Abhinav V. Sambasivan1, Lance DelaBarre2, Emad S. Ebbini1, Thomas J. Vaughan1,2, and Anand Gopinath1
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, UMN-Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN, United States
the effects of B1 heterogeneities has been a major challenge for High
field MRI systems. We propose here, a receiver-based approach called the Receive-RF
Shimming (Rx-RFS) algorithm for multichannel MR systems which offers potential
advantages in terms of reducing image acquisition time and mitigating SAR
concerns. RX-RFS involves computing an optimal spatially-varying weight vector for
combining the images from different receive elements. The reconstructed images
(using Rx-RFS) exhibit enhanced contrast and more uniform signal levels when
compared to standard reconstruction schemes throughout the entire Field-of-View.
Rx-RFS also offers clinicians the flexibility to obtain local reconstructions at
arbitrary Regions-of-Interest. Purpose
High-field MRI systems (7T and higher) offer the advantage of enhanced
signal-to-noise ratios and better resolution,
but are very sensitive to
B1 inhomogeneities.
Current mitigation methods like RF-shimming
[1] involves adjusting
the relative magnitudes and phases of the transmitted RF signals by solving an
optimization problem to improve
B_{1}^{+} homogeneity and/or
reduce specific absorption rate (SAR). This results in increased overall image
acquisition time. We propose here, a receiver-based approach, the
Receive-RF-Shimming (Rx-RFS) for multi-channel MR systems to overcome the
aforementioned effects. Being an entirely receiver-side technique, the Rx-RFS algorithm is devoid of SAR concerns, and requires
only a single image scan, thus reducing acquisition times. Rx-RFS algorithm employs
the transmit and receive element directivity patterns at each pixel to compute
a spatially-varying weight vector for combining the complex image data from
different receiving elements. Directivity of a coil element determines the
fraction of the element excitation power that reaches a particular image pixel,
and also the fraction of the pixel protons' emitted power received by a
particular coil element. By using the array directivities, we go beyond previously
proposed reconstruction schemes including the adaptive reconstruction method
and the RSS (Root of Sum-of-Squares) method
[3] which do not leverage this information.
For an
MR multi-channel coil, the complex image
pixel value in the image space, obtained from the
p-th receiver can be modeled using the relationship
between the MR signal and the spin density function
\rho as,
D_p^-(x,y) is the
p-th receiver directivity at location
\mathbf{h^+}(x,y)=[D_1D_2\dots D_{n_c}] is the array directivity at
(x,y), and
\mathbf{m_{tx}} is the
1 transmit excitation vector (assuming the
n_c elements are operating in transmit-receive
mode). Also the noise function
\nu(x,y) is assumed to be independent complex-valued
Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). Equation (1) can be vectorized (for
p=1,2,\dots,n_{c}) and
written more compactly as,
\mathbf{I}(x,y)=\mathbf{H}(x,y)\rho(x,y)+\nu(x,y), where
\mathbf{H}(x,y)=\mathbf{h^+}(x,y)\mathbf{m_{tx}}\mathbf{h^-}(x,y), and
the receiver directivities at a point
(x,y) are encapsulated by the vector
\nu(x,y) is AWGN with variance
\sigma_{\nu}^2, the
spin density function can be estimated by a linear minimum-mean-square
[4] of
\rho(x,y) given
\hat{SNR}=\hat{\sigma}^2_{\rho}/\hat{\sigma}^2_{\nu} is a local estimate of the SNR. It is clear
that, Equation (2) yields a SNR-regularized spatial inverse filter with respect to
the array directivity vector. Equation (2) is applied at all points in the FOV where the estimated SNR is greater than
a certain threshold and at all other points we reduce the pixel value by a constant
factor. This SNR thresholding prevents noise amplification in pixels outside
the skull where there is no signal component. The MRI data was collected from a
16-channel TEM coil, (24cm×20cm elliptical
array shown in Figure 1) 7T MRI system,
with TR/TE = 40/4.08ms and 25×25cm
2 FOV. The transmitter
and receiver directivities were estimated by computational methods using the
Remcom software.
above method can be applied on a pixel-by-pixel basis, as given in Equation (2)
to yield a reconstruction over the entire field-of-view (FOV). More
interestingly, the proposed method offers the
flexibility of choosing arbitrary Regions-of-Interest (ROIs) while performing
the reconstructions. For example, since at 7T, the array point-spread-function
psf(x,y), is well approximated by a Gaussian function in the XY plane (spatial
co-ordinates) with main lobe spanning several pixels, the directivity
\mathbf{H}(x,y) obtained by focusing the receive-beam at a
point of interest
(x_0,y_0) can be easily recomputed by point-wise multiplication
of the measured/estimated directivity with
psf(x-x_0,y-y_0). Figure
2 shows a montage of 6 such images obtained by considering different focal
points. Each of the individual images locally exhibit high contrast revealing
anatomically details which are not observable otherwise. Also Figure 3 provides
a comparison between the adaptive reconstruction method
[2] and the
Rx-RFS algorithm (applied over the entire FOV). The conventional reconstruction
(without the Rx-shimming) in Figure 2(a) shows darker regions (with lower SNR)
near the center of the brain. Reconstruction using the Rx-RFS algorithm shown
in Figure 2(b) clearly exhibits enhanced signal levels and uniform contrast
throughout the image (FOV). Anatomical details like the ventricle structure are
much clearer in the reconstruction using the Rx-RFS algorithm.
the directivities of array elements for image reconstruction in multi-channel
MRI systems produces improved results when compared to existing techniques. This
method is unaffected by SAR concerns, and helps counteract the effects of
B_1^+ heterogeneities and produce images with uniform contrast. The improvements
demonstrated above can be achieved with no additional changes to the existing
hardware or imaging sequences of current MRI systems. If the element
directivities are computed beforehand and tabulated, such a reconstruction
scheme is extremely practical and beneficial.
University of Minnesota Grant-in-Aid fund and
the NIH-EB0006835References
[1] J. T. Vaughan, et
al. “RF image optimization at 7T and 9.4T”, Proc. of the 13th Annual
Meeting of the ISMRM, p. 953, 2005
[2] D. O. Walsh, et
al. “Adaptive Reconstruction of Phased Array MR Imagery”, MRM, vol. 43, no.
5, pp. 192-225, 2000
[3] P. B. Roemer, et al. “The NMR Phased
Array”, MRM, vol. 16, pp. 682-690, 2000
[4] Ali H Sayed. “Adaptive Filters”, Wiley
Interscience, 2008