Siddharth Srinivasan Iyer1, Frank Ong1, and Michael Lustig1
1Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States
ESPIRiT is a robust, auto-calibrating approach to parallel MR image reconstruction that estimates the subspace of sensitivity maps using an eigenvalue-based method. While it is robust to a range of parameter choices, having parameters that result in a tight subspace yields the best performance. We propose an automatic, parameter free method that appropriately weights the subspace using a shrinkage operator derived from Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimate. We demonstrate the efficacy of our technique by showing superior map estimation without user intervention in simulation and in-vivo data compared to the current default method of subspace estimation.Introduction
is a robust, auto-calibrating approach to parallel MR image
reconstruction that estimates the subspace of coil sensitivity maps using
an eigenvalue-based method. While it is robust to a range of
parameter choices, having parameters that result in a tight subspace yields the best performance. We propose an automatic,
parameter free method that appropriately weights the subspace using a
shrinkage operator derived from Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimate. We
demonstrate the efficacy of our technique by showing superior map
estimation without user intervention in simulation and in-vivo data
compared to the current default method of subspace estimation.
ESPIRiT, a calibration matrix (A) is constructed from
signal (ACS) data. Its
singular value decomposition (SVD) is used to characterize the signal
subspace (V||) and the noise subspace (V⊥).1
SVD(A)=USV∗, where V=[V||,V⊥]
self-consistency operator Gq is derived from the
signal subspace. Self consistency implies Gqx=x where x is the image. The point-wise eigenvalue decomposition of Gq
is done in the image domain and eigenvectors with eigenvalues close to one with a tolerance threshold (γ) are said to span
sensitivity maps.1
hard threshold (λ) on the singular values is used to
estimate the signal subspace (V||). If s1≥s2≥⋯≥smin are the singular values of A,
= VW, \text{ where } W = \text{diag}\left[\frac{\mathbb{1}(s_i > \lambda s_1)}{s_i}\right]
the hard threshold works well in most cases, it can be sensitive to
the choice of \lambda. It might include vectors from the noise
subspace or null vectors from the signal subspace. Finding the right
\lambda is therefore crucial, but this problem is not convex.
To overcome this, we replace the
hard threshold with a soft threshold that weighs down the noise
subspace. Soft thresholding is more robust to choice of threshold
and it is possible to determine the optimal soft threshold (\hat
\lambda) using Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimate.2
the optimal soft threshold (\hat \lambda) is determined, we
define a new weighted subspace estimate.
V_{||} =V\hat W, \text{ where } \hat W = \text{diag}\left[\frac{(s_i
- \hat \lambda)_+}{s_i}\right]
This weighting operator \hat W appropriately shrinks the norms of
the singular vectors. This weighting of V to estimate
V_{||} results in \hat{\mathcal{G}}_q being related to
\mathcal{G}_q as follows,
= W^* \mathcal{G}_q W
assume the eigenvectors of \hat{\mathcal{G}}_q span "weighted"
sensitivity maps and hence the eigenvalues do not necessarily meet
the "=1" eigenvalue condition.1 To accommodate this, the
second threshold (\gamma) is set to 0.98 times the maximum
eigenvalue of the eigenvalue decomposition of
are different ways to estimate the noise standard deviation. Since
we hypothesize that A is low-rank, we expect that the last few
singular values should be contributions from noise only. In order to
estimate noise standard deviation (\sigma), we generate a
zero-mean, unit-variance Gaussian noise calibration matrix and fit
its last one-fourth singular values to the last one-fourth singular
values of A.
look at the ESPIRiT maps generated from the two methods and
qualitatively compare them. We
use two fully sampled knee-datasets
from a Discovery MR 750 GE Scanner.3
kernel of dimension [6 \times 6] and a calibration region of
dimension [24 \times 24] are used. We
ESPIRiT's default threshold parameters (\lambda = 0.001, \gamma =
0.8) to
generate one set of ESPIRiT maps. The weighting method described above is used to generate the other set.
We project
the data on the
above two sets of maps and compare the results and their
difference images.
(The difference image is the null
projection. It
should have only noise and no signal.)
1, 2, 3 and 4 exemplify our results. Even with data being acquired
from the same scanner, we see that the default parameters can result
in loose sensitivity maps as in the Figure 2 and tight maps as in
Figure 4. Contrast this with the soft-weighting method which results
in tight sensitivity maps in both cases. Looking at Figure 1 specifically, we see the tight sensitivity maps result in more noise in the difference image (1e) compared to difference image (1c), which is desirable. This is especially noticeable in regions surrounding the knee, where we expect no signal and only noise.
Discussion and Conclusion
effects of weighting the signal subspace on the second threshold need to be further studied. Nevertheless, the soft-weighting of singular vectors is a promising step towards having an ESPIRiT implementation that is both robust to noise and completely auto-calibrating.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Uecker, Martin, Peng Lai, Mark J. Murphy, Patrick Virtue, Michael Elad, John M. Pauly, Shreyas S. Vasanawala, and Michael Lustig. "ESPIRiT-an Eigenvalue Approach to Autocalibrating Parallel MRI: Where SENSE Meets GRAPPA." Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 71, no. 3 (2013): 990-1001.
2. Candès, Emmanuel J., Carlos A. Sing-Long, and Joshua D. Trzasko. "Unbiased Risk Estimates for Singular Value Thresholding and Spectral Estimators." IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61, no. 19 (2013): 4643-657.
3. Epperson, Kevin, Anne Marie Sawyer,
Michael Lustig, Marcus Alley, Martin Uecker, Patrick Virtue,
Peng Lai and Shreyas Vasanawala. "Creation of Fully Sampled MR Data Repository for Compressed Sensing of the Knee" Paper presented at SMRT Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, 2013.