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Low Rank plus Sparse Decomposition of ODF Distributions for Improved Detection of Group Differences in Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Steven H. Baete1,2, Jingyun Chen1,2,3, Ricardo Otazo1,2, and Fernando E. Boada1,2

1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R), NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept of Radiology, NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 3Steven and Alexandra Cohen Veterans Center for Posttraumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury, Dept of Psychiatry, NYU School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States


Recent advances in data acquisition make it possible to use Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI) as a clinical tool for in vivo study of white matter architecture. The dimensionality of DSI data sets requires a more robust methodology for their statistical analyses than currently available. Here we propose a combination of Low-Rank plus Sparse (L+S) matrix decomposition and Principal Component Analysis to reliably detect voxelwise group differences in the Orientation Distribution Function that are robust against the effects of noise and outliers. We demonstrate the performance of this approach using simulations to assess group differences between known ODF distributions.


Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI)1,2 is a robust tool for non-invasive imaging of in vivo white matter tract architecture. DSI's performance results from its model-independent determination of the Orientation Distribution Function (ODF)1, which allows it to capture complex intravoxel fiber crossings2,3. Recent improvements in sequence design4,5 have led to data acquisition times that, for the first time, make DSI a routine viable and practical tool for clinical applications and neuroscience research. This evolution has highlighted the need for a robust methodology for statistical analysis of group ODF data sets. Previously proposed methods for Diffusion Tensor matrices6 are not well suited for the much higher dimensionality of ODFs. The information contained in the ODF could allow contrasting subject ODF values to that of a normal population7. However, the methodology currently available for such assessments is currently limited to pre-determined skeletons of fiber directions which do not capture all the information contained in the ODF. Other methods focus on the connectome level, evaluating differences in structural connections on a local8 or global9 level, thus possibly missing more subtle differences in diffusion behavior captured in the ODF.

A promising ODF-analysis method is the voxelwise whole brain group analysis of ODFs10 based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Here, we apply PCA to the reduced noise ODFs as estimated by the L-component of a Low-Rank plus Sparse (L+S) Matrix Decomposition11,12 of the ODF distributions.


ODF Generation Groups of RDSI datasets of two crossing fiber bundles (60°, λ1/λ2/λ3 1.00/0.10/0.10μm2/ms) and a water pool (10%) are simulated with Radial (59 radial lines, 4 shells) q-space sampling5. Rician noise (SNR 30 in non-diffusion-attenuated signal) and group-outliers (10%, SNR 5%) are added to the simulated diffusion signals before reconstructing the ODFs. Each group contains 100 ODFs, simulating a study with 100 co-registered cases per group. Group differences are simulated by changing Axial diffusivity (Dax=λ1), Radial diffusivity (Drad=(λ1+λ2)/2) of one of the two fibers fiber or crossing fiber angle of one group. Note that both an increase in Dax and a decrease in Drad of a fiber lead to an increase in Quantitative Anisotropy (QA13). RDSI reconstructions5, incorporating variable sample density correction, were performed using custom-made software (Matlab, Mathworks).

Conventional PCA To test for voxel-wise group differences, the ODF-values of both groups are reorganized in a matrix M (1 ODF per row, Fig. 1) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA, using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)) is performed on M. Since the first PC captures the most significant variance in the ODFs, regardless of the group membership, the group difference can be evaluated by a two-sample t-test of the first PC-score10 (i.e. the projections of ODFs on the first PC).

Low-Rank-Decomposition-Enhanced PCA In a second approach, the ODF-matrix M is decomposed as the sum of a Low-Rank matrix L and a Sparse matrix S (M=L+S)11,12, using the Alternating Directions algorithm11. This decomposition, estimates the underlying reduced noise ODFs by minimizing the rank of L, whilst separating the sparse noise and outliers in S (Fig. 1). Subsequently, the first PC-scores of the L-matrix can be used the evaluate group differences (two-sample t-test10 as above).

Results and Discussion

ODF group comparisons (Fig. 2) where one group has reduced Drad show that statistical tests of the PC-scores for the ODF-matrix M (pM,PCA) and the Low-Rank matrix L (pL,PCA) can detect large differences (50%) in Drad. A similar analysis demonstrates that smaller differences, in the range of 10% to 20%, in Drad are more robustly identified through the PCA analysis of L than that of M. In other words, by separating noise and outliers in S, the PCA analysis of L greatly improves the detection of ODF group differences. This advantage improves detection of differences in both Dax and Drad (Fig. 3a-b). Not surprisingly, changes in crossing angle (Fig. 3c) are detected equally well by both approaches as these correspond to a shift in the peaks of the ODF rather than a change in their heights. There is a linear relationship between test statistics and changes in diffusion parameters (Fig. 3).

The risk of over-regularizing when estimating the reduced noise ODFs in L, is avoided by choosing the regularization parameter λ=1/max(nvertices,nsubjects)11.


L+S matrix decomposition of ODF distributions provides a foundation for improved detection of group differences in DSI via PCA-analysis. This method should allow the detection of smaller group differences in clinically relevant settings as well as in neuroscience applications.


This project is supported in part by PHS Grants R01CA111996, R01NS082436 and R01MH00380.


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Differences between two groups of ODFs in a registered voxel are identified by reorganizing ODF-values and performing a 2-sample t-test on the scores of the first Principal Component of the resulting matrix M. An intermediate L+S-decomposition splits noise and outliers (S) from the signal (L) for improved group difference detection.

Detection of reductions in Radial Diffusivity (Drad leads to QA ) of one fiber in Group B. Large reductions of Drad (50%) are easily detected by direct Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the ODFs, though smaller differences (10% drop) are better identified by PCA of the Low-Rank L-matrix.

Simulations of percentual changes in Axial Diffusion (Dax, a), Radial Diffusion (Drad, b) and crossing angle (c) of ODFs of two crossing fibers. Two-sided t-test test statistics and p-value are plotted relative to average ODF group RMSE and percentual changes in fiber characteristics.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)