The Influence of Cerebrovascular Disease on Structural Covariance Networks in Prodromal and Early Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease
Joanna Su Xian Chong1, Yng Miin Loke1, Saima Hilal2,3, Mohammad Kamran Ikram3,4, Xin Xu2,3, Boon Yeow Tan5, Narayanaswamy Venketasubramanian6, Christopher Li-Hsian Chen2,3, and Juan Zhou1,7

1Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience and Behavioural Disorders Programme, Duke-National University of Singapore Graduate Medical School, Singapore, Singapore, 2Department of Pharmacology, National University Health System, Clinical Research Centre, Singapore, Singapore, 3Memory Ageing & Cognition Centre, National University Health System, Singapore, Singapore, 4Duke-National University of Singapore Graduate Medical School, Singapore, Singapore, 5St. Luke's Hospital, Singapore, Singapore, 6Raffles Neuroscience Centre, Raffles Hospital, Singapore, Singapore, 7Clinical Imaging Research Centre, The Agency for Science, Technology and Research and National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore


Cerebrovascular disease (CVD) frequently co-occurs with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), however its effects on the organization of brain networks in AD patients remain unknown. This study aimed to examine the influence of CVD on grey matter (GM) structural covariance (SC) networks in prodromal and early AD patients. Divergent changes in GM volumes and SC of higher-order networks were found between CVD and non-CVD subtypes. Specifically, the default mode network showed changes in non-CVD subtypes but was spared in CVD subtypes. These findings highlight the different pathophysiology underlying AD patients with CVD and those without CVD.


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by episodic memory dysfunction and large-scale brain network dysconnectivity. Specifically, several networks, notably the default mode network (DMN), show reduced connectivity in AD patients compared to healthy controls 1,2, and connectivity changes are evident even at prodromal stages of AD 3. However, AD also frequently co-occurs with cerebrovascular disease (CVD), and the influence of CVD on network changes in AD remains unknown. This study therefore aimed to examine the influence of CVD on grey matter (GM) atrophy and structural covariance (SC) network changes 4 (particularly of higher-order networks) in patients with prodromal and early stages of AD.


The dataset consisted of 235 participants, with 47 participants in each of the five groups: no cognitive impairment (NCI; controls), cognitive impairment no dementia (CIND), CIND with CVD (CIND+CVD), AD, and AD with CVD (AD+CVD). T1-weighted structural MR images collected from these participants were first preprocessed using voxel-based morphometry to obtain individual normalized GM probability maps. Whole-brain voxelwise analyses were then conducted to compare GM volumes across groups.

To examine SC networks across groups, mean GM volumes of three 4-mm spherical regions of interest (ROIs) were extracted from each individual’s GM images. The three ROIs corresponded to core seed regions within the DMN, salience network (SN) and executive control network (ECN) respectively. Separate regression analyses for each ROI were then performed by entering mean ROI GM volumes as the covariate of interest and group as the grouping variable. Resultant group maps were thresholded at a height threshold of p < 0.001 and a cluster-extent threshold of p < 0.05 (familywise-error corrected). Finally, group differences in the extent of networks were quantified by calculating the total number of voxels whose GM volumes significantly covaried with each ROI.


Group comparisons of GM volumes revealed extensive atrophy in the bilateral frontal, temporal and parietal regions for the AD and AD+CVD groups, and atrophy in the right frontal and temporal regions for the CIND+CVD group compared to controls. No significant atrophy was observed for the CIND group. Further analyses showed that both AD+CVD and CIND+CVD groups displayed significant frontal atrophy compared to non-CVD AD and CIND groups respectively.

SC networks showed divergent changes between CVD and non-CVD subtypes. In non-CVD subtypes, the SC of the DMN and ECN exhibited an inverted U-shaped trend, with increased extent in CIND mainly in the frontal lobe, while SC of the SN showed a U-shaped trend, with increased extent in AD mainly in the frontal and temporal lobes. In contrast, CVD subtypes showed a progressive increase in SC with AD severity for all networks except the DMN, which remained unchanged across groups. Sharp increases in SC extent were observed for the AD+CVD group in bilateral frontal and temporal regions, which overlapped largely with regions showing GM atrophy in AD+CVD compared to controls.


Consistent with past findings showing deficits in frontal lobe functions for older adults with CVD 5, greater atrophy in the frontal lobe regions was observed for CVD subtypes compared to non-CVD subtypes. Examination of SC networks across groups further revealed divergent changes in higher-order SC networks between CVD and non-CVD subtypes. Non-CVD subtypes showed changes in SC that were largely consistent with past findings on functional connectivity, including findings of reduced DMN connectivity and increased SN connectivity in AD 6, and increased frontal connectivity in the DMN at prodromal stages of AD 7.

In comparison, CVD subtypes showed a progressive increase in the SC of ECN and SN with AD severity, with marked increases in extent for the AD+CVD group. Given that these networks overlap largely with one another as well as with regions of atrophy in the AD+CVD group, the large increase in SC network extent could imply correlated grey matter atrophy and a re-organization of networks caused by widespread CVD-related white matter damage. The DMN, on the other hand, did not show any changes in SC with AD severity. Taken together, the pathology of CVD subtype might differ from that of non-CVD subtypes.


Our study found disparate changes in GM volumes and SC of higher-order networks between prodromal and early AD patients with and without CVD. Future research is required to examine functional connectivity changes in these groups and elucidate the mechanisms underlying these connectivity changes.


This work was supported by an NMRC Centre Grant (NMRC/CG/013/2013 and NMRC/CG/NUHS/2010 to CC), the Biomedical Research Council, Singapore (BMRC 04/1/36/372 to JZ), the National Medical Research Council, Singapore (NMRC/CIRG/1390/2014 to JZ), and Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Signature Research Program funded by Ministry of Health, Singapore.


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Figure 1. Divergent changes in structural covariance networks between CVD and non-CVD subtypes of AD. Non-CVD subtypes showed inverted U-shape changes in the DMN and ECN, and U-shape changes in the SN. CVD subtypes, conversely, showed progressive increase in the ECN and SN, but no changes in the DMN.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)