The creatine kinase (CK) forward rate constant kf
is a sensitive biomarker for heart failure. However, the low SNR of 31P-MRS
at 1.5T and 3T has only allowed it to be measured at low spatial resolution by
1D-CSI. Here, we show how cardiac 7T 31P-MRS permits 3D resolved measurements
for the first time.
A 3D variant of the FAST kfCK method was combined with 31P
Bloch-Siegert B1+ mapping to enable 3D-resolved measurements at 7T. The first
measurements of the creatine kinase rate in myocardium in the interventricular
septum are obtained from four subjects. Our mean kf = 0.36±0.04 s-1
was consistent with literature values.Purpose
The creatine kinase enzyme regulates the rate of creation of
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from phosphocreatine (PCr) in myocardial
myofibrils.1 The creatine kinase forward rate constant kfCK is a sensitive
biomarker for heart failure.2
Phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS)
at 1.5 and 3T has previously been used to measure kfCK
in the human myocardium.3 At 1.5T
and 3T 31P-MRS suffers from low SNR, so kfCK had
to be measured with a low spatial resolution, e.g. using 1D chemical shift
imaging (CSI).
The SNR for cardiac 31P-MRS increases by 2.8x at 7T
compared to 3T.4 Our aim is to use this
increased SNR to obtain the first 3D-localised measurements of kfCK
in the human heart. Higher resolution decreases confounding signal contamination, and is the first step towards kfCK measurements in localised
myocardial disease.
Saturation transfer (FAST3,
TRiST5 and TwiST6) and progressive saturation7 methods have been implemented for human cardiac kfCK
measurements. The FAST method, with no restraint on the sequence TR, is
the most extensible to 3D localisation.
FAST makes two dual-angle T1 measurements: one while
saturating the γ-ATP peak, and one with control saturation. Each measurement
comprises identical acquisitions, with different flip angles: α (15o)
and β (60o).8 The original 1D-CSI FAST implementation, using
BIR-4 pulses for uniform excitation, comprised 4 acquisitions.
After measuring T1s, with and without saturation
(T1’ and T1), the corresponding magnetisations with and without saturation (M0’ and M0)
are calculated. kfCK is given by: kCKf=1T′1(1−M′0M0).
Unfortunately, the B+1,peak on a Siemens Magnetom 7T scanner falls
below the adiabatic onset of BIR-4 pulses. Therefore, we replaced BIR-4
excitation with conventional pulses and added a B+1-mapping step to the protocol, using a 31P-MRS Bloch-Siegert method.9
The precision of the kfCK measured by
FAST was estimated, using Monte Carlo simulations, in the presence of errors in
flip angle. The error from the uncertainty in the B1
maps was compared with the error from imperfect excitation by BIR-4 pulses.10
This “FAST+Bloch-Siegert” method was validated in one
subject’s calf muscle, which has high SNR and homogeneous tissue, at 3T, with a volume coil for uniform excitation, and at 7T, with a
surface coil. The 10-cm loop transmit-receive surface coil was also used for the
cardiac protocol.
Four healthy subjects (male, 29±6yrs and 75±7Kg) underwent
the cardiac protocol. Subjects were positioned and localizers and calibration
scans were acquired as previously described.4
The protocol comprised 3D-CSI 31P-MRS acquisitions with a 16x16x8 acquisition
weighted CSI matrix (8 along the heart long-axis), 240x240x200mm3
FOV, 6000Hz bandwidth and shaped excitation pulse.4
The scan protocol and processing is described in Figure 1. In
the Bloch-Siegert prepared acquisitions, a Fermi pulse 9, at ±2000Hz, was added after the excitation. The B+1
is used to scale the following, four constituent, FAST acquisitions’ excitation flip angles, to 15o
for α and 60o for β in the interventricular septum. Selective
saturation was achieved by DANTE (TR=330μs, TP=100μs).
The total 31P-MRS acquisition time was 80 min. Data was processed and fitted using AMARES in
The error in kfCK from the
uncertainty in B+1 maps was computed as being <±20%
which is comparable to that from BIR-4 pulses (6.1-23.4%).
The kfCK measured in skeletal muscle
was 0.27±0.10 s-1 (3T: all purely muscle containing voxels), and 0.31±0.07
s-1 (7T: all voxels within 10% of target flip angles).
The kfCK in the target myocardial voxels of the 4 subjects was 0.39±0.15 s-1, 0.31±0.17 s-1,
0.39±0.21 s-1 and 0.35±0.09 s-1 (value ± SD). The study average was
0.37±0.05 s-1.
kfCK values recorded using the "FAST +
Bloch-Siegert" method fall within the range of literature values for cardiac and skeletal muscle. The values in this study have been
obtained from voxels centred on the myocardium, with voxel sizes (FWHM of the
point-spread-function) <50% those obtained in any previous study.
Simulations show that the precision and accuracy of kfCK
drop to <50% if the flip angles deviate from their target values by more than 20%. The inhomogeneous flip angles produced by surface
coils mean that the target flip angles are only obtained across a few voxels in
the left ventricle. A coil that produces more uniform excitation, e.g. a
larger loop or a volume coil, would allow more voxels to be quantified
The acquisition time is limited by the SNR of the method. Receive
array coils offer a 1.8x increase in
SNR for cardiac 31P-MRS at 7T; equivalent to a 3.2x
shorter scan duration.11
3D resolved creatine kinase rate measurements have been
recorded from human myocardium in vivo for the first time using 7T cardiac
Funded by a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship from the
Royal Society and the Wellcome Trust [098436/Z/12/Z].
WTC is funded by the MRC.
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