cardiac MRS is a promising tool for investigation of human heart disease. In
this context the independent quantification of intramyocellular (IMCL) and
extramyocellular lipids (EMCL) is desired. Quantification itself, however,
remains challenging. This work investigates, whether quantification of
metabolite signals within 1H cardiac MR spectra could be improved by the use of
prior knowledge about the behavior of metabolite signals in the quantification
A promising tool to investigate human heart disease is
cardiac 1H MR spectroscopy (MRS)1. Particularly the intramyocellular lipid
(IMCL) concentration might be of interest as a biomarker for heart disease, as
it represents an important energy depot of muscle cells2. Therefore the
independent quantification of IMCL and extramyocellular lipids (EMCL) is
desirable. However, quantification of 1H spectra remains challenging, as
different metabolite signals may overlap and signal to noise ratios of in vivo
MRS are rather small. This problem is aggravated in cardiac spectroscopy, due
to quality limitations of spectra imposed by cardiac and respiratory motion,
fluctuating and inhomogeneous B0 fields, as well as finite scan times.
This work investigates,
whether quantification of metabolite signals within cardiac MRS improves by the
use of prior knowledge about the dependence of chemical shifts on the muscle
fiber orientation in the quantification process.
Although IMCL and EMCL have the same chemical
composition, the signals of the different compartments experience a different
chemical shift, due to bulk susceptibility effects
3, as was demonstrated in
skeletal muscle studies. While the signal frequency of the IMCL signal remains
constant, the chemical shift of EMCL exhibits an angular dependency on the
muscle fiber orientation with respect to the main magnetic field (B
2. Assuming
reproducible voxel positioning with respect to cardiac fiber orientation, the
EMCL frequency shift (
Δω_{EMCL}) can be expected to be equivalent for
four different angles, between the voxel and B
0 (fig. 1). Hence,
Δω_{EMCL}(α) might be described by equation (1) (see fig. 2).
Furthermore, taurine and creatine are subject to dipolar
coupling due to restricted tumbling motion
2,4. The signal of
the three chemically equivalent spins of the creatine methyl group (CH
3) splits
into a triplet-structure with chemical shift and amplitude of the satellite
peaks depending on the average angle between the interaction direction and B
Θ). This coupling effect is proportional to
3\cdot\cos^{2}(Θ)-1. Hence, the
amplitudes of the satellite peaks (
A_{Cr28}(α)) of the CH
3 group at 3.03ppm
can be described by equation (2) (fig. 2).
Subjects and Methods
1H cardiac spectra were acquired
from the interventricular septum (fig. 3a,b) of 10 healthy female volunteers (bmi:
2) using the combination of image-based B
ECG-triggering and navigator-gating along with retrospective frequency-alignment
and phase-correction of metabolite-cycled
non-water-suppressed MRS
8,9,10. All measurements
were performed at a 3T Achieva system with a 32 channel cardiac coil (Philips
Healthcare, Best, NL).
Spectra were postprocessed with MRecon (Gyrotools, Zurich, CH) as detailed in [10], before they were fitted with LCModel
11 (fig.3c).
The frequency shift of the EMCL
signal at 1.5ppm (EMCL15) with respect to the IMCL signal at 1.3ppm (IMCL13) was
extracted from the LCModel fit results and their dependency on
α was investigated.
The metabolite
concentrations calculated by LCModel, are referenced against creatine. However,
the concentrations of the satellite peaks of the CH
3-triplet are not considered.
This leads to an overestimation of metabolite/Cr ratios, which depends on the
angle. Hence, the Cr28/Cr ratio, which is the concentration
ratio of the CH
3 satellite peaks at 2.8ppm to the main creatine peak, was taken
from the LCModel fits and analyzed with respect to
α. Metabolite concentrations were corrected by taking the
Cr28/Cr ratio from LCModel into account. Additionally metabolite concentrations
were corrected by
2\cdot A_{Cr28}(α), as the CH
3 resonance splits into a
triplet and the satellite peak amplitudes depend on
In fig. 4
is plotted versus
together with a fit of equation (1). Two data points were excluded due to
insufficient data quality. It can be seen that
Δω_{EMCL} follows the angular dependency in equation (1)
closely. The results are in good accordance with the results from previous
studies in skeletal muscle
Fig. 5a plots Cr28/Cr
ratio over
α and from the fit of equation (2) can be seen that the data
points follow the suggested mathematical relation.
In case of correlating (Pearson) unsaturated IMCL (I21) with the volunteers
BMI (fig.5b) the creatine correction schemes lead to a higher regression
coefficient R
2. While such a linear correlation of unsaturated IMCL and BMI
seems plausible, further studies are required to establish if this correlation
is indeed to be expected in healthy subjects and whether correlation changes could
arise in disease.
Prior knowledge on the angular dependence of the chemical
shift of EMCL signals and the signal splitting of dipolar coupled spins allow
for prediction of EMCL frequencies and the amplitude of the satellite peaks of
the CH
3 signal. This information improves accuracy and precision of the
quantification if used in correction schemes. The feasibility of separate
quantification of EMCL versus IMCL in the myocardium is confirmed.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. P. A. Bottomley et al, The
Lancet 351(9104):714-718 (1998)
2. C. Boesch et al, NMR Biomed 19:968-988 (2006)
3. F. Schick et al, MRM 29:158-167 (1993)
4. R. Kreis et al., MRM 37:159-163 (1997)
5. M. Schär et al, MRM 51:799-806 (2004)
6. A. Fillmer et al, MRM 73:1370-1380 (2015)
7. W. Dreher et al, MRM 54:190-195 (2005)
8. A. Hock et al, MRM 69:1253-1260 (2013)
9. E. L. MacMillan et al, Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 19:406 (2011)
A. Hock et al., Proc
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11. S. W. Provencher MRM 30:672-679 (1993)