Lesion Distribution Probability in Japanese Macaque Encephalomyelitis: A Comparison to Human Demyelinating Diseases
Ian Tagge1, Steven Kohama2, Dennis Bourdette3, Randy Woltjer3, Scott Wong2, and William Rooney1

1Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, United States, 2Oregon National Primate Research Center, Oregon Health & Science University, Beaverton, OR, United States, 3Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, United States


Japanese Macaque Encephalomyelitis bears marked clinical and pathological similarities to multiple sclerosis (MS), acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), and neuromyelitis optica. Here, we describe lesion topography typical of JME. This represents an important step in not only understanding this disease, but also in making meaningful comparisons to human demyelinating diseases. Animals most commonly presented with lesions in the cerebellum, followed by the brainstem, internal capsule, and upper cervical spinal cord, most similarly to pediatric MS or ADEM. JME is a novel and exciting non-human primate model of MS-like disease that may help elucidate pathomechanisms of human disease.


A spontaneous non-human primate demyelinating disease, Japanese Macaque Encephalomyelitis (JME), has recently been described.1–5 JME bears marked clinical and pathological similarities to multiple sclerosis (MS), acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), and neuromyelitis optica (NMO). To date, JME is the only known naturally-occuring MS-like disease in non-human primates. Here, we describe topography of gadolinium based contrast agent (GBCA) enhancing lesions typical in JME, presented in a lesion distribution probability map based on 21 cases of acute JME. This represents an important step in not only understanding this disease, but also in making meaningful comparisons to human demyelinating diseases.


Twenty-one animals experiencing an acute episode of JME were identified and selected for MRI examination. All MRI data were acquired on a whole-body Siemens 3 Tesla (T) MRI instrument (Erlangen, Germany) using a quadrature radiofrequency (RF) coil with inner diameter of 15 cm. Animals were initially sedated with Telazol, intubated and maintained on 1% isoflurane in 100% O2 and were continuously monitored by pulse oximetry, respiration, and end tidal CO2 levels during the study. Quantitative R1 (≡1/T1) mapping was performed with a multiple-inversion recovery experiment employing 3D T1-weighted magnetic prepared rapid acquisition gradient echo (MPRAGE) sequence (TR: 2500 ms; TE: 3.49 ms; FA: 8°; FOV 130 mm x 97.5 mm x 96 mm, matrix: 192x144x96; TI: 200, 900, 2000ms, no inversion). R1 maps were acquired before and 6 minutes after bolus injection of 0.2mmol (gadoteridol)/kg GBCA). Difference maps were created (=R1post-CA – R1pre-CA) and used to manually identify lesions. Only acute (defined as GBCA-enhancing) lesions were considered in this analysis. R1 maps from 6 healthy Japanese macaques were nonlinearly coregistered and then averaged to create a common reference space for analysis. Lesion masks were created manually for each JME case based on the R1 difference maps; R1 maps were coregistered to the reference image, and lesion masks were transformed accordingly. Binarized lesion masks in the reference space were then summed to create the final lesion distribution probability map shown in Figure 1.


A total of 100 GBCA-enhancing white matter lesions were identified in 21 Japanese macaques (median 4 lesions/animal, range 2-11) presenting with clinical symptoms typical of JME: ataxia, paresis, or optic involvement. The median age was 2 years [range 0.3-26 years] and 43% were female. Animals most commonly presented with lesions in the cerebellum (including peduncles, CBLL; n=18; 86% of animals), followed by the brainstem (n=11; 52%), internal capsule (IC; n=8; 38%), and upper cervical spinal cord (SC; n=5; 24%), as demonstrated in Figure 2. Overall lesion load across the population was greatest in the cerebellum (n=55 lesions), followed by the IC (n=14), brainstem (n=11), and SC (n=7). Lesions were also identified in the corpus callosum (CC), cerebral white matter (CWM), and periventricular white matter (PVWM). CBLL lesions were most frequent near the midline. Lesions were often observed bilaterally within cases, and demonstrated equal bilateral probability across all animals studied.


Lesion morphology and distribution are important in obtaining correct differential diagnosis in demyelinating disease.6 This work describes GBCA-enhancing lesion distribution typical of JME, a novel spontaneous demyelinating disease in non-human primates. Brainstem and SC lesions are found medially, suggesting a transverse myelitis as seen in ADEM and NMO, and laterally as seen in MS. CWM lesions are often sub- or juxtacortical; making distinctions between PVWM and CWM can be challenging due small brain size and close proximity of structures. Indeed, a juxtacortical WM lesion could be simultaneously classified as periventricular. However, these are both typical of MS, so the absolute distinction here may be of limited importance. Lack of optical tract involvement or longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis in this cohort suggests dissimilarity to NMO.7 Based on GBCA enhancing lesion distribution alone, JME appears most similar to MS or ADEM. Additionally, pediatric MS patients often have higher infratentorial lesion load and are more capable of completely resolving acute lesions compared to adult MS.8 High infratentorial lesion load found in JME, and the ability for near complete acute lesion resolution in some cases5 suggests JME may be more similar to pediatric than adult MS. JME commonly occurs in animals prior to sexual maturity (72% of this cohort). Image coregistration across the population was imperfect, so this map serves primarily for illustrative purposes rather than precise quantification. Additional characterization of disease natural history, T2 lesion distribution, and CSF assays will be necessary before confident comparisons can be made with human disease. JME is a novel and promising non-human primate model of inflammatory and demyelinating disease with potential applications in understanding MS and MS-like diseases.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Rooney, W. D. et al. MRI Estimation of Sub-Clinical Disease in Japanese Macaque Encephalomyelitis. in Proc Int Soc Magn Reson Med 17, 6973 (2009).

2. Axthelm, M. K. et al. Japanese macaque encephalomyelitis: a spontaneous multiple sclerosis-like disease in a nonhuman primate. Ann. Neurol. 70, 362–73 (2011).

3. Estep, R. D., Hansen, S. G., Rogers, K. S., Axthelm, M. K. & Wong, S. W. Genomic Characterization of Japanese Macaque Rhadinovirus , a Novel Herpesvirus Isolated from a Nonhuman Primate with a Spontaneous Inflammatory Demyelinating Disease. J. Virol. 87, 512–23 (2013).

4. Tagge, I. J. et al. Vascular Expansion and Blood-Brain-Barrier Permeability: A Comparative Volumetric Study in Acute Japanese Macaque Encephalomyelitis. in Proc Int Soc Magn Reson Med 23, 4331 (2015).

5. Tagge, I. et al. Blood-Brain-Barrier Permeability and Lesion Volume Changes in Acute Japanese Macaque Encephalomyelitis. Proc Int Soc Magn Reson Med 23, 0238 (2015).

6. Polman, C. H. et al. Diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis: 2010 revisions to the McDonald criteria. Ann Neurol 69, 292–302 (2011).

7. Wingerchuk, D. M. et al. International consensus diagnostic criteria for neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders. Neurology 0, (2015).

8. Ghassemi, R. et al. Quantitative determination of regional lesion volume and distribution in children and adults with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. PLoS One 9, e85741 (2014).


Lesion distribution probability map overlaid on healthy control reference R1 map. Colors indicate probability of lesion occurence (red: high probability; blue: low probability).

Number of animals exhibiting lesions in a specific structure: cerebellum (CBLL), internal capsule (IC), brainstem, periventricular white matter (PVWM), cerebral white matter (CWM), corpus callosum (CC), upper cervical spinal cord (SC).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)