understand the genetic influence of ApoE isoforms on the brain aging, we
conducted longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) on transgenic mice
expressing human ApoE3 (hApoE3) or hApoE4 gene. Mean FA showed a general trend of
hApoE4 » WT > hApoE3
from 12 to 18 months of age. There was age-dependent reduction of FA in all the
animals, which was due to increased radial diffusivity. The hApoE4 mice also
showed larger increase of parallel diffusivity. These indicate ApoE isoform dependent axonal change
with aging.
E (ApoE) mediates the regulation of lipid metabolism
1 and is
expressed throughout the brain
2. Compared with ApoE2 and ApoE3
alleles, inheritance of ApoE4 allele is known to be associated with an
increased risk of cognitive impairments, earlier age of onset of Alzheimer’s
disease (AD) and reduced capacity for synaptic plasticity
3-4. Since
lipid and cholesterol are major components of myelin, it may affect myelination
and white matter integrity
5. To understand the genetic influence of
ApoE isoforms on the brain in the aging process, we conducted longitudinal diffusion
tensor imaging (DTI) on transgenic mice expressing human ApoE3 (hApoE3) or hApoE4
gene to understand the microstructural changes in white matter.
The study was
approved by the IACUC of Biomedical Sciences Institutes, Singapore. Female mice
carrying hApoE3 (n=6) and hApoE4 (n=11) were scanned at 12 and 18 months old.
Wild-type (WT) mice (n=7 and n=5 at 12 and 18 months old, respectively) were
also compared. Imaging was carried out on a 7T scanner (ClinScan, Bruker
BioSpin, Germany) using 4 channel array coils. The DTI was acquired using a
spin echo EPI sequence with 8 averages of 30 diffusion sensitizing directions, b=1500s/mm2,
TR=10000ms, TE=40ms, voxel size=0.2x0.2x0.5mm3. After eddy current
distortion and motion correction, fractional anisotropy (FA), radial
diffusivity (Dr), parallel diffusivity (Dp) and mean diffusivity (MD) were
obtained by weighted least squares tensor fitting
6. FA images were
linearly registered to a mouse FA template
7 and averaged to create
time-point specific templates. Individual FA maps were then nonlinearly
registered to the corresponding time-point specific template using FSL
The transformation was applied to Dr, Dp, and MD maps. After Gaussian smoothing
of 0.3 mm (FWHM), voxel-wise group comparison was conducted using SPM8
T-tests were further conducted over regions of interest (ROI) defined based on
the voxel-wise comparison, particularly in the anterior corpus callosum (cc).
Compared to hApoE3, hApoE4 mice showed higher
FA in part of the cc at 12m, which spread widely in almost the entire cc and external
and internal capsules at 18m (Fig. 1a). WT consistently showed higher FA than hApoE3
mice at both time points (Fig. 1b). There was no FA difference between hApoE4
and WT in cc at 12m, but increased at 18m (Fig. 1c). ROI analysis of the
anterior cc showed that FA decreased with age in all groups, with hApoE3 mice having
significantly lower FA compared to WT and hApoE4 at both time points (Fig. 2).
Dp and Dr of hApoE4 increased from 12 to 18m, while remained the same in hApoE3.
FA showed difference in major fiber bundles with a general trend of hApoE4 » WT > hApoE3. The age-dependent
reduction of FA in all the animals was due to increased Dr which may be related
to myelination change. The hApoE4 mice also show larger increase of Dp which
may be associated with axonal structure. Many human studies reported lower FA
in non-demented hApoE4 carriers. Similar to ours, another mouse study reported
higher hApoE4 than WT though they didn’t have hApoE3
10. We are in
the process of analyzing data acquired at earlier time points to understand
whether this is due to different ageing trajectory of the genotypes.
No acknowledgement found.References
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