Rapid and Simultaneous Measurements for Reaction Kinetics and Metabolite Pool Size Ratios using 31P Magnetization Saturation Transfer Spectroscopy
Sang-Young Kim1,2, Wei Chen3, Dost Ongur2, and Fei Du1,2

1McLean Imaging Center, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Belmont, MA, United States, 2Psychotic Disorders Division, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Belmont, MA, United States, 3Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States


We demonstrates a novel strategy to simultaneously measure metabolites pool sizes and kinetic constants of CK/ATPase reactions using 31P-MST spectroscopy. Our method enables the corrections for T1 relaxation time and chemical exchanges effects due to short TR. The most important advantage of our proposed method is the reduction of TR for complete measurements of both metabolites ratios and reaction kinetics with high sensitivity. This can facilitate future applications requiring high temporal and/or spatial resolution.


In this work, we demonstrate the effects of chemical exchanges on T1 relaxation times as well as magnetization ratios under various experimental conditions in three-site chemical exchange network (i.e., $$$PCr\leftrightarrow\gamma ATP \leftrightarrow Pi$$$). And we present a novel strategy to simultaneously quantify creatine kinase (CK) and ATP synthase (ATPase) reaction kinetics as well as metabolite pool size ratio with correcting T1 saturation and chemical exchange effect in 31P magnetization saturation transfer (MST) experiment. Finally, we validate our method on rat brain data in vivo.


The evolution of spin magnetization under chemical exchanging network can be characterized by modified Bloch-McConnell equation with matrix form as follow: $$$\frac{\text{d}M}{\text{d}t}=A\cdot [M(t)-M_{0}] $$$ where M is a vector, in which three components are equal to the longitudinal magnetizations of PCr, γATP and Pi, respectively and M0 is magnetization vector at thermal equilibrium. And A is a dynamic matrix involving the intrinsic T1 (T1int ) of the metabolites and reaction rates. The solution of above equation is $$$ M(t)=(I-e^{A\cdot TR})\cdot M_{0}+e^{A\cdot TR}\cdot M(0) $$$ where I is a $$$3 \times 3 $$$ unity matrix. M(0) is the initial magnetizations at t=0. T1int is intrinsic spin-lattice relaxation time without considering chemical exchange effect, which can be measured by using conventional progressive MST experiment. T1mix is defined as apparent T1 of a spin when chemical exchange is involved. It could be obtained by single-exponential fitting of simulated magnetization from above equation. And T1app is defined as apparent T1 of a spin when the resonance of γATP is saturated. Using spectra obtained without (Mc) and with saturation (Ms) on γATP resonance in short TR sequence, Xiong et al.1 derived an approximately linear relationship between magnetization ratios (Mc/Ms) and forward reaction constant (kf) values under various acquisition conditions as following equation: $$$ \frac{M_{c,PCr(Pi)}}{M_{s,PCr(Pi)}}\cong \beta +T_{1,PCr(Pi)}^{nom}\cdot k_{f,CK(ATPase)} $$$ where T1nom is nominal T1 and can be defined as the slope of the line obtained by linear regression of the simulated Mc/ Ms versus kf plot. Using calculated T1nom and experimental measure of Mcmea and Msmea, kf value can be obtained using above equation. Then, the kf value is used for calculation of control magnetization (Mccal) in modified Bloch-McConnell equation. Finally, fully relaxed new magnetization can be calculated using following equation: $$$ M_{0,PCr(\gamma ATP,Pi)}^{new}=\frac{M_{0,PCr(\gamma ATP,Pi)}^{ini}\times M_{c,PCr(\gamma ATP,Pi)}^{mea}}{M_{c,PCr(\gamma ATP,Pi)}^{cal}}$$$. The procedures are repeated until calculated Mccal is close enough to the measured Mcmea (i.e., percent difference below than 3 %). The pulse sequence used for the in vivo 31P MST experiments2 is shown in Fig.1. 31P spectra were acquired using the following acquisition parameters: spectral width 5000 Hz, 1024 data points. For MST, In order to achieve complete saturation of γATP resonance, BISTRO scheme3 was used. Both approximately full relaxation (TR=9 sec; FA=90°; tsat= 8.6 sec; NT=128) and partially relaxed saturation transfer experiments (TR= 3 sec; FA=45°; tsat= 2.6 sec; NT=128) were performed to validate our methods.

Results and Conclusions

As can be seen in Fig. 2, it is clear that T1 of PCr and Pi is in order of T1int >T1mix >T1app, except for γ-ATP. Fig. 3 shows simulation results of magnetization ratios with and without considering chemical exchange effects. For practicality, the simulated magnetizations are shown in terms of resonance ratios (i.e., PCr/γATP, γATP/Pi, and PCr/Pi) as function of TR. It is clear that the magnetization ratios are clearly sensitive to acquisition parameters (TR, FA) as well as chemical exchange system. For example, if we use TR=3 sec with FA=45° in 31P-MRS experiment without considering chemical exchange effects, we may underestimate the PCr/γATP by 13 % and overestimate γATP/Pi ratios by 10%. The larger FA results in higher error in quantification of metabolic levels. To validate our method, we compared CK and ATPase activity measurement as well as magnetization ratios between full (TR=9) and partial relaxation condition (TR=3). Table 1 shows CK and ATPase activity measurement, indicating there was no significant difference between two measures (p > 0.05). Table 2 shows magnetization ratios measured from both full (TR=9) and partial relaxation condition (TR=3). By correcting chemical exchange and T1 saturation effect, we could observe no significant difference in all magnetization ratios between two measures (p > 0.05). Our proposed method demonstrated that accurate metabolite quantification as well as calculation of forward CK/ATPase reaction constants could be possible with clinically reasonable scan time by correcting T1 relaxation time under chemical exchange system.


Supported by National Institutes of Health Grants MH094594 and MH092704 as well as Brain & Behavior Research Foundation


1. Xiong Q et al. Circ Res 2011;108:653-663.

2. Du F et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2008;105:6409-6414.

3. de Graff RA et al. J Magn Reson B 1996;113:35-45.


Figure 1. The sketched pulse sequence for magnetization saturation transfer experiments. The control (a) and saturated spectra (b) were acquired by saturation pulse train (BISTRO) “off” and “on”, respectively. The saturation pulse train with duration of tsat was used to saturate the rATP resonance completely with the repetition time (TR) and the flip angle.

Figure 2. The simulation of three kinds of 31P metabolites spin-lattice relaxation times (i.e., T1int, T1mix, T1app) as function of forward CK (kf,CK) (a) and ATPase reaction rate constant (kf,ATPase) (b). Simulation parameters are as follow: Acquisition parameter: TR = 3 sec, FA= 45°; spin system parameters: pool size ratio (PCr:γATP:Pi) = 1:0.55:0.21; intrinsic T1 for PCr, γATP, and Pi are 3.83, 1.24, and 4.03 sec. Chemical exchange parameter: (a) kf,ATPase = 0.14. (b) kf,CK = 0.25

Figure 3. The simulated magnetization ratios with and without considering chemical exchanges effects are shown as function of TR (a,b) and kf,CK(ATPase) (c). The solid and dashed lines indicate the magnetization ratios with and without considering chemical exchange effect, respectively. The effects of forward CK/ATPase reaction rate constants (kf,CK, kf,ATPase) on the magnetization ratios are also shown (c). Simulation parameters are the same in Fig. 2

Table 1. Comparison of forward reaction constant between full (TR=9 sec) and partial relaxation (TR=3 sec) condition. All data are presented with mean ± standard deviation. aThe reaction constants were calculated by conventional method with T1int value (PCr = 3.83 sec; Pi =4.03 sec). bThe reaction constant were calculated by T1nom method.

Table 2. Comparison of magnetization ratios between full and partial relaxation condition with and without correcting T1 relaxation and chemical exchange effect. All data are presented with mean ± standard deviation.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)