An MRI contrast sensitive to demyelination would be
invaluable in assessing a multitude of neurodegenerative diseases. Here, we
demonstrate the benefits of a novel rotating frame method entitled Relaxation
Along a Fictitious Field in the rotating frame of rank n (RAFFn) in detection
of demyelinating lesions induced by lysophosphatidyl choline (LPC) injections
in the rat corpus callosum (CC) and dorsal tegmental tract (DTG). RAFFn
performed better than magnetization transfer in CC and DTG, and clearly outperformed
diffusion tensor imaging in DTG, an area with heterogeneous fiber orientation
distribution. Our results demonstrate high potential of RAFFn for imaging
demyelinating lesions.Introduction
Myelin loss or damage is a pathological condition that
occurs in a variety of neurological disorders, yet non-invasive MRI techniques
for myelin quantification in vivo are
underdeveloped. An MRI contrast specifically sensitive to myelin would permit the
elucidation of mechanisms of demyelination and remyelination, quantification of
neuronal loss, and the development more effective treatments in several
neurological diseases. Recently, the relaxation time measured with a novel rotating
frame method entitled Relaxation Along a Fictitious Field in the rotating frame
of rank n (RAFFn)
1,2 was shown to correlate better with myelin
content than, e.g., T
1, T
2 and magnetization transfer (MT)
ratio (MTR) in healthy perfused rat brains
3 and in assessing dysmyelination
in the mouse model of mucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS I)
4. The aim of
this work was to demonstrate the benefits of RAFFn in assessing demyelination
using lysophosphatidyl choline (LPC) induced lesions, where injections of LPC create
demyelination lesions with very little inflammation and gliosis. Changes in
tissue were verified with histology.
Materials and Methods
Demyelination lesions were induced in rats (Sprague-Dawley,
Charles River) using lysophosphatidyl choline (LPC) injections to the corpus
callosum (CC; n
lesion = 6, n
vehicle = 4) which has well-defined
fiber orientation and in the dorsal tegmental tract (DTG; n
lesion =
6, n
vehicle = 4) which has heterogeneous fiber orientations. The
vehicles were injected with phosphate-buffered saline. The animals were imaged in vivo three days after injection.
RAFF4 pulses were used in the pulse train placed prior to a single slice fast
spin echo imaging readout (TR = 4 s, TE
eff = 8.3 ms) with ω
π) = 324 Hz. RAFF4 pulse train durations were:
0, 27, 54, 81, 108 ms. For MT, hard pulses (ω
π) = 200 Hz) with incremental durations of 0,
0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2 s were placed +8 kHz from the carrier frequency. DTI
parameters were: 42 directions and b =
1000 s/mm
2 with EPI readout (TR = 2 s, TE
eff = 30 ms, 6
shots). The resolution for all images was 125 x 125 x 500 μm
3. After
MRI, the animals were perfused and stained for myelin and Nissl, the latter
indicating changes in cell density including cell death and gliosis. The changes
in MRI metrics were assessed with a region of interest (ROI) analysis.
When comparing lesions induced by LPC in the ipsilateral
side versus that of vehicle animals in CC (Fig 1), mean diffusivity (MD) and
fractional anisotropy (FA) showed significant differences with the largest
contrast (Fig 2) as compared to the other MRI metrics in contrast CTR = [mean higher
value – mean lower value]/mean higher value *100%: 36.4% (p < 0.01; MD) and
27.8% (p < 0.01; FA). The CTR with RAFF4 was 20.0% (p < 0.01), while the
CTR of MTR and T1sat were 9.2% (p < 0.01) and 7.1% (p < 0.01),
respectively. Noticeably, in DTG (Fig 3), DTI metrics did not show significant
differences (Fig 4), whereas T
RAFF4 showed a significant 26.2%
difference (p < 0.01). MTR and T
1sat showed lower CTR: 15.1% (p
< 0.01) and 11.3% (p < 0.01), respectively. Our histological analysis
demonstrated that demyelination and gliosis took place in both CC and DTG, with
greater extent of gliosis in DTG (Fig 5).
RAFF4 allowed the detection of LPC-injected vs. vehicle differences
in MRI contrast in both CC and DTG. Although DTI has been shown to detect myelin
loss in highly anisotropic structures such as CC
5, a major limitation
of DTI is crossing fibers
6. Our results demonstrate an advantage of
RAFF4 in DTG, where RAFF4 outperforms DTI due to independence of the TRAFFn
measures from fiber orientation. We have recently demonstrated that RAFFn is predominantly
sensitive to slow / ultra-slow motional regimes
2 which allows detection
of demyelination processes. Noticeably, RAFFn also outperforms MT in detecting
myelin loss which we attribute to its ability to probe slower motional regime
as compared to MT
4. Furthermore, this regime of motion most likely
corresponds to the conformational exchange of methylene groups, which is in the
millisecond time scale of motion.
The insensitivity of RAFFn to fiber orientation distribution,
excellent sensitivity to myelin content in healthy and pathological tissues,
and low SAR
1 show the promise of RAFFn to become a useful technique
for visualizing demyelinating lesions. Future work will aim at employing a 3D
acquisition with later time points to follow also remyelination of the LPC
injected animals.
We gratefully acknowledge our funders EU H2020,Marie Sklodowska-Curie,
#691110; Academy of Finland, NIH grants: P41 EB015894, P30 NS076408; and Fulbright-Saatamoinen Grant in Health and Environmental Science.References
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