Quantitative sodium MRI in traumatic brain injury (TBI): Pilot study
Guillaume Madelin1, Jonathan M Silver2, Tamara Bushnik3, and Ivan I Kirov1

1Department of Radiology, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, United States, 2Department of Psychiatry, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, United States, 3Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, United States


In this pilot quantitative sodium MRI study, 4 patients in the chronic stage after traumatic brain injury (TBI) and 6 controls were scanned at 3 T. Intracellular sodium concentration (C1) and extracellular volume fraction (α2) were calculated in lesions, as well as in whole grey and white matters. Global C1 skewness and kurtosis showed significant differences between patients and controls, and regional measurements in lesions presented large increases of C1 and α2 compared to normal tissue. The results indicate that quantitative sodium MRI shows promise as an imaging biomarker of cell death in chronic TBI.


Patients who suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) often exhibit symptoms which are unexplained by conventional neuroimaging, which lacks sensitivity (to microscopic injury), and specificity (to focal abnormalities)1. Sodium MRI can assess loss of Na+ homeostasis2, but has not yet been applied to TBI, despite strong basic science evidence that ionic imbalances involving the Na+ ions are the driving force behind the cascade of cell damage after TBI3. We propose therefore the use of 23Na MRI to characterize long-term aspects of TBI injury that have not been studied before, specifically, perturbations in the intracellular Na+ concentration (C1) and extracellular volume fraction (α2)4,5. Our hypothesis is shown in Fig. 1A. In this preliminary study, we compared global and local C1 and α2 measurements in patients in chronic stage of TBI with healthy controls.


MRI scans: Four TBI patients (4 men; median age 36 yr, range 22-72 yr) and 6 age- and gender-matched controls were scanned at 3 T (Prisma, Siemens) with an 8-channel transmit-receive 1H/23Na head coil built in our RF Laboratory. The Glascow Coma Scale (GCS) was known for three TBI patients (GSC = 6, 8, 14), yielding classifications of severe and mild TBI. No GCS was obtained in 1 patient. All were scanned at the chronic TBI stage (median time from injury 1.4 yr, range 1-12 yr). Injury modes were fall, assault and motor vehicle accident. Two 23Na MRI were performed: (1) FLORET4,6: 3 hubs, cone angle 45°, 120 interleaves/hub, FA 80°/1 ms, TE 0.2 ms, TR 100 ms, FOV 320 mm, resolution 5 mm isotropic, 20 averages, TA 12:00 min; (2) FLORET with fluid suppression by inversion recovery (IR): same parameters as (1) except: inversion pulse 180°/6 ms, TI 25 ms, FA 90°/1 ms, 30 averages, TA 18:00 min.

Data processing: Images were reconstructed in Matlab with 3D regridding and nominal isotropic resolution of 2.5 mm. Both 23Na acquisitions were used to generate C1 and α2 maps of the grey and white matters (GM, WM) and whole brain using linear regression of reference Agar gel phantoms and a 3-compartment model (Fig. 1B)4,5. MPRAGE was used to generate masks of GM and WM.

Statistics: The rank sum test was applied to the mean, skewness and kurtosis of the distributions of C1 and α2 values over whole GM, WM, and brain in all subjects to assess the significance of their difference between control and TBI. Statistical difference was defined as p<0.05.


Fig. 2 exhibits examples of 23Na images with and without IR, MPRAGE and C1 and α2 maps. These images reveal regional abnormalities in the TBI patient (severe TBI, 1 year after injury) compared to a similar slice from a control subject: some regions have very low C1 but high α2 (no more cells, edema), while some present both high C1 and α2 (cell death in progress with concomitant reduction of cell packing and edema).

Fig. 3 presents typical distributions of all C1 and α2 values over the whole brain of the same subjects as Fig. 2. We can visually detect that the shapes of these distributions are different, with statistical measures such as skewness and kurtosis significantly different, while mean values not significantly different.

Fig. 4 shows boxplots of the mean, skewness and kurtosis over whole GM and WM, from all subjects. Only C1 skewness and kurtosis were significantly different between TBI patients and controls. Mean C1 and α2 measurements were not significantly different, but with trends for lower C1 and higher α2 in TBI, likely driven by focal (MRI-apparent) cell loss, as shown in Fig. 2.


There were no statistically significant findings for global measurements of mean C1 and α2, but more conclusive findings from the abnormal C1 distributions (skewness and kurtosis) in all TBI patients, suggesting large amount of injury heterogeneity. Regional analyses show large variations of mean C1 and α2 in lesions detected on 1H images, compared to normal values (see Fig. 1A). However, these lesions all look similar on the MPRAGE image, but present differences in C1 and α2 values between lesions, allowing to distinguish areas of the brain with edema and areas with cell death in progress.


These preliminary results on a small number of patients nevertheless suggest that quantitative sodium MRI may be a useful imaging biomarker for loss of homeostasis and cell death in TBI. Both global and regional measurements of C1 and α2 could therefore be used to assess the degree of neurodegeneration in chronic TBI patients, and help assess the efficiency of potential treatments in longitudinal studies.


This work was supported by the Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R), a NIBIB Biomedical Technology Resource Center (NIH P41 EB017183).


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5. Madelin G, Babb J, Xia D, Regatte RR. Repeatability of quantitative sodium magnetic resonance imaging for estimating pseudo-intracellular sodium concentration and pseudo-extracellular volume fraction in brain at 3 T. PLoS ONE 10(3):, e0118692. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0118692, 2015.

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Fig. 1. (A) C12 hypothesis. (B) 3-compartment model (3-CM) used to quantify intracellular sodium concentration C1 and extracellular volume fraction α2 from sodium MRI. Symbols: for compartment i=1,2,S; Ci = sodium concentration, αi = volume fraction, Vi = volume, w = water fraction (0.7 in WM, 0.85 in GM).

Fig. 2. Examples of data from 1 control and 1 severe TBI (1 year after injury). Arrows: (1) low C1~0 mM, very high α2~0.7 (edema, no more cells); (2) high C1~50 mM, high α2~0.6 (cell death in progress, edema); (3) high C1~50 mM, high α2~0.5 (cell death, cell packing reduction).

Fig. 3. Histograms of all C1 and α2 values over the whole brain of 1 TBI subject and her age- and gender-matched control (same subject as Fig. 1). Note the different shapes of the distributions (skew = skewness, kurt = kurtosis).

Fig. 4. Boxplots of C1 and α2 measured in whole GM and WM in 6 controls (CTL) and 4 TBIs. * = statistical significance (C1 skewness and kurtosis). Mean C1 and α2 were not significantly different but show trends likely driven by focal MRI-apparent cell loss (see Fig. 2).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)