Chronic mild stress induces changes in neurite density in the amygdala as revealed by diffusion MRI and validated with novel histological analyses
Ahmad Raza Khan1, Andery Chuhutin1, Ove Wiborg2, Christopher D Kroenke3, Jens R Nyengaard4, Brian Hansen1, and Sune Nørhøj Jespersen1,5

1Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 2Centre for Psychiatric Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 3Advanced Imaging Research Center, Portland, OR, United States, 4Stereology and Electron Microscopy Laboratory, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 5Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark


Biophysical modelling of diffusion MRI data allows detection of specific tissue microstructures such as neurite density. However, histological validation of MR-derived indication of microstructural alteration is limited due extensive time labour and invasive character, even though histological validation is crucial because it remains the gold standard. The present study applies Matlab based image processing and analysis tools to compute histological neurite density to validate diffusion MRI based neurite density changes in the amygdala of chronic mild stress rat brains. The image processing and analyses provides novel tools to validate diffusion data robustly.


Alteration in shape, size and packing density of cellular and sub cellular microstructure affect the diffusion of water, so the diffusion MRI (dMRI) signal ; however traditional dMRI parameters are not sensitive enough to probe specific microstructural components. Modeling of dMRI data has successfully detected changes in cellular and sub-cellular microstructure, for example neurite density (ν), axonal water fraction, intra and extra axonal diffusivity, to name a few (1, 2, 3). Neurite density parameters are sensitive and potentially useful in disease, diagnosis and monitoring treatment outcome (1, 2). However, histological validation of these findings is limited, but highly valuable, and may provide more pertinent explanations of parameter alteration as well as to establish the usefulness of model parameters (4). Although histology is considered a gold standard, correlating MRI to histology is often unfeasible because it requires extensive time and labor, and is thus a low throughput technique. Here we employed morphological operation tools included with the image processing toolbox of Matlab to compute histology based neurite, nuclear and glial volume fractions from the amygdala region of control and chronic mild stress (CMS) rat brains. The novel image processing and analysis framework can process and analyze the images robustly with high throughput.

Material and Methods

Twenty four adult wistar rats (Taconic, Denmark) were used in the present study. The CMS paradigm was implemented (5) and distinguished as anhedonic and resilient on the basis of sucrose consumption test, described elsewhere (5). Brains were perfusion fixed and post-fixed in buffered formalin. After ex-vivo dMRI (TR/TE =6500 /26 ms, Δ/δ 15/5 ms, 12 directions, 14 b-values (0-8000 s/mm2) and 250 µm isotropic resolution), the same hemispheres were sectioned into 60 µm thick sections on a vibratome. One set of tissue sections were double stained with lipophilic dye (DiI), and nuclear stain (Hoechst). Another set of tissue sections were immunostained with ALDH1L1, an astrocyte marker. Image stacks in 3D from the amygdala region were acquired from DiI and Hoechst stained sections on a confocal microscope (Figure 1a, 1d). Multiple images were captured on a light microscope from the amygdala region of immunostained (ALDH1L1) sections (Figure 1g). Images in 3D underwent depth dependent intensity correction and were subsequently imported as ‘tiff’ images in Matlab, followed by contrast enhancement (Figure 2b, e, h). Contrast enhanced images were thresholded to binary images and morphologically opened with rectangular structuring elements. Binary images were compared with contrast enhanced image to visually confirm successful delineation of targeted microstructure (Figure 2c, f, i). Pixels in the binary images were counted and normalized to approximate neurite, nuclear and astrocyte volume fractions. MRI and histological data were separately fit in Matlab to a linear mixed effect models with animals as random effects and group as a fixed effect. Figures 2 and 3 show estimated means with confidence intervals (95%) providing an estimate of fixed effect size and variability. F tests were used to assess the level of significance.


Biophysical modeling of dMRI data based neurite density model showed significant increase in neurite density only in amygdala in anhedonic (p = 0.008) and resilient groups (p = 0.011) (Figure 2). Histology based neurite density was also significantly increased in anhedonic and resilient groups (p = 0.018 and p = 0.048) respectively, in comparison to control, while nuclear and astrocyte densities showed modest non-significant decrease in both stressed group (Figure 3).


The present study demonstrates histological validation of dMRI based neurite density increase in the amygdala of CMS rat brains. Histological validation of MR based findings establishes the microstructural underpinnings of the model parameters and provides a clear understanding of microstructural alterations driving observed parameter. Despite the fundamental difference between the MRI and microscopy modalities, previous quantitative analysis has shown a significant correlation between the two (2, 4). Here, we present a novel image processing and analysis framework of histological data to validate dMRI derived neurite density. Our analysis comparing amygdala from stressed rat to normal controls provides results in agreement with a previous neuronal tracing study which found dendritic hypertrophy in amygdala after chronic stress (6). The modest decrease in nuclear and astrocyte volume fraction reported here is also supported by previous stereology based findings in major depressive disorder (7).


Biophysical modelling combined with dMRI revealed increases in neurite density in the amygdala of stressed rats. We developed novel robust and high throughput image processing and analysis tools validating these findings with histology and immunohistochemistry. These techniques can be applied to validate specificity of MRI model parameters in an unbiased and efficient manner.


Lundbeck Foundation grant R83–A7548 and Simon Fougner Hartmanns Familiefond. AC and BH acknowledge supported from NIH 1R01EB012874-01. The authors wish to thank Lippert’s Foundation and Korning’s Foundation for financial support. The 9.4T lab was made possible by funding from the Danish Research Counsil's Infrastructure program, the Velux Foundations, and the Department of Clinical Medicine, AU.


1. Jespersen, S. N., et al. Modeling dendrite density from magnetic resonance diffusion measurements. NeuroImage (2007); 34(4): 1473-1486.

2. Jespersen, S., et al. Neurite density from magnetic resonance diffusion measurements at ultrahigh field: comparison with light microscopy and electron microscopy. NeuroImage (2010); 49: 205-216.

3. Assaf, Y., et al. New modeling and experimental framework to characterize hindered and restricted water diffusion in brain white matter. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2004); 52(5): 965-978.

4. Jespersen, S. N. et al. Determination of axonal and dendritic orientation distributions within the developing cerebral cortex by diffusion tensor imaging. Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on (2012); 31(1): 16-32.

5. Wiborg, O., Chronic mild stress for modeling anhedonia. (2013); Cell and tissue research 354(1): 155-169.

6. Vyas, A., et al. Chronic stress induces contrasting patterns of dendritic remodeling in hippocampal and amygdaloid neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience (2002); 22(15): 6810-6818.

7. Bowley, M. P., et al. Low glial numbers in the amygdala in major depressive disorder. Biological psychiatry (2002); 52(5): 404-412.


Figure 1: a) Original DiI stain image, (b) Contrast enhanced DiI Image and (c) Binary image of b. (d) Original image with nuclear staining, (e) contrast enhanced nuclear image (f) Binary image of e. (g) Original astrocyte immunohistological image, (h) Contrast enhanced astrocyte image and (i) Binary image of h.

Figure 2: Neurite density maps from control , anhedonic and resilient animal and Mean ± confidence interval (CI) shows in Am (Amygdala), Pfc (Prefrontal Cortex), Hp (Hippocampus) and Cp(Caudate putamen). Significant increase in Neurite density observed only in Am of anhedonic (* p<0.01) and resilient (** p<0.001) group in comparison to control.

Figure 3: Nuclear, neurite and astrocyte density [%] from Am region of the brain and mean ± confidence interval (CI). Neurite density shows significant increase in anhedonic and resilient group (* p<0.05) in comparison of control. No significant alteration was observed in nuclear and astrocyte density.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)