Vincent Gras1, Alexandre Vignaud1, Alexis Amadon1, Denis Le Bihan1, and Nicolas Boulant1
1Neurospin, CEA/DSV/I2BM, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
At ultra-high field, a drawback of parallel
transmission to mitigate the RF inhomogeneity problem is the necessity to measure
subject-specific field maps in order to return optimized RF pulses, thereby decreasing
the time available for clinically-relevant scans. In this work, we
investigate numerically and experimentally at 7T the design of "universal"
kT-points pulses, which does not require the aforementioned
calibration step but yet considerably improves excitation homogeneity compared
to the standard circularly-polarized and RF shim modes. Such approach can simplify considerably
the workflow of parallel transmission and render the potential of ultra-high
field scanners more accessible to anyone in routine. Introduction
Parallel transmission (pTx) enables excellent
control of the magnetization to mitigate the transmit field inhomogeneity at
ultra-high field (UHF) by means of advanced RF pulse design techniques
1-4. However,
to date the implementation of these methods necessitates the knowledge of the transmit
RF field (B
1) and the static field (ΔB
0) distributions
whereas the pulse design combined with the measurement and processing of those
maps can easily cumulate 15 minutes, which decreases by the same amount the
time available for acquiring clinically relevant data. Several studies on the
other hand have suggested that the B
1 distribution exhibits a
reproducible pattern across different subjects
5-7. In this work, we investigate
numerically and experimentally for brain imaging at 7T on an 8 channel pTx
system, the design of k
T-points pulses
4 qualified as universal,
i.e. whose design does not involve the subject-specific field distributions,
but which yet considerably improves performance compared to the standard
circularly-polarized (CP) and RF shim modes.
A so-called field database, composed of representative ΔB0 and B1 maps, was acquired experimentally on Ns=6 subjects. The universal pulses, characterized by the kT-points
trajectory k and the RF pulse coefficients b, were then calculated
by minimizing the objective function:
where \alpha_t denotes the target flip angle (FA) and \mathcal{A}_i(b,k) denotes the FA map
generated by the pulse (b, k) on subject i. The simultaneous optimization of the
RF coefficients and the blipped k-space trajectory was performed under explicit
power and SAR constraints to satisfy hardware and patient safety limits8,9,
for one excitation (9°) and one inversion (180°) pulse. SAR matrices10 were obtained from electric field
simulations with HFSS (Ansys, Canonsburg, PA, USA) on a generic head model and for the home-made pTx coil under study, and were then compressed with the virtual observation point technique11. An
overall SAR safety margin of 2.7 was applied to account for modelling errors,
anatomic variability and uncertainties in the SAR monitoring hardware12-14. The universal pulses,
designed with the field database, were then blindly applied on 6 additional subjects by acquiring MPRAGE
images (TR/TI=1.1/2.6 s, TE=3 ms, nominal FA=9◦, resolution= 1×1×1 mm3,
TA=9 min), without any field map measurement or further pulse optimizations. The
excitation and inversion pulses were designed with 5/7 kT-points and
0.7/4 ms respectively. For comparison, two additional MPRAGE acquisitions were
performed, in one case with an adiabatic inversion and rectangular excitation
pulses driven in CP mode, and in the other case with similar optimized kT-points
pulses as for the universal pulses but using this time the subject-specific ΔB0 and B1 maps. The RF shim
mode, with an adiabatic parametrization for the inversion pulse, was also investigated
numerically. Results were compared quantitatively by computing the FA normalized root mean square errors (NRMSEs) and qualitatively by visual inspection of the
MPRAGE images.
The measured B
1 distributions of each transmit
channel are shown in Fig. 1 for subjects #1 to #12. The magnitude of the
complex correlation coefficient between the subject-specific B
1 distributions
is 0.95 ± 0.02 for each
transmit channel, suggesting that B
1 varies only slightly from
subject to subject despite the variability of head shape and position. The FA NRMSE
values are reported in Fig. 2 for the 6 subjects constituting the field
database and on whom the universal pulses were designed, and for the 6 additional
subjects on whom the universal pulses were experimentally tested. Both the
excitation and inversion universal pulses significantly outperform the CP and
RF shim modes. Not surprisingly, the subject-based tailored pulses perform
better than the universal pulses, the gain however being more marginal. The
MPRAGE images obtained experimentally on two subjects are provided in Fig. 3. With
the coil driven in CP mode, two problematic regions can be identified which are
completely recovered with the use of the universal pulses. There is moreover no
obvious degradation in image quality compared to the MPRAGE image acquired with
the subject-based tailored pulses, despite the slightly poorer NRMSE. The same
behavior was observed on all tested subjects #7-12. In that sense, the test of
the universal pulses never failed.
A method to mitigate the RF field inhomogeneity
problem at UHF, without subject-specific B
1 and ΔB
0 map
measurements and online pulse design, was presented. The proof of concept was
validated at 7 T with 3D brain imaging. Preliminary results suggest that the idea could be successfully applied in 2D.
The results suggest that the use of parallel transmission thereby could become completely
transparent to the user, hence making this technology more accessible for
routine use.
The authors wish to thank Dr. Lucie
Hertz-Pannier, Dr. Pierre Brugières, Dr. Franck Mauconduit and Dr. Guillaume
Ferrand for valuable discussions. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2013-2018) / ERCGrant Agreement n. 309674.References
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