Spatial variations of B0 in the region of the spinal cord are known to cause many artifacts. Local combined RF/shim coil array could provide an alternative to spherical harmonic shim coil. Here, we simulated several realistic coil array geometries for spinal cord imaging and demonstrated that arrays of 16 coils could outperform 3rd order spherical harmonic shimming in the ROI. Simulations also revealed that precise configurations for the coils can improve shimming performance without SNR loss.
Spatial variations
of the background magnetic field (B
0) are known to cause artifacts
due to spin dephasing: image distortions, signal dropouts and blurring
1. Furthermore, in the
cervical spine, the nearby lungs induce large and time-varying field gradients
that cannot be adequately compensated using conventional 2
nd-order spherical harmonic
shim coils. Arrays of local shim coils show great promise for high-order,
real-time shimming of the brain
2,3 providing an alternative to 3
and higher-order spherical harmonic shim coils and their attendant eddy
currents, coupling, low efficiency, and expensive current drivers. However, the
multi-coil shim array competes with the RF
receive array for space close to the body where both arrays function with
highest efficiency (assessed by RF SNR or B
0 shim offset in Hz/amp/loop-turn in
the body).
It was recently
shown that RF and shim currents could be combined on the same conducting loop,
enabling multi-coil B
0-shimming and RF reception in the same time
Moreover, these combined RF-shim coils provide similar SNR to RF-only coils at
both 3T and 7T
In this study, we simulate several collar-like coil
array geometries for spinal cord imaging and demonstrate the potential for
highly improved shimming relative to high-order spherical harmonics shimming.
We also compare different designs to highlight the best one.
Sagittal GRE field maps
of ΔB
0 were acquired of the cervical portion of the spinal cord (TR
= 180 ms, TE = [4.51 8.78 13.69], BW = 1736 Hz/voxel, resolution = 1.5x1.5 mm,
slice thickness = 3.0mm]) with Siemens shimming parameters optimized for a
large FOV (192x192 mm). For more information see [1].
Coil array design:
Elliptical coils were positioned on a cylindrical
frame (radius = 85 mm, height = 110mm) to fit a typical neck geometry. For the
four different configurations (collar, collar-shifted, semi-collar and
semi-collar shifted), several geometries were simulated (1 to 4 rows of 4 to 8
channels). For each geometry, the dimension of the elliptical coils was chosen
to cover the entire (collar) or half the frame (semi-collar). In our
simulations, semi-collar designs are meant to be placed close behind the neck.
Coil array designs were
simulated using Biot-Savart to calculate the longitudinal field B
created by each coil. Shim current optimization was then performed using fmincon (MATLAB) to minimize
the least-squares deviation from the uniform B
0 field
6, ||ΔB
over the 5mm-wide region-of-interest (ROI) surrounding the cervical spine (7
slices). To account for practical constraints, we limited the current in each
loop to 2.5amps and total current to 40amps. For comparison, shimming based
on spherical harmonic functions of 2
nd to 5
th order was
also simulated within the ROI. To compare shim performances, we normalized the
standard deviation of the field map within the spine after simulated shimming by 2
nd order spherical harmonics shimming
and then averaged this coefficient among subjects.
SNR evaluation:
For each voxel, relative SNR was calculated as
, where R is the noise
correlation matrix and B
1 is the array of the field amplitudes
created at this point by each coil. SNR was then normalized
to compare different configurations’ SNR maps within a phantom (cylinder radius=65mm) and within the
cervical spine (5 slices).
Simulations show an
overall reduction in B
0 standard deviation (STD) over the ROI as
compared to 2
nd order shimming (Fig.1). With 4 rows of 4 coils,
collar geometry reduces STD by 12.7 %, collar shifted by 17.3 %, semi-collar by
8.6 %, and semi-collar shifted by 14.1 %. Simulations also showed that adding coils had
no significant effect on shim performance (Fig. 2). Figure 3 shows better SNR performance within the
spinal cord for the collar (mean SNR = 0.0177) than for the semi-collar (mean
SNR = 0.0147).
This study tested
different realistic configurations for combined RF-shim array coil for imaging the cervical spinal
cord. It has to be noticed that not all designs preserve neighboor loop critical overlap for decoupling and would be necessary for future work. Results showed that the collar performs better than the semi-collar for
SNR with comparable shim performance, however the semi-collar geometry is better
adapted to various neck morphologies. The shifted configuration reveals
improved performance compared to aligned coils both for collar and semi-collar
array without SNR loss, as it provides additional degrees of freedom for
tailoring the shim field.
This study demonstrated that combined RF-shim coil arrays show considerable
promise for functional imaging of the spinal cord: coil array designs promise
to outperform 3rd order spherical harmonic shimming while being easier to
implement in practice.
This study was supported by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR FDN-143263), the Sensorimotor Rehabilitation Research Team (SMRRT), the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS 28826), the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Nature et Technologies (FRQNT 2015-PR-182754), Quebec Bio-Imaging Network (QBIN), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH R21 EB017338 )References
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[3] Juchem, C., Nixon, T. W., McIntyre, S., Boer, V. O., Rothman, D. L., & de Graaf, R. A. (2011). Dynamic multi-coil shimming of the human brain at 7T. Journal of magnetic resonance, 212(2), 280-288.
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