Patrick Borchert1, Lasse Dührsen2, Div S. Bolar3, Nils-Ole Schmidt2, Jan-Hendrik Buhk1, Jens Fiehler1, and Jan Sedlacik1
1Neuroradiology, UKE, Hamburg, Germany, 2Neurosurgery, UKE, Hamburg, Germany, 3Martinos Center, MGH, Boston, MA, United States
QUIXOTIC method was tested in conjunction with ASL to map tumor
oxygen metabolism in glioma patients. A higher oxygen extraction
fraction was found for low grade gliomas, whereas lower cerebral
blood flow was found for high grade gliomas. Both parameters were
stable in healthy gray matter. These findings suggest, that the
QUIXOTIC method is able to map tumor oxygen metabolism in conjunction
with ASL. Furthermore, these findings may suggest, that low grade
gliomas may maintain a more aerobic metabolism than high grade
gliomas and that the uncontrolled tumor angiogenesis of high grade
gliomas may cause hindered tumor perfusion.Introduction
hypoxia makes tumors more aggressive and therapy resistant
characterizing blood supply and oxygen consumption may be a crucial
information for therapy planning and outcome prediction. While the
mapping of blood perfusion by arterial spin labeling (ASL) is an
established and proven method, the mapping of oxygen consumption by
MRI remains challenging. However, a new promising method:
QUantitative Imaging of eXtraction of oxygen and TIssue consumption
(QUIXOTIC) may be able to allow for robust and reliable oxygen
consumption mapping. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to test
the ability of the QUIXOTIC method to map the tumor oxygen
consumption in conjunction with ASL in glioma patients.
and Methods
14 patients, 6 with high grade and 8 with low grade preoperative
gliomas, were scanned at 3T. Fluid attenuated inversion recovery
(FLAIR) images were used to define the tumor and gray matter control
region of interest (ROI). Pseudo continuous arterial spin labeling3
(pCASL) was used to map cerebral blood flow (CBF) and the QUIXOTIC
method to map the oxygen extraction fraction (OEF). After
co-registering FLAIR, pCASL and QUIXOTIC images using MeVisLab
(MeVis Medical
Solutions AG, Bremen, Germany)
maps of cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2)
were calculated simply by CMRO2=CBF·OEF·Hct, with Hct denoting the hematocrit. The hematocrit
was determined for each subject by a blood sample prior to MRI.
Further post-processing and statistical analysis was done using in
house written software in Matlab and R. To account for tumor
heterogeneity, only voxels with the highest 10% of the measured
(high-)OEF/CBF values and their corresponding (corr-)CBF/OEF values
were averaged and analyzed, respectively. All subjects gave written
informed consent to the study, which was approved by the local ethics
maps reveal strong tumor heterogeneity with high variation in OEF,
CBF and CMRO2 (Fig.1). OEF measurements may be hampered
and were excluded from analysis in regions with low perfusion signal,
i.e. white matter, tumor edema and necrosis, since the QUIXOTIC
method needs a sufficient amount of spins flowing from the capillary
bed into veins. Higher high-OEF was found for high and low grade
gliomas compared to GM control with the corresponding corr-CBF
similar for both glioma grades and GM control (Fig.2). High-CBF was
lower for high grade gliomas compared to low grade gliomas and GM
control, whereas corr-OEF was lower for both glioma grades compared
to GM control (Fig.3). All parameters were reasonably stable for GM
control and showed lower variability as compared to the gliomas. Due
to the low number of subjects and high inter subject variability of
OEF and CBF values, no observed trend was statistically significant.
P-values were about 0.15 using the Mann-Whitney U test.
and Outlook
observed trends of lower corr-CBF with high-OEF and lower corr-OEF
with high-CBF are physiologically reasonable, especially for the GM
control where a stable and homogeneous CMRO2
is a valid assumption. The high high-OEF also found for low grade
gliomas is very interesting, since it suggests, that even low grade
gliomas may possess hypoxic regions, which are difficult to detected
with other blood oxygenation sensitive MRI methods
Furthermore, the lower high-CBF of high grade gliomas suggests, that
the proliferating tumor angiogenesis may cause hindered tumor
perfusion. Additionally, the lower corr-OEF of both tumor grades as
compared to GM control suggests that tumor cells are not able to
utilize the oxygen oversupply in high perfusion areas. In summary,
all these findings suggest that the QUIXOTIC method, in conjunction
with pCASL perfusion measurements, is able to map tumor oxygen
metabolism. We will continue to enroll patients into the study to
reach statistical significance of the observed trends and we will
include more parameters, i.e. contrast enhancement, blood volume and
diffusion, in our future analysis to improve tumor characterization
and to better cross validate the observed effects.
wish to thank the German Research Foundation (DFG) for supporting
grants (SE 2052/1-1 and Schm 1631/3-1).References
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