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Multi-compartment microscopic diffusion anisotropy imaging brought into clinical practice
Enrico Kaden1, Nathaniel D. Kelm2, Robert P. Carson3, Mark D. Does2, and Daniel C. Alexander1

1Centre for Medical Image Computing, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 3Departments of Neurology and Pediatrics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States


This work introduces a multi-compartment model for microscopic diffusion anisotropy imaging using an off-the-shelf pulse sequence achievable on standard clinical scanners. In particular, we will provide estimates of microscopic features specific to the intra- and extra-neurite compartments unconfounded by the effects of fibre crossings and orientation dispersion, which are ubiquitous in the brain. The new imaging technique is demonstrated in a large cohort of healthy young adults as well as for the detection of microstructural tissue alterations in a preclinical animal model of tuberous sclerosis complex.


It has recently been shown that, using the Spherical Mean Technique (SMT)1, single diffusion encoding is capable of revealing microscopic diffusion anisotropy in tissue with complex directional structure. The present work extends this technique and introduces a multi-compartment microscopic diffusion model. In particular, we will provide estimates of microscopic features specific to the intra- and extra-neurite compartments unconfounded by the effects of fibre crossings and orientation dispersion, which are ubiquitous in the brain. The new imaging technique is demonstrated in a large cohort of healthy young adults as well as for the detection of microstructural tissue alterations in a preclinical animal model of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC).

Methods and materials

SMT is based on the insight that for any fixed gradient magnitude and timing, hence fixed b-value, the spherical mean of the diffusion signal over the gradient directions does not depend on the neurite orientation distribution1. Rather, the mean diffusion signal is only a function of the microscopic diffusion process. The general approach consists of three steps: First, we need to formulate a model for the microscopic diffusion signal. Second, the spherical mean signal is computed by averaging the T2-normalised diffusion signal acquired with uniformly sampled gradient directions for each b-shell separately. Third, the model parameters are estimated using a least-squares method that fits the spherical mean version of the microscopic diffusion model to the measured mean signals for a given set of b-values.

Here we propose a multi-compartment microscopic model that takes the presence of multiple tissue components at the (sub-) cellular level into account. Acknowledging the clinical time constraints, we describe the intra-neurite diffusion signal with a stick model, setting the transverse intra-neurite microscopic diffusivity to zero. The extra-neurite diffusion signal is modelled by a rotationally symmetric microscopic tensor, assuming that the transverse extra-neurite microscopic diffusivity is a function of the intra-neurite volume fraction vint and intrinsic diffusivity λ, here the simple tortuosity model2 λext(vint,λ)=(1vint)λ. Then the spherical mean version of this multi-compartment microscopic model is, for a fixed b-value, ˉeb=vintˉeintb+(1vint)ˉeextb with the intra-neurite mean signal ˉeintb=πerf(bλ)2bλ and the extra-neurite mean signal ˉeextb=exp(bλext(vint,λ))πerf(b(λλext(vint,λ)))2b(λλext(vint,λ)). Unlike existing techniques such as NODDI3, we do not make any assumptions about the neurite orientation distribution (e.g. Watson/Bingham distributions) and estimate the microscopic diffusion coefficients from the data.

We used high-quality diffusion data acquired with a bespoke 3 T scanner from the Human Connectome Project (HCP), 500 Subjects Data Release4. The 1.25 mm-isotropic image data consist of 270 gradient directions evenly distributed over three b-shells of 1000, 2000 and 3000 s/mm². Moreover, we conducted an ex-vivo study with conditional knockouts (CKO) of Rictor and Tsc2 in Olig2-Cre mice, which both impact the myelination in the central nervous system5. Eight normal, five Rictor and five Tsc2 P60 mouse brains were scanned on a 15.2 T Bruker system using a diffusion sequence with 30 gradient directions for each b-value of 3000 and 6000 s/mm² (150 µm isotropic resolution).


Figure 1 maps the intra-neurite volume fraction vint and intrinsic diffusivity λ in a human subject. Note that in cerebrospinal fluid λ approaches the diffusion coefficient of free water and vint tends to zero. Figure 2 shows that SMT produces reliable results with just 45 diffusion gradients. After spatial normalisation, Figure 3 establishes the normative values of the new microscopic diffusion indices over a cohort of 100 unrelated healthy adults (aged 29.1 ± 3.7 years) coming from the HCP data set. Once the microscopic diffusion process has been recovered, we estimate the fibre orientation distribution using spherical deconvolution6,7 with a spatially varying impulse response function. Figure 4 maps the orientation dispersion entropy, i.e. the Kullback–Leibler divergence of the neurite orientation distribution with respect to the uniform distribution. Furthermore, Figure 5 shows that for Rictor CKO, which results in a phenotype with moderate adverse effects, we observe only minor deviations, whereas Tsc2 mice exhibit a significant loss of axon density in wide areas of the brain white matter, presumably leading to the severe adverse effects seen in this model. Quantitative histology agrees with these findings (not shown, data publicly available8).


We have developed multi-compartment microscopic diffusion anisotropy imaging, which uses a standard sequence with two (or more) b-shells runnable within clinically feasible scan times. This simple, fast and robust method enabled us to recover the neurite density and intrinsic diffusivity unconfounded by and without knowledge of the fibre orientation distribution. The ex-vivo mouse study demonstrated that the microscopic diffusion indices are well suited for the evaluation of diffuse alterations in the white matter microstructure, thus offering great potential for clinical translation.


The UK EPSRC supported this work with grants EP/G007748/1 and EP/M020533/1. Data were provided in part by the Human Connectome Project, WU-Minn Consortium (Principal Investigators: David Van Essen and Kamil Ugurbil; 1U54MH091657) funded by the 16 NIH Institutes and Centers that support the NIH Blueprint for Neuroscience Research; and by the McDonnell Center for Systems Neuroscience at Washington University.


1. Kaden E, Kruggel F, and Alexander DC. Quantitative mapping of the per-axon diffusion coefficients in brain white matter. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2015; doi:10.1002/mrm.25734.

2. Szafer A, Zhong J, and Gore JC. Theoretical model for water diffusion in tissues. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 33:697–712, 1995.

3. Zhang H, Schneider T, Wheeler-Kingshott CA, and Alexander DC. NODDI: Practical in vivo neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging of the human brain. NeuroImage, 61:1000–1016, 2012.

4. Van Essen DC, Ugurbil K, Auerbach E, Barch D, Behrens TEJ, Bucholz R, Chang A, Chen L, Corbetta M, Curtiss S, et al. The Human Connectome Project: A data acquisition perspective. NeuroImage, 62:2222–2231, 2012.

5. Kelm ND, West KL, Carson RP, Gochberg DF, Ess KC, and Does MD. Evaluation of diffusion kurtosis imaging in ex vivo hypomyelinated mouse brains. NeuroImage, 124:612–626, 2016.

6. Kaden E, Anwander A, and Knösche TR. Variational inference of the fiber orientation density using diffusion MR imaging. NeuroImage, 42:1366–1380, 2008.

7. Kaden E and Kruggel F. A reproducing kernel Hilbert space approach for q-ball imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 30:1877–1886, 2011.

8. West KL, Kelm ND, Carson RP, and Does MD. Quantitative analysis of mouse corpus callosum from electron microscopy images. Data in Brief, 5:124–128, 2015.


Intra-neurite volume fraction (top) and intrinsic diffusivity for a representative subject. The key feature of these maps is that the confounding effects due to fibre crossings and orientation dispersion have been factored out.

Sparse gradient sampling with 180, 90 and 45 diffusion gradients evenly distributed over three b-shells. The error metrics are computed with respect to the intra-neurite volume fraction vint and intrinsic diffusivity λ estimated from the full data set (cf. Figure 1).

Population average of the intra-neurite volume fraction (top) and intrinsic diffusivity over a large cohort of healthy young adults. These maps establish the normative values of the novel imaging biomarkers, to support clinical diagnostics.

The top section demonstrates the recovery of the neurite orientation distribution from all b-shell data for a representative subject. In the bottom panel the orientation dispersion entropy is shown, which also takes fibre crossings into account.

Voxelwise differences of the population means between Rictor mice and controls (top) as well as FWE-corrected p-value maps quantifying the significance of group differences between Tsc2 CKO and normal mice, demonstrating the sensitivity to TSC-induced abnormalities.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)