Quinten Collier1, Arnold Jan den Dekker1,2, Ben Jeurissen1, and Jan Sijbers1
1iMinds Vision Lab, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 2Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) suffers from partial volume
effects caused by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). We propose a DKI+CSF model
combined with a framework to robustly estimate the DKI parameters. Since the
estimation problem is ill-conditioned, a Bayesian estimation approach with a
shrinkage prior is incorporated. Both simulation and real data experiments
suggest that the use of this prior leads to a more accurate, precise and robust
estimation of the DKI+CSF model parameters. Finally, we show that not
correcting for the CSF compartment can lead to severe biases in the parameter
Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI)1
is an advanced neuroimaging modality that extends the well-known diffusion
tensor imaging (DTI) model by incorporating the kurtosis of the water diffusion
probability distribution function. DKI parameters and their derived metrics are
known to be sensitive to certain brain physiological changes, especially compared
to DTI2-3. However, in diffusion MRI, image voxels are relatively
large (2 to 3 mm), making them susceptible to partial volume effects. This is
especially true for brain structures close to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) regions
since the diffusivity of water in CSF can easily be up to 3 times larger than
the water diffusivity in white matter brain tissue. Ignoring these effects may
lead to large biases in the estimation
of diffusion properties of brain tissue4.
In this work, we extend the DKI
model to a bi-exponential model to incorporate a free water signal fraction. Earlier
work in which the DTI model is extended to include a free water component indicates
promising results5-7. However, the fitting problem of the bi-tensor
models turned out to be ill-conditioned, which calls for parameter estimation
methods that include prior information8.
We propose a DKI+CSF model that describes
the diffusion weighted signal Si with a bi-exponential function
consisting of a tissue compartment and a CSF compartment linked by a relative
volume fraction f:
with S0 the signal without
diffusion weighting, b and g the diffusion weighting strength
and unit gradient, respectively, D the diffusion tensor, W
the kurtosis tensor and d=3μm2/ms the diffusivity of free
water at body temperature. We propose to estimate the parameters of this model
using a Bayesian approach with a shrinkage prior (BSP)9. This prior
assumes that the spatial variation of the DKI+CSF model parameters can be
described by a Gauss distribution. The prior distribution parameters are
determined from the data, omitting the need for any user-defined parameters.
Furthermore, a Rician data likelihood function is assumed and a Markov chain
Monte Carlo implementation is used to compute the posterior mean estimates.
Our BSP based estimator was
compared to a non-linear least squares (NLS) and a maximum likelihood estimator
(MLE), both with fixed constraints, in a Monte Carlo simulation and a real data
experiment. A weighted linear least squares (WLLS)10 fit of the standard
DKI model is also included. The simulation consisted of 1000 voxels, each with 151
diffusion weighted images disturbed by Rician noise. The underlying true
parameters were distributed according to values taken from a WM region in a
real data set. For the real human data, a healthy volunteer was scanned with the
following number of directions per respective b-value shell: (ms/μm2):
Results and
The results of the simulation
experiment suggest that the proposed BSP estimator leads to a more accurate,
precise and robust estimation of the DKI+CSF model parameters (see Fig. 1-2).
This can be seen in the fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD) and
mean kurtosis (MK) error plots where in general the BSP error distribution is
narrower, more centered around 0 and has fewer estimates near the user-defined
constraints of NLS and MLE. In the real data FA maps (see Fig. 3), NLS and MLE
also produce many FA values that are unrealistically high with respect to what
can be reasonably expected in those regions, as opposed to BSP estimates which
appear much smoother.
When we compare the DKI parameter
estimates from BSP with the DKI+CSF model to a WLLS fit of the standard DKI
model, it is clear that by modeling the CSF fraction, the true underlying
tissue diffusion parameters can be estimated more accurately and precisely (see
Fig. 1-2). Ignoring the CSF fraction leads to large biases towards a higher FA
and lower MD and MK.
In this work we introduced the
DKI+CSF model and propose a Bayesian approach to estimate the model parameters.
Both simulation and real data experiments suggest that using prior information
helps to estimate the DKI+CSF model parameters more accurately, precisely and
robustly. When a CSF fraction is present in the voxel, using the DKI+CSF model
results in a more accurate and precise estimate of the underlying DKI
parameters compared to the standard DKI model.
B. J. is a post-doctoral research fellow supported by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO Vlaanderen).References
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