In the
study of quantitative susceptibility mapping, dipole approximation is widely
used where the magnetic field of each voxel is approximated as dipole field. In
general, higher order field such as quadrupole field also exists, especially
for voxels with non-uniform subvoxel magnetization/susceptibility
distributions. We modeled the magnetic field in MRI experiment up to quadrupole
term and used multiple orientation measurement to acquire both the dipole (average
susceptibility) and quadrupole (susceptibility distribution) contributions. The
feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated in an experimental
gadolinium water phantom study.Purpose
include quadrupole field in the model of quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM).
Magnetic field, H, can be written in terms of scale potential as H=−∇Φ, based on governing magnetostatic equations, ∇×H=0 and ∇⋅H=−∇⋅M. H field is expanded up to 2nd order as follows.Φ(x)=−14π∫∇′⋅M(x′)|x−x′|d3x′≈14π(m⋅xr3+3∑i=13∑j=112Qijxixjr5)where, Qij=∫d3x′(3Mix′j+3Mjx′i−2δijM⋅x′).
The first and second term corresponds to dipole and quadrupole interaction, respectively. Only the z component is of interest, Hz=−∂zΦ.Hz(r)=d∗χ+3∑i=1gi∗Qiwhere d=14π3(ˆm⋅x)2−r2r5, g1=−34πx(x2+y2−4z2)r7, g2=−34πy(x2+y2−4z2)r7, g3=−34πz(3x2+3y2−2z2)r7, χ≡∫d3x′Mz, Q1≡∫d3x′Mzx′, Q2≡∫d3x′Mzy′, and Q3≡∫d3x′Mzz′. The ratio of quadrupole moment to susceptibility corresponds to the center of susceptibility within a voxel: CS1=Q1/χ, CS2=Q2/χ, and CS3=Q3/χ.
The corresponding Fourier Transform of Hz(r) is Hz(k)=D⋅χ+3∑i=1Gi⋅Qi.
Where D=13−k2zk2, G1=−iπkxk2(k2−5k2z), G2=−iπkyk2(k2−5k2z), and G3=−iπkzk2(3k2−5k2z).
formulation above is based on the assumption that the main field is along z. If the main field is along ˆn=[n1,n2,n3]T, dipole (D), quadrupole function (Gi), and quadrupole moment (Qi) are changed correspondingly as follows. D(k)→D(Rk),G(k)→G(Rk),Q→RQ
where R is rotation matrix, ˆz=Rˆn.
orientation measurements are needed because of four unknown parameters.
where fj(k) is the local field in k-space, and Rj denotes the j′th rotation.
Material and Method
A 1%
agarose phantom was prepared which contains four balloons with different
concentrations of gadolinium solution. For data acquisition, all experiments
were conducted on a 3.0T clinical Siemens scanner with multi-echo gradient echo
sequence. The resolution was set to 1 × 1 × 1 mm, TR to 27 ms, bandwidth to 260
Hz/pixel, flip angle to 15º. Four TEs were used: 6.2, 11.5, 16.9, and 22.2 ms. The
phantom were rotated with respect to the magnetic field. Eight
different rotations were acquired at the COSMOS optimal angles (0, 60, 120 and 270º) in
the xy and yz planes
ˆn= [0
-1 0], [-0.804 -0.574 -0.028], [-0.912 0.373 -0.004], [0.986 0.156 0.001],
[0.008 -0.004 -1.007], [0.830 -0.040 -0.474], [0.812 -0.048, 0.515], and
[-0.603 0.038 0.807]. For
the post-processing, phase unwrapping and background field removal
2 were
used to obtain local field (
fi). COSMOS result was calculated with the multiple orientation data. The susceptibility (
χ) and quadrupole moment (
Qi) were calculated solving the last equation of
fj(k) with Conjugate
Gradient method (residue 0.05).
Fig. 1
shows the susceptibilities of four balloons based on COSMOS (Fig. 1a) and based
on our quadrupole model (Fig. 1b). The COSMOS susceptibility result were 2.7732
± 0.1195
ppm, 1.5241
± 0.0368 ppm, 0.7794
± 0.0186 ppm, and 0.4375
± 0.0182 ppm,
respectively. Our quadrupole model susceptibility result were 2.7504
± 0.2272 ppm, 1.3689
± 0.0973 ppm, 0.6472
± 0.0581 ppm, and 0.3387
± 0.0663 ppm, respectively,
which agreed with the dipole model within ~0.15ppm. Fig.
2 shows quadrupole moment in the unit of ppm×mm (Fig. 2a-c) and the ratio of
quadrupole moment to dipole moment in the unit of mm, which corresponds to the
center of susceptibility (Fig. 2d-f). The quadrupole effect was noticeable at
the boundaries where Gd only fills part of the voxels. The color in Fig. 2d-f indicates the degree of how far away the
center of susceptibility locates from the voxel center, e.g. white indicates
the susceptibility center locates further than the voxel center along each
Discussion and conclusion
In this
study, we established the theoretical frame work to calculate quadrupole
moment, and verified it with phantom data. With this method, we quantitatively
measure both susceptibility and non-uniform distribution of magnetization
inside voxel, e.g. center of susceptibility distribution in a voxel.
In the
inclusion of quadrupole moments, the number of variables substantially
worsens the condition of the inverse problem. Multiple orientations may be
sampled to estimate parameters in the quadruple model, but misregistation among
orientations are inevitable and cause artifacts and errors in the reconstructed
parameter maps. Alternative approach using regularization to address the ill
posedness may alleviate misregistration issue and allow translation into in
vivo applications.
In conclusion, the magnetic source to field forward problem may include quadruple in additional to dipole, and quantitative susceptibility mapping of dipole and quadruple moments is feasible.
We acknowledge support from NIH grants RO1 EB013443 and RO1 NS090464.References
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