MEGAPRESS reveals lower γ-aminobutyric acid ratios in the striatum of highly-impulsive rats
Stephen J Sawiak1, Bianca Jupp1, Tom Taylor1, Daniele Caprioli1, T Adrian Carpenter1, and Jeffrey Dalley1

1University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom


Disorders of impulse control are a rising issue in society as diagnosis rates of conditions such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder are increasing. In humans, the MEGAPRESS approach to measuring GABA is becoming a standard technique but it has not yet been used much in translational studies. Here, we used it to measure GABA in the striatum of highly-impulsive rats compared to rats with low impulsivity and found significantly reduced levels of this inhibitory neurotransmitter in the impulsive animals.


γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain and its disturbance is related to a range of neuropsychiatric conditions. Accurate in vivo measurements of GABA are hampered by its overlap with the much more abundant metabolites glutamate, glutamine and creatine. Mescher-Garwood PRESS (MEGA-PRESS), a spectral editing technique, has been widely applied to unmask GABA signals in humans but has seen little application to preclinical models1. Here, we used MEGAPRESS to determine whether GABA levels differ in the striatum of rats selected for extreme levels of impulsivity with an automated behavioural task. These rats can be used to model a range of disorders of impulse control, including ADHD.


Behavioural screening
Adult male rats (Lister-hooded, n = 96) were screened for impulsivity using the five-choice serial reaction time task (5-CSRTT)2. Briefly, in each trial rats must correctly respond to one of five randomly illuminated recesses in a chamber. A correct response leads to a sugar pellet reward whereas an incorrect response, premature response, or failure to respond leads to darkening of the chamber for five seconds. A new trial occurs every five seconds until 100 trials are complete. After four months of training, rats are tested repeatedly over a three week period with a longer inter-trial interval (seven seconds) as a challenge to reveal impulsive behaviour. Impulsivity here was quantified by the rate of premature responses in successive long inter-trial interval tests. Of the 96 initial rats, the 12 rats with the lowest rates of premature responses formed the low-impulsive (LI) group and the 12 rats with the highest rates formed the high-impulsive (HI) group.

Image and spectroscopic acquisition
Rats were anaesthetised with isoflurane (1-3% in 2l/min O2) with respiration rates used to monitor depth and adjust the dose as necessary. A Bruker BioSpec 47/40 4.7T system was used with ParaVision 5.1 (Bruker, Germany). A four-channel rat brain array was used for signal reception. For localisation, 250µm isotropic images were obtained (RARE: TR/TE 15.3s/36ms, 256×256 matrix, 64×64mm2 field of view) and the manufacturer-provided MAPSHIM was used for field map image based shimming. Voxels were placed at the level of the inferior ventral striatum encompassing both hemispheres (3×7×4mm3) and MEGA-PRESS was acquired following ref. 3 (TR/TE 2000/68ms; alternating refocussing pulses of 20ms at 1.9ppm and 7.5ppm for 256 transients of 2,048 points at 4kHz bandwidth) with a total acquisition time of 8.5 min per animal.

Data were zero-filled and line broadened by 3Hz. Each transient was frequency and phase corrected by fitting a Lorentzian curve to the creatine peak at 3.0ppm, discarding transients where these differed by more than 4 standard deviations from the median value. The n-acetyl aspartate (NAA) peak was used as a reference as it was the strongest signal in each spectrum. Peak areas of each were evaluated by fitting Lorentzian peaks using Matlab (Mathworks, Inc.).


Voxel placement for a typical subject is shown in figure 1, with exemplar spectra shown in figure 2 for MEGA-PRESS ‘on’ and ‘off’. Typical frequency drift was 3Hz and on average 13 transients were discarded from each series according to the rejection criteria. The stability of premature responses in LI and HI rat groups across successive short (SITI1, SITI2,..) and long interval challenge (LITI1, LITI2) 5CSRTT trials is shown in Figure 3A, with GABA/NAA ratios shown for HI and LI groups in figure 3B. Across all rats, the mean [GABA]/[NAA] ratio was 0.22±0.08. HI rats had, on average, 28% lower GABA/NAA ratios (p = 0.02; one-tailed Student’s t-test). To mitigate the possibility that aspartate changes led to the decreased ratios, we calculated [GABA]/[creatine] and [GABA]/[choline] ratios which were reduced by 23% and 26% in the high impulsive rats, respectively.

Discussion and Conclusion

For the first time we have shown that in vivo GABA ratios are disrupted in rats exhibiting extreme high/low impulsivity which may prove to be an important neural endophenotype in disorders of impulse control. We have shown that MEGAPRESS measurements of GABA ratios are not only feasible in rats in a reasonable time at the relatively low field strength of 4.7T but useful for demonstrating differences in a translational model. These findings add to growing evidence of a role for impaired GABA functionality in neuropsychiatric disorders of impulse control4,5.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Mullins, P.G., et al., Current practice in the use of MEGA-PRESS spectroscopy for the detection of GABA. Neuroimage, 2014. 86: p. 43-52.

2. Robbins, T.W., The 5-choice serial reaction time task: behavioural pharmacology and functional neurochemistry. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 2002. 163(3-4): p. 362-80.

3. Mescher, M., et al., Simultaneous in vivo spectral editing and water suppression. NMR Biomed, 1998. 11(6): p. 266-72.

4. Hayes, D.J., et al., Brain gamma-aminobutyric acid: a neglected role in impulsivity. Eur J Neurosci, 2014. 39(11): p. 1921-32.

5. Caprioli, D., et al., Gamma aminobutyric acidergic and neuronal structural markers in the nucleus accumbens core underlie trait-like impulsive behavior. Biol Psychiatry, 2014. 75(2): p. 115-23.


Typical voxel placement shown as a 3D reconstruction of the rat brain and a coronal section.

Typical spectra MEGAPRESS 'off' (A), MEGAPRESS 'on' (B) and the difference spectrum (C) showing the GABA resonance (highlighted).

(A) Behavioural data showing the stability of high rates of premature responses in the highly-impulsive (HI) rats in successive LITI challenge series compared to the low impulsive (LI) animals. (B) GABA/NAA ratios compared between groups showing lower levels in the high impulsive animals.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)