Correlation of transcallosal motor network resting state connectivity with motor performance after 12 months of Fingolimod treatment
Pallab K Bhattacharyya1, Robert Fox2, Jian Lin1, Ken Sakaie1, and Mark Lowe1

1Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clnic, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Neurological Institure, Cleveland Clnic, Cleveland, OH, United States


Resting state functional connectivity (fcMRI) between left and right primary motor cortices in MS patients on Fingolimod treatment was studied at baseline (just before the start of the treatment), 6 months and 12 months after start of treatment. Since such fcMRI metric has been previously reported to be reduced, changes in fcMRI over every 6 months interval were correlated with changes in clinical score as measured by 9 hole peg test duing the treatment course. A significant difference in the correlation was observed between dominant and non-dominant hand performance in between 6 and 12 months.


Fingolimod is an immunomodulatory oral drug, that has been found to be reduce the rate of relapses in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS)1. However, disease progression may occur despite effective control of inflammation. Functional imbalance in and between brain networks in patients have been reported in patients with MS2. Reduced right- and left-hemisphere primary motor cortex (M1) resting state functional connectivity (fcMRI) has been reported in MS3. In this study we investigated the correlation of change in fcMRI between left and right M1 with the change in timed 9 hole peg test (9-HPT) scores for both dominant and non-dominant hands, a test that is relevant to motor network.


Twenty subjects with relapsing remitting MS (RRMS) were scanned using a 3T whole body Siemens Tim Trio scanner (Erlangen, Germany) with an IRB approved protocol prior to, 6 months and 12 months after initiating Fingolimod treatment. fcMRI scan parameters were as follows: TR/TE=2800/29 ms, 31 slices, slice thickness 4 mm, no gap, 128×128 matrix, 256 mm × 256 mm FOV, bandwidth 1954 Hz/pixel, 6/8 partial Fourier, 137 repetitions. A 12 channel head coil was used, bite bar was used to minimize subject motion, and the subjects were instructed to lie still in the scanner with eyes closed during the fcMRI scan. Cardiac and respiratory fluctuations were monitored using a pulse oximeter and respiratory bellow respectively. The fcMRI data analysis consisted of the following steps: (i) rejection of 1st 4 data points, (ii) physiologic noise correction, (iii) retrospective motion correction using 3dvolreg routine of AFNI4, (iv) 2d spatial filtering in Fourier domain, followed by temporal filtering to remove all fluctuations above 0.08 Hz5, (v) picking right and left M1 based upon maximum correlation using InstaCorr routine of AFNI and creating 9 voxel right and left M1 ROIs, (vi) creating whole brain correlation map with the left M1 voxel as seed, and (vii) computing the mean correlation within the right M1 ROI from the map. 9HPT data were collected by measuring the time taken by the patients to place 9 pegs into 9 empty holes of a block. Data were taken twice for both the dominant and non-dominant hands (DH and NDH respectively).

Results and Discussion

Data from 3 subjects at baseline, 2 subjects at month 6, and 4 subjects at month 12 were discarded because of subject motion. Repeated ANOVA did not show any difference in fcMRI or 9HPT scores over a period of 12 months. While the fcMRI metrics did not correlate with DH or NDH 9HPT times at individual timepoints, a significant inverse correlation (p<0.03) was observed between the 6 to 12 months’ changes in fcMRI scores and DH 9HPT times (Fig. 1). Interestingly, no correlation were observed between baseline to 6 month’s changes of the same metrics, or for the changes in fcMRI over 6 months (baseline to 6 months or 6 to 12 months) and corresponding changes in NDH 9HPT times. The different p-values for correlation between left-right M1 fcMRI and DH/NDH 9HPT times are listed in Table 1. The results suggest (i) a difference in behavior of DH and NDH, and / or (ii) more (inverse) correlated changes in fcMRI and 9HPT after the 1st 6 months of treatment. Higher 9HPT time is linked with worse motor performance, and thus the results indicate that worsening of motor performance with dominant hand after 6 months of treatment is associated with decrease in fcMRI between left and right M1.


fcMRI changes in patients with RRMS under Fingolimod are inversely correlated with the corresponding changes in DH 9HPT time betwesen 6 and 12 month period after start of treatment.




1. Sanford M. Fingolimod: a review of its use in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Drugs. 2014;74(12):1411-1433.

2. Filippi M, Agosta F, Spinelli EG, Rocca MA. Imaging resting state brain function in multiple sclerosis. J Neurol. 2013;260(7):1709-1713.

3. Lowe MJ, Phillips MD, Lurito JT, Mattson D, Dzemidzic M, Mathews VP. Multiple sclerosis: low-frequency temporal blood oxygen level-dependent fluctuations indicate reduced functional connectivity initial results. Radiology. 2002;224(1):184-192.

4. Cox RW. AFNI: software for analysis and visualization of functional magnetic resonance neuroimages. Comput Biomed Res. 1996;29(3):162-173. 5. Lowe MJ, Mock BJ, Sorenson JA. Functional connectivity in single and multislice echoplanar imaging using resting-state fluctuations. Neuroimage. 1998;7(2):119-132.


Fig. 1. Plot of change in DH as well as NDH 9HPT time with change in fcMRI between month 6 and month 12.

Table 1. P-values of correlation of change in DH and NDH 9HPT times at every 6 months interval.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)