reduce the noise amplification of the conductivity imaging, the direct
calculation of the Laplacian operator was substituted by appropriate k-space weighted
sampling scheme by the combination of four TSE data with alternating PE
electrical conductivity mapping is important for SAR monitoring and has the potential
for MR diagnosis
1,2. However, during the reconstruction process (especially,
calculation of Laplacian operator (Eq.1)), high frequency noise is amplified
thereby demanding additive denoising process
3. As a result, boundary
artifact spill into homogenous regions and degrade the effective resolution of
conductivity map. In this study, rather than direct calculation of Laplacian
operator, a k-space weighted acquisition scheme mimicking the Laplacian
operation was devised using four turbo spin echo (TSE) data with alternating
phase-encoding directions. Additional low frequency suppression filter was
adapted to match to the Laplacian.
For conventional MR electrical property tomography (MREPT)
conductivity map (σ) is retrieved from magnetic
field information (H) (Eq.1). In the frequency domain, calculation of the Laplacian
operator (
▽2=∂2/∂x2+∂2/∂y2) is transformed as multiplication
of high-pass filter (HPF,
F(kx,ky)=k2x+k2y) in Fig.1a. To replace the direct calculation of Laplacian operator, high frequency weighted k-space
data can be used. Here, this was achieved by employing a TSE sequence with linear
k-space ordering (Fig. 1b). The TSE sequence has a T
2 dependent point
spread function (PSF) which can be modeled as Eq. 2. In this study, to mimic the
frequency response of the Laplacian operator, four TSE data with different phase-encoding
directions (AP, PA, LR and RL) were linearly combined. The effective frequency
response is given in Fig. 1c. The effective PSF is dependent on T
relaxation time of each tissue and imaging parameters such as echo-spacing (ESP) and effective TE (TE
eff). Therefore,
the effective PSF depends on T
2 value of each tissue. After combining four TSE
data, the conductivity weighting was generated by dividing with the SE phase term (Eq.
Tube phantoms with different conductivity (NaCl (0.5/1.0/1.5%))
and T2 (CuSO4 (0.1/0.15 g/L)) values were designed (Fig. 2a) and tested. Phantom
and brain imaging were performed in a 3T clinical scanner (3T Siemens Tim Trio
MRI scanner) with 2D FSE sequence (resolution=1x1x5mm
3, TR/TE
Echo Train Length (ETL)=64 for phantom and 96 for brain, four different PE
directions with 4 averages each, total acquisition time=64sec) and a 2D SE
sequence (TR/TE=2000/10ms, two opposite readout-directions for eddy current
compensation, total acquisition time~8min for phantom and 12min for brain). In
the proposed method, an additional butterworth filter was applied to suppress
residual low frequency component of the combined TSE data. For comparison, a
phase-based approach
5 was applied for conventional MREPT. A Gaussian
filter (FWHM=2.0mm and 3.0 mms) was applied to reduce the high frequency noise.
Results & Discussion
By combining the four
TSE data, high frequency components were enhanced while low frequency
components still remained (for T
2=100ms, ~2.5% at TE
eff). After applying
the additional low frequency suppression filter, the proposed method showed
conductivity contrast (Fig.2e). However, T
2 contrast still remains in
the resultant image which was compensated by dividing with by T
2 weighting
at effective TE (Fig. 2b, 2f). After T
2 compensation, conductivity
dependent contrast was dominant (Fig.3). Compared with the conventional method
(Fig. 2c and d), the proposed method (Fig.2f) showed less boundary artifact. However,
blurring was observed due to imperfect T
2 kernel design (Fig.1c). In
vivo results are given in Fig. 4. Conductivity contrast can be observed similar
with the conventional EPT method. Since the effective PSF has T
dependency, blurring of long T
2 components such as CSF (>400ms) may be
remained in the conductivity weighted image. Further investigations about
optimal scan parameters and kernel designs can be extended for in-vivo
conductivity weighted imaging.
No acknowledgement found.References
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