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Self-Calibrated Phase-Correction for Superresolution of RASER at 7 T
Ute Goerke1

1CMRR/Radiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States


RASER (rapid acquisition with sequential excitation and refocusing) is an ultrafast imaging technique based on spatiotemporal encoding (SPEN). The excitation with a chirp-pulse with a low bandwidth-time product (R-value) introduces blurring in the SPEN dimension. Superresolution (SR) which removes the blurring fails as a result of the spatially varying B1-phase produced by radio-frequency coils at ultrahigh fields. A novel iterative phase-correction of the SR-algorithm is presented. It is shown that the spatial resolution and the SNR of blurred RASER images acquired at 7 T are significantly improved employing phase-corrected SR.


In RASER (rapid acquisition with sequential excitation and refocusing) (1,2), a 2D-image in a single shot is acquired similar to EPI (Fig. 1). The phase-encoding in the echo-planar imaging (EPI) readout train is replaced spatiotemporal encoding (SPEN) in RASER. A low bandwidth-time product (R-value) of the frequency-swept excitation pulse causes blurring along the SPEN-dimension. Superresolution (SR) eliminates the blurring providing high spatial resolution (3,4). SR-reconstruction fails in the presence of spatial phase variations which are inevitably produced by the B1-fields of all ultra-high field radio-frequency (RF)-coils. A novel iterative self-calibrated phasing algorithm, which determines the spatial phase distribution directly from experimental RASER data, is developed. Benefits of SR-reconstruction, such as, increased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and improved spatial resolution, are quantified in RASER images acquired at 7 T.


SPEN in RASER is performed using a frequency-swept chirp-pulse for excitation in combination with appropriate balancing of the gradients resulting in a quadratic phase profile imprinted on the transverse magnetization during the echo readout. Spatial localization of the echo signal is based on dephasing of the transverse magnetization in regions of large phase variations outside the vicinity of the vertex of the quadratic phase profile producing the so-called signal attenuation function. The acquired series of echoes originates from subsequent locations along the spatial coordinate.

SR-reconstruction can also be described as the matrix multiplication of the SPEN vector Sx corresponding to a line in the low-resolution 2D-image at position x in frequency-encoded dimension with the so-called pulse encoding matrix (PEM) A (3-5)



generating the high-resolution image vector Ix. The superscript T represents the conjugate transpose. Spatial phase variations P, which are not represented in the PEM A, are obtained iteratively (jj+1) from the experimental data Sx=PSxSx and the reconstructed image Ix=PIxIx. The elements of PEM Aμν are corrected according to



The SNR is determined by measuring the standard deviation in a noise scan acquired with blanked RF-amplifiers and signal intensity in RASER images of a homogenous saline phantom. Simulations of SNR are based on the method in reference (6). The theoretical SNR before SR-reconstruction is derived from the SNR of a spin echo (SE)-EPI image which is normalized by the square root of the number of phase-encoding steps (5).


Fig. 2 shows RASER and for comparison gradient echo (GRE) images of a high-resolution LEGO phantom in gray. The labels ‘before’ and ‘after’ correspond to iteration and after convergence of the phase-correction algorithm applied to the RASER images of each channel of a 32-channel RF head coil. The spatial phase variation distributions are shown in color. The reduction of striping artifacts in the RASER images achieved with the phase-correction algorithm is evident.

Fig. 3 depicts the SNR-values for various R-values obtained from the experimental RASER data (blue: before SR-reconstruction, green: after SR-reconstruction) and SE-EPI image (yellow) as well as the theoretical SNR-values before SR-reconstruction (red). The SNR of the RASER images before SR-reconstruction (lores) increases with lower R-values confirming the theoretically predicted gains (red). The SNR after SR-reconstruction (hires) also increases with lower R-values, but is lower than in low-resolution images. This finding suggest that there are two competing mechanisms for noise propagation in SR-reconstruction present: first, noise enhancement as a result of matrix inversion reduces SNR. Secondly, averaging of the noise weighted by the signal attenuation function across the field-of-view (FOV) reduces the noise level.

Fig. 4 shows images of the calcarine sulcus of a subject. The RASER images are reconstructed using the SR-algorithm with self-calibrated phasing. Similar image quality and spatial resolution are achieved with RASER data acquired with the three different R-values. For comparison, segmented gradient echo (GE)-EPI, segmented SE-EPI and T1-weighted (T1)-GRE were acquired from the same slice. The yellow box marks the extent and location of the RASER images. The details of sulci are depicted in the RASER images equally well to the T1-GRE (inverted contrast) and the SE-EPI images. The GE-EPI provides T2*-weighted contrast while RASER and SE-EPI produce T2-weighted images accounting for the different gray-white matter contrast.


In summary, self-calibrated phasing algorithm which enables SR-reconstruction of SPEN data exhibiting strong phase variations was developed. The proposed phase-correction algorithm is shown to substantially improve the quality of RASER-images acquired at 7 T. It is concluded that this capability is essential to be able to perform SR-reconstruction of data acquired at ultrahigh magnetic field providing high spatial resolution and increased SNR.


Financial support by the NIH-grants P41 EB015894 (NIBIB), P30 NS057091 (BTRC), S10 RR026783, R01 EB000331 and R24 MH105998-01 and the WM KECK Foundation is acknowledged.


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2. Goerke U, Garwood M, Ugurbil K. Functional magnetic resonance imaging using RASER. NeuroImage 2011;54(1):350-360.

3. Ben-Eliezer N, Irani M, Frydman L. Super-Resolved Spatially Encoded Single-Scan 2D MRI. Magn Res Med 2010;63(6):1594-1600.

4. Ben-Eliezer N, Shrot Y, Frydman L. High-definition, single-scan 2D MRI in inhomogeneous fields using spatial encoding methods. Magn Reson Imaging 2010;28(1):77-86.

5. Ben-Eliezer N, Shrot Y, Frydman L, Sodickson DK. Parametric Analysis of the Spatial Resolution and Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Super-Resolved Spatiotemporally Encoded (SPEN) MRI. Magn Res Med 2014;72(2):418-429.

6. Kellman P, McVeigh ER. Image reconstruction in SNR units: A general method for SNR measurement. Magn Res Med 2005;54(6):1439-1447.


Figure 1: RASER sequence with blipped and constant gradient for SPEN during the readout echo train. AM, FM: amplitude- and frequency-modulation of the RF-channel, Gf, GSPEN, GS: magnetic field gradients for frequency-encoding, SPEN and slice-selection.

Figure 2: Self-calibrated phase-correction for SR-reconstruction of RASER. GRE shows a single channel image of a high-resolution LEGO-phantom acquired with a 32-channel RF-coil. RASER images (gray) of the same RF-channel before and after the iterative phase-correction of the PEM A and the corresponding phase maps P (color) used for correction.

Figure 3: SNR of RASER before (blue) and after (green) phase-corrected SR-reconstruction for various R-values of the chirp-pulse. Theoretical SNR-values (red) were calculated based on SE-EPI data (yellow: 48 phase-encoding steps). Error bars represent standard deviation within the selected region-of-interest.

Figure 4: RASER, T1-weighted GRE (inverted contrast), segmented SE-EPI and segmented GE-EPI images of the calcarine sulcus of a subject. RASER images acquired with different R-values (100, 125, 150) are reconstructed with the novel phase-corrected SR-method. The yellow box marks the region acquired with RASER. Spatial resolution: 2 mm.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)