Tobias Granberg1,2,3,4, Russell Ouellette1,2, Constantina Andrada Treaba1,2, Celine Louapre1,2, Sindhuja T Govindarajan1,2, Costanza Giannì1,2, Elena Herranz1,2, Revere P Kinkel5, and Caterina Mainero1,2
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 4Department of Radiology, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 5Department of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego, CA, United States
matter pathology contributes to disability in multiple sclerosis (MS), but in
vivo sensitivity for cortical lesions is low with conventional MRI. The
role of cortical pathology in the dynamic atrophy processes in MS is,
therefore, uncertain. Using 7T MRI and longitudinal 3T imaging (mean follow-up
1.9 years), we showed, in a small MS cohort, that cortical lesion volumes at
follow-up correlated with cortical thinning in areas known to be predilection
sites for cortical demyelination in MS, while thalamic atrophy was more strongly
associated with white matter lesions. No effect of cortical lesions was found on
corpus callosal atrophy. Purpose
Cortical pathology is an early event in
the course of multiple sclerosis (MS) and an important contributor to physical
disability and cognitive impairment.1,2 The sensitivity for cortical MS lesions
in vivo, although limited at conventional magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), is improved at ultra-high field strengths.3,4 Cortical lesions are
associated with lower grey matter volumes, and cortical lesions detected at 3T
are an independent predictor of whole-brain grey matter atrophy and
accumulation of physical disability.2 It remains unknown, however, if
cortical lesions are longitudinally correlated with cortical thinning and
atrophy of strategic landmarks in MS, the thalami and corpus callosum that are
known to be markedly influenced by MS pathology from the very early disease
stages, and well-correlated with disability.5-7
We present initial findings, in a small
and heterogeneous MS cohort, aimed at assessing whether higher rates of atrophy
within and outside the cortex (corpus callosum, thalami) were associated with
cross-sectional 7T estimates of cortical MS lesion volumes at follow-up. We
further investigated the role of white matter (WM) lesions on these structural
Participants: This
longitudinal cohort study consisted of 16 MS patients (10 females, 6 males;
median Expanded Disability Status Scale score 2.5; average age 41.8±10 years; mean
follow-up time 1.9±0.7 years) and 7 healthy matched controls (4 females, 3 males;
average age 38.1±9.0 years; mean follow-up time 1.8±0.6 years).
Image acquisition: Longitudinal
T1-weighted 3D multi-echo magnetization prepared rapid acquisition gradient
echo sequences (0.9x0.9x0.9 mm3,
flip angle 7°, TE=1.7/3.6/5.4/7.3,
TI=1200, TR=2530 ms) were acquired at 3T (Siemens Tim Trio scanners, 32-channel
head coil). A 7T scanner (32-channel head coil) was used to obtain T2*-weighted
spoiled gradient-echo images (0.33x0.33x1.0 mm3 resolution) at follow-up.
Image analysis: Cortical
lesions were manually segmented on T2*-weighted images using Slicer 4.8
Examples of cortical lesions are shown in Figure 1. Cortical thinning (mean
thickness averaged across hemispheres) and corpus callosum atrophy were
assessed using the longitudinal pipeline of FreeSurfer Initial anatomical
reconstructions with FreeSurfer were obtained in 12 patients for cortical
thickness measurements, and in 16 patients for corpus callosum volume
estimation. Thalamic and intracranial volumes (ICV) were segmented using
volBrain in all participants.10,11 All volumetric measurements were
normalized to ICV. Segmentation examples are seen in Figure 2. Time-dependent
changes were calculated as the symmetric annual percent change:
Statistical analyses: SPSS
22.0 was used for group comparisons (independent samples t-test) and partial
correlation analyses. An α-level of 0.05 (two-tailed, equal variances not
assumed) was considered statistically significant.
Cross-sectionally, there were no
significant differences between the groups, although MS patients tended to have
thinner cortices and lower tissue fractions of the corpus callosum and thalami
than controls. Longitudinally, however, corpus callosal atrophy was greater in
patients than in controls and the trend for thalamic atrophy became clearer.
Cortical thinning remained statistically insignificant (Table 1).
As detailed in Table 2, thalamic atrophy was
associated with WM lesions while there was a trend with cortical lesions. Only
cortical lesions were associated with cortical thinning. The association of
cortical lesions with cortical thinning remained robust after correcting for
the WM volume. The thinning related with cortical lesions mainly occurred in
the primary motor and sensory areas and the temporal lobes, illustrated in
Figure 3.
We report the exploratory association of
cortical lesions detected at ultra-high field strength with longitudinal
changes in cortical thickness and thalamic atrophy. Cortical thinning related
with cortical lesions, independent of WM pathology, were mainly found in primary
motor and sensory cortices, areas that have been shown to be affected by demyelination.
In contrast, thalamic atrophy was more dependent on WM than on cortical
lesions, suggesting that the neurodegenerative processes occurring in cortex
and deep GM may not share the same pathogenetic mechanisms. Neither WM nor
cortical lesions proved to be significantly correlated with callosal atrophy, possibly
due to a type II error related to the limited sample size.
Cortical MS lesions detected at
ultra-high-field MRI are associated with higher rates of cortical thinning but
not with corpus callosal atrophy. Thalamic atrophy was mainly associated with
WM lesions. Future studies will include larger sample size and will also
investigate the impact of cortical lesions on clinical changes over time.
This study was supported by the National MS Society
(NMSS 4281 RG-A), Stockholm City Council and Karolinska Institutet
(ALF-20120213). References
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