A caveat to Bayesian estimation in intravoxel incoherent motion modelling
Peter T. While1, Igor Vidić2, and Pål E. Goa2

1Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, St. Olav's University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway, 2Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway


Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) modelling has the potential to provide pixel-wise maps of pseudo-diffusion parameters that offer insight into tissue microvasculature. However, standard approaches using least-squares fitting yield parameter maps that are typically heavily corrupted by noise. Bayesian modelling has been shown recently to be a promising alternative. In this work we test the robustness of one such Bayesian approach by applying it to simulated noisy data, and obtain clearer parameter maps with much lower estimation uncertainty than least-squares fitting. However, certain features are found to disappear completely, indicating that a level of caution is required when implementing such techniques.


Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is sensitive to both extravascular diffusion and microvascular pseudo-diffusion (cf. perfusion). Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) modelling attempts to separate these factors by fitting a biexponential function to DWI data obtained at many different b-values1. A major goal of IVIM modelling is to produce pixel-wise maps of the diffusion rate, D, and the pseudo-diffusion rate, D*, and volume fraction, F. However, the pseudo-diffusion parameter estimates are highly sensitive to noise, and in general it is necessary to average data over a region of interest (ROI). Bayesian modelling has been demonstrated recently as a promising alternative to least-squares fitting, by producing clearer parameter maps with much lower estimation uncertainty and therefore arguably greater clinical potential2,3. In this work we test the robustness of one of these Bayesian approaches, which uses a Gaussian prior2, by applying it to simulated noisy data.


Four sets of simulated tissues were considered. The parameter maps associated with each set were chosen to vary either in a discrete fashion (Fig. 1) or a continuous fashion that obeyed a Gaussian-like distribution (Fig 2). The domain of each set was a 128x128 matrix that contained 8 sub-regions representing all the possible high/low combinations of the three IVIM parameters. The parameter values considered were taken from reasonable ranges observed in breast imaging4 (Figs. 1-2) and liver imaging5 (data not shown). Simulated data were generated at 8 b-values (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, 900 s/mm2) at 3 different Gaussian noise levels (SNR = 80, 50, 20, w.r.t. b0 image). Pixel-wise least-square fitting was performed using the Matlab® function lsqcurvefit (trust-region-reflective algorithm).

The Bayesian approach of Orton et al.2 was applied to each case. In this approach, successive random perturbations to the parameter estimates are either accepted or rejected based on a probabilistic criterion. This criterion is weighted by both the likelihood of the parameter estimates fitting the data and by an assumed prior distribution for the parameters. Orton et al.2 use a multivariate Gaussian prior, which is also updated every iteration by resampling the ROI mean and covariance. Monte Carlo calculations over 20,000 iterations yield the IVIM parameter estimates (mean) and their uncertainties (stdev). In essence, this Bayesian approach results in those estimates with high uncertainty being “shrunk” towards the mean of the ROI. Uncertainties for the least-squares results can be estimated using the same algorithm with a uniform prior.

Results and Discussion

Fig. 1 displays the parameter maps for the discrete breast tissue example (SNR = 80), obtained using the least-squares and Bayesian approaches and compared to the true values. The grayscale limits were set 1.5 times further from the mean than the max/min values of the tissues within the 8 sub-regions, and red/blue pixels represent estimates outside of these limits. Clearly the Bayesian maps display a much lower level of erroneous heterogeneity compared to the least-squares maps. Note that by definition the least-squares results provide a better fit to the noisy data, and in this case the median relative difference in root-mean-square error between the methods is 11.7% in favour of least-squares. However, the median/mean relative errors between the estimations of each method and the true values are significantly lower for the Bayesian approach (F:15%/20%, D:3%/4%, D*:24%/29%) than for the least-squares approach (F:23%/60%, D:4%/8%, D*:32%/211%). Histograms (Fig. 3) and scatter plots of parameter uncertainties (Fig. 4) give further support to the Bayesian approach. Note that for SNR = 50, the D* maps become heavily corrupted, and for SNR = 20 only the D maps resemble the true values (not shown).

Curiously, two sub-regions in the Bayesian parameter maps for F and D* in Fig. 1 have seemingly disappeared. This is likely due to a large level of uncertainty associated with these parameter combinations, resulting in the Bayesian approach shrinking these estimates to the mean. This feature is also observed in the parameter maps obtained for the Gaussian-like breast tissue example (SNR = 80), displayed in Fig. 2, which rules out the possible explanation that the discrete tissue in Fig. 1 violates the assumption of the Gaussian prior. The results for the more perfuse liver tissue examples (not shown) are much more robust to noise but display a similar disappearance of two sub-regions from the D* maps at SNR ≤ 50.


Bayesian estimation using a Gaussian prior can produce clearer IVIM parameter maps with considerably lower estimation uncertainty and generally better agreement with true IVIM values compared to least-squares fitting. However, it is possible for real features to remain undetected, which demands caution when implementing this technique.


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1. D. Le Bihan, E. Breton, D. Lallemand, M.L. Aubin, J. Vignaud, M. Laval-Jeantet, 1988. “Separation of diffusion and perfusion in intravoxel incoherent motion MR imaging”. Radiology 168:497-505.

2. M.R. Orton, D.J. Collins, D.M. Koh, M.O. Leach, 2014. “Improved intravoxel incoherent motion analysis of diffusion weighted imaging by data driven bayesian modeling”. Magn. Reson. Med. 71:411-420.

3. M. Freiman, J.M. Perez-Rossello, M.J. Callahan, S.D. Voss, K. Ecklund, R.V. Mulkern, S.K. Warfield, 2013. “Reliable estimation of incoherent motion parametric maps from diffusion-weighted MRI using fusion bootstrap moves”. Med. Image Anal. 17(3):325-336.

4. G.Y. Cho, L. Moy, J.L. Zhang, S. Baete, R. Lattanzi, M. Moccaldi, J.S. Babb, S. Kim, D.K. Sodickson, E.E. Sigmund, 2015. “Comparison of fitting methods and b-value sampling strategies for intravoxel incoherent motion in breast cancer”. Magn. Reson. Med. 74(4):1077-1085.

5. A. Luciani, A. Vignaud, M. Cavet, J.T.V. Nhieu, A. Mallat, L. Ruel, A. Laurent, J.F. Deux, P. Brugieres, A. Rahmouni, 2008. “Liver cirrhosis: intravoxel incoherent motion MR imaging - pilot study”. Radiology 249(3):891-899.


Fig. 1: Parameter maps obtained for the discrete breast tissue example (data SNR = 80). Red/blue pixels represent estimates that lie outside the grayscale window focussed on the true values.

Fig. 2: Parameter maps obtained for the Gaussian-like breast tissue example (data SNR = 80). Red/blue pixels represent estimates that lie outside the grayscale window focussed on the true values.

Fig. 3: Histograms of the parameter maps for the breast tissue examples (SNR = 80). “TrueG” (green) is the Gaussian function derived from the true values. Note that the Bayesian approach requires a mapping onto the entire real line: (D,D*,f) => (d,d*,f), hence the scaling of the horizontal axes.

Fig. 4: Scatter plots of parameter uncertainties versus estimates for each pixel of the parameter maps for the breast tissue examples (SNR = 80). Note that the Bayesian approach requires a mapping onto the entire real line: (D,D*,f) => (d,d*,f), hence the scaling of the horizontal axes.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)