cerebral cortex is rich in gyral folding. Axonal fibers take sharp turns when
bending into the cortex. High resolution
diffusion MRI is needed to characterize cortical structures in finer scale,
while high b-value is desired to
resolve complex white matter structures. We examined the impact of imaging
resolution on characterizing the radial diffusion pattern in cortex, and
proposed to improve the HIgh B-value and high Resolution Integrated Diffusion (HIBRID) imaging by incorporating information
about each voxel’s proximity to the cortex. The combined data demonstrated the
desired features from both high resolution and high b-value diffusion imaging. PURPOSE
cerebral cortex is rich in gyral folding. Axonal fibers take sharp turns when
branching off from major White Matter (WM) bundles and bending into the
cortex. Thus, high spatial resolution
diffusion MRI is desired for resolving fiber paths near detailed cortical
structures (such as the interior of gyri). On the other hand, high
b-value is
beneficial in improving the angular resolution of crossing structures in WM
1. While spatial
resolution and
b-value are
necessarily traded-off due to finite SNR, efforts have been made to
combine diffusion data acquired with multiple spatial resolutions and/or
b-values to fuse the advantages from
In this work, we examined the relationship between spatial resolution and the
radiality measure
of diffusion throughout cortical depths. We propose to
perform the HIgh
B-value and high
Resolution Integrated Diffusion (HIBRID) imaging by incorporating the spatial
location of each voxel relative to the cortex.
Data were acquired from a healthy adult subject on the
Siemens 3T Connectom Scanner with a 64-channel head coil6. A spin echo-Echo Planar
Imaging (SE-EPI) sequence was used to acquire diffusion data with 1.0mm, 1.5mm
and 2.0mm isotropic resolution at b=1500
s/mm2 (60 DW directions, TR/TE=6700/69ms) and 2.0mm isotropic resolution
at b=8000 s/mm2 (120 DW
directions, TR/TE=3000/60ms). b=0 images were
interspersed every 12 DW images. Data were collected with R>>L and
L>>R phase encoding directions. Other parameters include Partial Fourier: 7/8,
FLEET-ACS GRAPPA7,8 iPAT=3, MB/SMS9,10 factor=2. An MEMPRAGE11 image volume was collected
for cortical surface reconstruction. Total acquisition time was approximately 80
TOPUP12 was used to correct
for susceptibility distortions. The b8k
dataset was upsampled and concatenated with the 1.0mm-b1.5k dataset for eddy
current correction using EDDY13. For the spatial resolution comparison at
b=1500 s/mm2, eddy current correction was performed separately in
their native spatial resolutions to avoid further smoothing due to
interpolations. The cortical pial and white-gray
boundary (WGB) surfaces were calculated using FreeSurfer14,15. Surfaces at
various cortical depths were also calculated16. The b=0 image was then registered to the T1w
image using boundary-based registration17, and the
transformation obtained was used to register the surface meshes with diffusion
images. The curvature of the WGB-surface was used to group the vertices into
gyral crown (curvature ≤ -1/3), wall (-1/3<curvature<1/3) and fundi
(curvature≥1/3) (see Figure 1).
To combine the 1.0mm-b1.5k
data with 2.0mm-b8k data, the
weighting on the 1.0mm-b1.5k data was
set to 1 in cortical gray matter (GM). For the rest of
the brain, the distance from the WGB-surface, d, was used to determine the weighting on the 1.0mm-b1.5k data, w, where w=max{d0−dd0,e−dd1}, so that the weighting on the 1.0mm-b1.5k data smoothly decays as it is further away from the WGB (Figure
2). The weighting was then applied on q-ball
ODFs18,19 calculated separately for 1.0mm-b1.5k data (Lmax=4, λ=0.006) and 2.0mm-b8k data (Lmax=10, λ=0.001), to form the combined
Jackknife resampling was performed to examine the
variance of ODF by leaving 20% DW directions out each iteration for 100
iterations. The mean ODF across Jackknife samples was caculated. For each DW direction, the min-max amplitude
of the mean ODF (i.e. contrast) over standard deviation across iterations
(i.e., noise) was then averaged across all DW directions and used as contrast-to-noise
ratio (CNR) estimates.
As expected, the primary diffusion directions inside cortical
GM are largely radial to the WGB-surface (Figure 1,3). Increased spatial
resolution demonstrated a faster transition between non-radial diffusion in the
WM to highly-radial diffusion in the GM (Figure 1). The proposed distance-based
weighting (Distance-W, Figure 2) was compared with universally equal weighting
(Half-Half), and showed higher CNR in WM in the Jackknife resampling analysis
(Figure 4). The mean ODF (opaque, Figure 5) + 3 times standard deviation
(transparent) across Jackknife samples demonstrated reasonable reliability in
the combined data using Distance-W.
The radiality measure improved as spatial resolution increased
from 2.0mm to 1.0mm, suggesting sub-mm resolution may continue to benefit characterization
of detailed cortical microanatomy. GM signal content at
b=8000 s/mm
is lower compared to
b=1500 s/mm
2, which renders it more susceptible
to partial voluming with WM signal at the WGB, and ODFs close to the pial
surface are more variable across Jackknife samples. The Distance-W combined
data demonstrated reasonable reliability in both cortical GM and subjacent WM.
The CNR in the center of the brain was relatively low due to low SNR further
from the coil detectors; to address this, the potential of ultrahigh-field imaging
may be investigated in future work.
The combined data based on Distance-W gained high spatial
resolution in cortex while preserving high
angular resolution in WM.
The work is supported by funding from the National Institutes of Health
Blueprint Initiative for Neuroscience Research Grant U01MH093765, NIH NIBIB Grant
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