We evaluated
longitudinal changes in regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) for patients at different
stages of Alzheimer’s disease and correlated CBF with cognition assessed by the
clinical dementia rating scale sum of boxes (CDR-SB). Mean CBF in precuneus,
posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and hippocampus were statistically
significantly correlated with CDR-SB. However, longitudinal changes in CDR-SB
only correlated with CBF change in PCC. There was a statistically significant
group difference in baseline PCC-CBF between incipient Alzheimer’s patients whose
cognitive function deteriorated versus those who didn’t, demonstrating that CBF
can be used as a predictor of disease progression.Purpose
examine the utility of Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) in assessing and predicting clinical progression
of Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
is characterized by progressive cognitive impairment and development of
biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis and accurate tracking of the disease is of significant
importance.1 ASL2 provides a non-invasive
technique for measuring regional CBF, which is tightly
coupled to regional neural activity and is an effective biomarker for
several cerebral disorders.3 CBF measured by ASL has been used to differentiate controls
and AD subjects in a number of studies.4 Recently ASL was included as a substudy of the Alzheimer’s
Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) (, an ongoing, longitudinal, multicenter study directed towards
development of enhanced biomarkers for AD. Here, we used ADNI ASL data to study the change in
regional CBF with cognition and disease progression as measured by clinical
dementia rating scale sum of boxes (CDR-SB), a numerical scale to quantify cognitive
and functional dysfunction in individuals with mild cognitive impairment and
and Methods
data from baseline, Year 1, and Year 2 were considered. Subjects
were classified as Controls, Early Mild Cognitive Impairment (EMCI), Late MCI
(LMCI) and AD. Only subjects (i) who had baseline CDR and ASL data within 3 months of each other and (ii) who showed evidence of cerebral amyloid
as measured by amyloid PET imaging were considered, as this cohort is most
susceptible to develop Alzheimer’s disease.
1 The number of subjects for
baseline, Year 1 and 2 for different diseased groups was as follows: Control (20,
19, 15), EMCI (41, 37, 29), LMCI (41, 40, 29) and AD (34, 34,
9). ADNI ASL data were acquired using the Siemens product PICORE pulsed ASL
(PASL) sequence using TR/TE=3400/12 ms, TI1/TI=700/1900 ms (other
details of acquisition parameters can be found in
6). Each EPI time series was
first motion corrected, and then the CBF maps were estimated using pairwise
subtraction, dividing by the M0 image and following the model in
7. Mean CBF
maps were computed first by applying an outlier rejection of CBF time series,
and then applying a Bayesian Robust Regression method to the remaining CBF
volumes. The mean CBF within precuneus, posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and
hippocampus, which have previously been demonstrated to be sensitive to
AD-related changes,
4 were considered. Three different analyses were performed.
First, the mean CBFs within each ROI were compared with CDR-SB of all the
subjects for different time points. Second, for individual subjects, the
difference of CDR-SB between baseline and Year 2 (or Year 1 if Year 2 was unavailable), denoted as
ΔCDR-SB, and the same for mean
ΔCBF) in ROIs were computed and correlated with each other.
Finally, for ROI(s) showing significant correlations in the previous two
analyses, subjects were divided into two groups; those whose cognition
deteriorated in two years and those who didn't (
≤0). Mean CBF values in these ROI were compared
at baseline to see if CBF at baseline predicted disease progression. This
analysis was performed separately for each group and also for the combined
incipient groups.
and Discussion
Correlations between mean
CBF in precuneus, PCC and hippocampus and CDR-SB were
−0.29 and
−0.27 respectively (all statistically significant,
p<0.0001) demonstrating that CBF
correlates with CDR-SB in general. On the other hand,
was statistically significantly correlated with
only for PCC
(r=−0.24,p=0.006). Figure 1 shows scatter plots for CBF in PCC vs
CDR and
ΔCBF in PCC vs
ΔCDR. Figure 2 shows mean CBF in PCC (with
standard errors) at baseline for controls, EMCI, LMCI and AD divided into
groups based on whether their cognitive performance deteriorated in the future.
For all the incipient groups, mean CBF was lower in subjects whose cognition
deteriorated in the future, although the difference was not statistically significant
because of small number of subjects in each group. However when all the
were combined and compared against all clinically stable individuals, the difference became statistically
significant. Hence, CBF may be a potential predictor of disease progression at
different stages of incipient AD. A similar result was shown in
9 in Controls. Progression
in mean CDR and CBF in PCC with time for the different groups are shown in
Figure 3. Increases in CDR over time parallels decreases in CBF. In the EMCI group,
both CDR and PCC CBF show a subtle reverse trend, potentially indicating a
compensatory response to neurodegeneration in this phase as has previously been
10 Acknowledgements
R01 MH080729 and P41 EB015893 and Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging
Initiative study.References
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