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Simultaneous quantification of intragastric secretion and fat distribution
Dian Liu1, Helen Louise Parker2, Jelena Curcic1,2, Sebastian Kozerke1, and Andreas Steingoetter1,2

1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland


Simultaneous assessment of both intragastric secretion and fat is important in food science but has hitherto been hampered by the bi-exponential relaxation behavior of fat emulsions. In combination with IDEAL, this work introduced a fat correction for rapid T1 mapping, which enabled the simultaneous measurement of the intragastric distribution and temporal development of gastric secretion and fat. Results revealed the interaction between these two components by dilution and mixing, making this method a promising tool to non-invasively assess the emulsification and emptying of ingested fat.


Quantification of the postprandial intragastric fat volume and distribution during gastric fat emptying is important in food science in order to asses the in vivo performance of engineered lipid emulsions. The IDEAL method has been recently validated for this purpose [1]. The presence of fat in the small bowel stimulates gastric acid secretion, which is required for efficient intragastric emulsification and subsequent absorption of the ingested fat. The postprandial intragastric accumulation and mixing of gastric secretion has been previously quantified by rapid T1 mapping [2]. A simultaneous assessment of both intragastric secretion and fat has hitherto been hampered by the bi-exponential relaxation behavior of fat emulsions. In order to allow the simultaneous measurement of intragastric secretion and fat, this work aims to introduce a fat correction for the previously established T1 mapping method.


Hierarchical IDEAL [3] was implemented incorporating a spectral fat model of rapeseed oil with the relative amplitude αp and chemical shift fp of each peak p. Multi-echo data were acquired with a 6-point gradient echo sequence. Using IDEAL, the complex field map ˆψ was estimated and the signal separated into a water and fat signal, W and F, respectively, from which quantitative FF maps were obtained. T1 measurements were based on the dual flip angle (DFA) acquisition, where two measurements at different flip angles α1,2 are performed. The bi-exponential signal component was removed by substracting F from the DFA signal, according to


where Sw is the water signal, S the overall DFA signal and E1f=200 ms the predefined T1 decay of fat. A T1 fitting procedure for the remaining mono-exponential signal was then applied according to [4]. The result was corrected for nonrectangular slice profiles and for transmit field inhomogeneity using the rapid B1 mapping technique DREAM [5]. The final T1 maps were interrelated to secretion concentration by an in vitro calibration curve (Fig. 1). They also allowed for correcting the T1 bias in the FF maps.

Meal: An acid stable emulsion prepared with water, rapeseed oil, polysorbate 80 and contrast agent Gd-DOTA (Laboratoire Guerbet, France) was investigated (200 mL, 20 wt% fat, droplet size 0.6 μm).

In vitro experiments: T1 and FF maps were acquired using different diluted samples of the emulsion. Results were validated with spectroscopic inversion recovery measurements as a reference and compared to T1 mapping without fat correction.

In vivo experiments: Ten healthy volunteers were imaged in right decubitus position on a 1.5 T MR system (Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands). After drinking the emulsion, IDEAL, DFA and DREAM scans were performed covering the complete stomach every 20-30 minutes for 3 hours in total. IDEAL scan parameters were: TR 10 ms, TE/dTE 1.25/1.54 ms, flip angle 10°, FOV 360x292x156 mm3, voxel size 2.8x2.8 mm2, slice thickness 7.5 mm, scan duration 1.4 s/slice. DFA scan parameters were: TR 9 ms, TE 2.1 ms, flip angles 2°/20°, FOV 360x292x147 mm3, voxel size 2.8x2.8mm2, slice thickness 15 mm, scan duration 2.0 s/slice. DREAM scan parameters were: FID first, TE 1.3/1.7 ms, Ts 3.0 ms, STEAM flip angle 60°, imaging flip angle 10°, TFE factor 52, FOV 360x292x147 mm3, voxel size 5.6x5.6 mm2, slice thickness 15 mm, scan duration 1 s/slice. The resulting images were analyzed by semi-automatic segmentation of gastric content to assess the intragastric dynamics of secretion and fat.


Fig. 2 shows the agreement of in vitro T1 values with the reference. 3D visualizations of intragastric FF and secretion maps acquired at different time points are depicted in Fig. 3a. Fig. 3b displays the projection of the secretion concentrations along the direction of gravity over time. The initial accumulation of secretion in the distal stomach, continuous dilution and mixing of the emulsion by secretion and subsequent accumulation of secretion as a layer are clearly visible. In contrast to a consistent linear fat emptying, intragastric secretion showed considerably inter-subject variability, as seen in Fig. 4.


Combining rapid T1 mapping with IDEAL enabled the simultaneous quantification of the intragastric distribution and temporal development of gastric secretion and fat in emulsions revealing the interaction of the two components by dilution and mixing. In vitro validation measurements highlighted the need to correct for the bi-exponential relaxation behavior of fat, especially at higher fat fractions. Simultaneous MR imaging of intragastric secretion and fat seems a promising tool to non-invasively assess the emulsification and emptying of ingested fat.


No acknowledgement found.


[1] Liu D, Parker HL, Curcic J, Kozerke S, Steingoetter A. Visualizing and quantifying human fat digestion with IDEAL. ISMRM 2015.

[2] Sauter M, Curcic J, Menne D, Goetze O, Fried M, Schwizer W, Steingoetter A. Measuring the interaction of meal and gastric secretion: a combined quantitative magnetic resonance imaging and pharmacokinetic modeling approach. Neurogastr Motil 2012.

[3] Tsao J, Jiang Y. Hierarchical IDEAL: fast, robust, and multiresolution separation of multiple chemical species from multiple echo times. MRM 2013.

[4] Treier R, Steingoetter A, Fried M, Schwizer W, Boesiger P. Optimized and combined T1 and B1 mapping technique for fast and accurate T1 quantification in contrast-enhanced abdominal MRI. MRM 2007.

[5] Nehrke K, Boernert P. DREAM – a novel approach for robust, ultrafast, multislice B1 mapping. MRM 2012.


In vitro calibration curve where T1 is interrelated to the Gd-DOTA concentration and secretion concentration. Measured data points are plotted as mean ± SD.

T1 values with standard deviations measured without (blue) and with (green) fat correction. The identity line is indicated by the dashed white line.

(a) 3D visualizations of the intragastric FF (top row) and secretion (bottom row) over time, which show complementary developments typical for stable emulsions, where areas of high FF correspond to areas of low secretion. Note that for FF, twice as many slices were acquired in comparison to secretion.

(b) Corresponding projections of the secretion concentrations over time.

Boxplots showing the temporal development of fat (blue) and secretion volumes (green) of all volunteers. Secretion exhibited a larger inter-subject variability than fat.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)