Gaillard. Medulloblastoma |
Radiology Reference Article | Radiopaedia.org. Radiopaedia.org. http://radiopaedia.org/articles/medulloblastoma.
Accessed June 3, 2015
[2] Zhang K, Zhang L, Song H, et al.
Active contours with selective local or global segmentation: a new formulation
and level set method. Image and Vision computing, 2010, 28(4): 668-676.