Kim Sang Min1 and Kwon Hye Yin1
1Pungnap 2-dong, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
A study on alternative to vitamin C Juice in sialography MRI.Background & Purpose:
MR sialography is an effective and a non-invasive method in imaging salivary gland ducts, demonstrating the presence, location and degree of stricture/dilatation. However, drinking Vitamin C juice inevitably leads to position change resulting in additional time. Therefore, We demonstrate usefulness of solid type stimulator in MR Sialography to improve diagnostic efficiency.
Materials and methods
MR Sialography was performed in ten healthy volunteers ranging between age from 26 to 40 years, who had no history of salivary gland disease. We used a 3.0-T Magnetom Skyra MR system with a 64 channel head coil. Images were obtained in the axial plane with a HASTE(Half Fourier Acquisition Single Shot Turbo Spin Echo) sequence(TR/TE :1330/155 ms, NEX:4, Matrix:256×256, FOV:180×120mm, Slice thickness/gap: 1.5/0 mm and Acquisition time: 1 min 46 sec. SPAIR(SPectral Attenuated Inversion Recovery) suppressed signals from subcutaneous fat. We sorted the subjects into two groups as follows. Group A stimulated with Juice and group B stimulated with vitamin C. Juice and One Vitamin C tablet were given to Group A and B respectively, to increase the salivary secretion. All volunteers were examined before and after Vitamin C stimulation. ROI were drawn within both parotid glands to measure mean signal intensity of salivary duct using Image J. Means were compared using independent two-sample t-test to evaluate whether the means of two independent populations differ by a specific amount.
The mean±SD signal intensity of parotid ducts in each group were 55.40±24.02 and 61.80±23.57 respectively. P-value for the t-test was 0.682. As a result, there was no statistically significant difference between the groups.(p>0.05)
There are disadvantages of existing examination using liquid stimulator such as position change and additional scan time. In conclusion, solid type stimulator is an efficient tool for diagnosis and examination in MR Sialography without changing patient position.
No acknowledgement found.References
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