High spatial and temporal resolution DCE-MRI of intervertebral disc endplates using GRAPPA accelerated 3D-Linogram acquisition
L. Tugan Muftuler1,2, Ali Ersoz3, and Volkan Emre Arpinar1

1Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States, 2Center for Imaging Research, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States, 3Department of Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States


It is suggested that disruption of nutrient delivery through the intervertebral disc endplates could lead to physiological and morphological changes in the discs. Our earlier DCE-MRI studies demonstrated major changes in endplate regions. However, we had to sacrifice temporal resolution to obtain high spatial resolution to image the thin endplates. Higher temporal resolution is needed for quantitative analysis of tracer kinetics. Therefore, we developed and tested 3D-Linogram acquisition technique that allowed higher temporal resolution and reduced motion artifacts. Tofts’ tracer kinetic model was implemented and Ktrans values from vertebral endplates were estimated.


Although intervertebral disc degeneration is a part of natural aging process, there are factors that influence the rate and nature of degeneration. One of the proposed mechanisms is disruption of nutrient delivery through the disc endplates, which could lead to disc degeneration1. We are currently exploring a novel approach to study such endplate changes in vivo using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI). Although our initial results demonstrated profound changes in the endplates of degenerating discs, accurate quantification of such changes was hindered by low temporal resolution. Despite using the fastest protocol available from the manufacturer, the temporal resolution was sacrificed (30s) to image the thin endplates with high spatial resolution. With higher temporal resolutions, it would be feasible to quantify changes in the vascular and extravascular space using pharmacokinetic models. This could help us study the pathological changes in endplates noninvasively and explore associations between endplate changes and low back pain. Another problem with the existing protocol was motion artifacts because it is based on 3D SPGR, which is sensitive to motion. Here, we implemented a novel acquisition technique to obtain DCE-MRI data at high spatial and temporal resolution, which is also more tolerant to motion.


Radial imaging has several advantages over Cartesian sampling. Radial scans are less prone to subject motion, allows higher acceleration rates with less artifacts and it covers the center of k-space with each spoke. In conventional radial sampling, k-space data is first interpolated onto a rectangular grid followed by Fourier Transform. However, if data is acquired on a concentric-squares grid (aka Linogram), there exists a direct, exact and fast transformation2. Fig.1 shows the k-space sampling trajectories for the two techniques. Although Linogram method has been implemented in MRI before3, acceleration with parallel imaging was not studied to this date. Furthermore, its performance for high spatial and temporal resolution DCE-MRI was not explored. Here we developed a 3D-Linogram acquisition with GRAPPA acceleration and acquired DCE-MRI data from the lumbar spine. The 3D-Linogram was implemented using stack-of-stars sampling technique. Only in-plane acceleration was used and images were reconstructed using a modified radial-GRAPPA technique4. In this approach, k-space is divided into smaller segments, and the weight matrix for each segment is calibrated using the same segment from a fully sampled calibration data acquired separately. More than one kernel is required for radial or linogram sampling schemes because undersampling direction and spacing are different in different regions of the k-space. A 2×5 kernel size was used in this study. Data were acquired on a 3T GE-MR750 MRI scanner.


Images were acquired from the lumbar spine of a volunteer using the 3D-Linogram. The study was approved by the IRB and written consent was obtained. We first collected single-volume images with and without acceleration. Fig.2 shows 3D-Linogram images acquired with full k-space scan and also with 2-fold acceleration using two channels of the CTL coil. For reference, a comparable full k-space acquisition with conventional 3D Cartesian scan was also shown. Linogram data were acquired with FOV=240mm (actual FOV=480mm with 512 samples to avoid fold-over artifacts, then cropped to 240mm), TR/TE=5ms/2.2ms, 12 slices with 6mm thickness. 384 radial spokes for full scans and 128 radial spokes for 2-fold acceleration were acquired to reconstruct 256×256 images (acceleration rate is given with respect to the Nyquist rate of Cartesian sampling). Total acquisition time of 3D-Linogram with 2-fold acceleration was 7.7s. DCE-MRI was acquired with 2-fold acceleration and 130 frames were collected. Gd-DTPA was administered as a bolus after the 10th dynamic frame. Enhancement plots from vertebral endplates are shown in Fig.3. Tofts’ pharmacokinetic model parameters were estimated from these curves and plotted (a group-averaged arterial input function was used). Typical Ktrans values were between 0.067/min and 0.107/min.


We demonstrated the feasibility of a new acquisition technique for high spatial and temporal resolution DCE-MRI to investigate disc endplate changes. In this study we had to use only two channels of a CTL coil, which limited the rate of acceleration. One could obtain higher acceleration rates, hence better temporal resolution, using RF coil arrays with more elements. Note that 2-fold acceleration with the product 3D Cartesian would still take 15s and the image quality was inferior. In addition to poorer parallel imaging performance, Cartesian scans in the spine with sagittal orientation takes longer because one has to choose A-P direction for frequency encoding to reduce motion artifacts, which requires phase oversampling to minimize fold-over artifacts. The 3D-Linogram technique can also be used in other dynamic imaging studies where high spatial and temporal resolution is required.


This research is supported by AOSpine International Spine Research Network and Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin


[1] An H, et al., Introduction: disc degeneration: summary. Spine. (2004); 29(23): 2677-8;

[2] A. Averbuch, et al. A framework for discrete integral transformations II – The 2D discrete Radon transform. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. (2008); 30:785-803.

[3] N. Gai, et al. Characterization of and correction for artifacts in linogram MRI. MRM (1997); 37:275-284;

[4] Seiberlich N, et al. Improved radial GRAPPA calibration for real-time free-breathing cardiac imaging. MRM (2011); 65:492-505.


Fig.1. k-space sampling trajectories for Radial scans (left) and Linogram scans (right).

Fig.2. Images of the lumbar spine. (a) 3D-Linogram with full k-space scan; (b) 3D-Linogram with 2-fold acceleration (128 spokes, with a total acquisition time of 7.7s); (c) Full-scan with conventional Cartesian scan using GE’s LAVA-FLEX protocol (used in our current studies, with a total acquisition time of 30s).

Fig.3. Normalized DCE-MRI signals from vertebral endplates and fitted curves using the Tofts tracer kinetics model (solid lines).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)