Spatial alignment of diffusion tensor MRI data is of
fundamental importance for voxelwise statistical anaysis and creation of population specific atlases of diffusion MRI metrics. In this work, we
propose DR-TAMAS, a novel diffusion tensor imaging
registration method which uses a spatially varying metric to achieve accurate alignment not in only in white matter but also
in gray matter and CSF filled regions. Our tests indicate that DR-TAMAS shows excellent overall performance in the entire brain, while being
equivalent to the best existing methods in white matter.Purpose
Spatial normalization of Diffusion Tensor MRI (DTI) data is of fundamental importance for both voxelwise statistical anaysis and creation of population specific atlases from diffusion MRI metrics. Most available
DTI-based spatial normalization algorithms emphasize alignment of
anisotropic structures. In this work, we
propose DR-TAMAS, a novel framework for inter-subject registration of
DTI datasets which is designed to achieve optimal alignment of gray matter (GM) and
cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) boundaries, in addition to white matter (WM) structures. Moreover, DR-TAMAS also is able to include information from anatomical MRIs in the registration. This framework is optimized for brain data and its main
goal to ensure accurate alignment of all brain structures is achieved by incorporating a locally varying
weighting of its similarity metrics.
Data from 11 volunteers were collected on a 3T MRI system equipped with a
32-channel coil. DWIs were acquired with a single-shot
spin-echo EPI sequence (FOV=256x256 mm, slice thickness=2mm,
matrix size=128x128, 78 slices, TR/TE=9981/90ms). Diffusion acquisitions consisted of 4 volumes with b=0 s/mm
2, 12
volumes with intermediate b-values and 62 volumes with b=1100
2. DWIs were corrected for motion, eddy-currents distortions
1 and EPI distortions
Registration method:
DR-TAMAS uses the SyN diffeomorphic transformation model3 and three similarity
metrics: trace similarity, the deviatoric tensor similarity
and cross-correlation similarity of anatomical images. The trace similarity
metric ξ1 aims to align GM and CSF filled regions. The
deviatoric tensor4 similarity, ξ2 has been shown to lead
to accurate WM alignment in terms of anisotropy and orientation5,
hence, is the metric choice for these regions. With this metric, the tensor orientations are explicitly optimized using the finite-strain method6 with the corresponding deformation fields
ϕ. Cross-correlation ξ3 of additional anatomical images is
used if further fine alignment of GM regions is needed . At each
optimization iteration n, for each voxel x, the displacement field
updates from each metric are fused with a spatially
varying weight factor w as:
where N is the
number of anatomical image pairs. The weight for the deviatoric
tensor similarity, w2 is a function of voxelwise FA. In anisotropic regions,
the large w2 causes the deviatoric tensor similarity metric to be
dominant, whereas in regions with isotropic diffusion, the remaining weight (1−w2) is distributed
evenly among the trace and structural similarity metrics to favor the
alignment of GM and CSF regions.
validation: We compared the performance of DR-TAMAS to those of six
well-known tensor and scalar image based registration methods: 1)
ANTS-scalar (FA and TR)3, 2) ANTS-tensor (6 tensor components),
3) DTITK-dev (deviatoric tensor similarity)5, 4) DTITK-full (full
tensor similarity), 5) FSL7 (FA) and 6) DT-REFinD8. DR-TAMAS
and the reference methods were used to create a DTI atlas and
several quality measures were computed using the warped images of the
11 subjects. These measures were FA/TR/tensor variances, principal eigenvector
orientation dispersion (PEOD)9, and DICE overlap measure used on warped label maps initially extracted on the native space of each subject.
Tensor (TCOV), FA and TR variance maps are displayed in Figure 1. TR
maps showed that the methods using only anisotropy information, such as
DTITK-dev and FSL showed poor performance at the GM/CSF boundaries.
This is particularly evident at the level of the head of the caudate
nucleus. Moreover, with ANTS and FSL,
TCOV is relatively high in the splenium of the CC, despite low FA variance. This is due to their lack of tensor reorientation during optimization. Table 1 reports the average
of these voxelwise variance values. Methods that use
anisotropy information directly, ANTS-scalar, DTITK-dev and FSL,
produced the lowest FA variances. However, DTITK-dev and FSL achieved
this at the cost of very large variance values for the trace.
DR-TAMAS showed a very balanced behavior, producing close to optimal
results for both metrics. Moreover, DR-TAMAS was the best performing
method in terms of the tensor variance. With the PEOD metrics (Table 2),
DR-TAMAS and DTITK-dev are the best performing methods with similar
performances in all the WM ROIs tested. The DICE overlap metrics
(Table 3) indicate that DR-TAMAS performed very well, being the best
method in subcortical and cortical GM, WM and CSF label map
The proposed method
shows excellent overall performance in the entire brain, while being
equivalent to the best existing methods in white matter. The use of TR
information along with spatially varying weight factors proved to
lead to the robust performance of DR-TAMAS across the whole brain.
Special thanks to Dr.Alex Martin, Section on Cognitive Neuropsychology, NIMH, for providing the diffusion MRI data used in this study.References
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