B0-robust slice-selective excitations for ultra-high field with flip-angle mitigation using parallel transmission
Mathias Davids1,2, Bastien Guérin2,3, Lawrence L Wald2,3,4, and Lothar R Schad1

1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany, 2A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 3Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 4Harvard-MIT, Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States


High field MRI suffers from non-uniform transmit fields and B0 variations due to increased susceptibility effects, making uniform slice-excitation very difficult. We developed a new pulse trajectory – the “twisted spokes” RF pulse – to achieve accurate slice-selection with high in-plane uniformity and greatly improved B0 robustness. The twisted spokes trajectory consists of helical k-space segments oriented along the slice-selection direction (e.g., kz). We found that, when the helical segments are designed appropriately, the resulting RF pulses are short, achieve sharp slice profiles and uniform flip-angle distributions, and – at the same time – are very robust to off-resonance effects.

Target audience

RF engineers, MR physicists, ultra-high field practitioners.


The potential benefits of ultra-high field MRI – higher resolution and sensitivity – are, in practice, hard to realize because of non-uniformities of the transmit fields (B1+) and susceptibility effects that distort the image and lead to through-slice signal dropout. A popular strategy to create uniform flip-angle (FA) distributions using a slice-selective sequence is the spokes pulse [1,2,3]. Using parallel transmission (pTx), the complex weightings of the spokes played on each transmit channel can be optimized to maximize FA uniformity within the slice. Spokes pulses achieve this by sampling kz (slice direction) at high resolution and by depositing energy at discrete locations in the kx-ky plane. However, spokes pulses are extremely sensitive to off-resonance effects so that, in practice, their performance worsens dramatically close to the sinus and ear canal cavities [4]. This is due to the fact that spokes pulses are relatively long and deposit RF energy at discrete locations, so that errors in the position of the spokes in the kx-ky plane (e.g., due to B0 effects) lead to inaccurate excitations. In this work, we introduce a new pulse trajectory that we call the “twisted spokes”. This pulse is able to excite sharp slice-selection profiles while creating highly uniform FA distributions at 7T. Importantly, the pulse is very robust to off-resonance effects, because the pulse duration is kept short and the RF energy is not deposited at discrete kx-ky locations but is instead distributed across the kx-ky plane.


Gradient and RF Waveforms: The twisted spokes trajectory consists of two helical k-space segments oriented along the kz-axis (z being the slice direction, Figure 1). These segments have a large extent along kz (kz,max=150 m-1, Δz=6.0 mm) to ensure sharp slice-selection and only a minor extent in kx/y (≈10 m-1). The exact shape of the twisted spokes segments (e.g., extent along the k-space axes, number of revolutions, etc.) has a large impact on the excitation quality. We control these basic features of the twisted spokes by so-called shape parameters that we optimize using our joint k-space trajectory and RF waveform design method [5]. In this method, we optimize the shape parameters for a given target profile (z-slice) and given B0/B1+ maps using a nested optimization approach in which the inner loop is a small tip-angle RF pulse design on a constant k-space trajectory. The outer loop is a constrained optimization on the shape parameters. In order to achieve sharp and uniform slice excitation and B0 robustness at the same time, we optimize the RF waveforms (inner loop) such that the target FA map is realized simultaneously at offset frequencies −50 Hz, 0 Hz, +50 Hz [6,7]. To improve the excitation quality, the last RF design is a magnitude least-squares optimization that does not impose a predetermined spin phase. Evaluation: Our RF pulses were evaluated using Bloch simulations based on B0 and B1+ maps (8 channels) acquired on a 7T scanner (“Step 2” pTx, Magnetom 7T, Siemens, Erlangen) loaded with a realistic 3D-printed head phantom with three compartments (bone, brain and everything else) [4]. The target was to excite a 6 mm z-slice at 10° FA in about 1.5 ms with good performance regarding in-plane uniformity in the brain (uniformity in the skull is not considered), through-plane slice profile, and robustness to off-resonance effects. Our twisted spokes pulses are compared to four different spokes strategies: (A) 1-spoke (birdcage mode), (B) 1-spoke (MLS optimization), (C) 2-spokes (MLS, no B0 robustness), and (D) 2-spokes (MLS, B0 robustness enforced as explained in [4,7]). All pulses satisfy the gradient system (Gmax = 40 mT/m, Smax = 150 mT/m) and peak RF power (Vmax = 150 V per channel) constraints.


In Figure 2, the results of the six RF pulses are shown. The 1-spoke birdcage mode pulse (A) exhibits severe in-plane FA variations which is partly compensated by optimizing the complex weights of each channel (B). Both 1-spoke pulses are intrinsically robust to B0 effects. The 2-spokes pulses are rather long (~2.6 ms) and either achieve in-plane FA uniformity (C) or off-resonance robustness (D), but not both. Our optimized twisted spokes pulse (F) is short (1.8 ms) and produces a uniform in-plane FA and a good slice profile. At the same time and compared to both 2-spokes pulses, B0 robustness is dramatically improved. Comparing the non-optimized (E) and optimized (F) twisted spokes RF pulses emphasizes the impact of trajectory shape optimization on FA fidelity, B0 robustness, as well as average power (Pmean reduced from 27.5 W to 5.3 W).


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[1] Saekho et al., MRM 53(2), 2005; [2] Saekho et al., MRM 55(4), 2006; [3] Setsompop et al., MRM 60(6), 2008; [4] Guérin et al., MRM 2015, in press; [5] Davids et al., MRM 2015, in press; [6] Grissom et al., MRM 56(3), 2006; [7] Setsompop et al., MRM 61(2), 2009


k-space trajectory (left), gradient waveforms (top right), and RF waveforms of the first Tx channel (bottom right) of a twisted spokes RF pulse (this pulse corresponds to the results shown in Figure 2, F). The k-space trajectory consists of a two helical segments oriented along the kz-axis. The exact shape of these k-space segments is being optimized by our algorithm in order to simultaneously ensure uniform in-plane FA, an accurate slice profile, and robustness to off-resonance effects.

FA maps (top) and slice profiles (center) and the B0 robustness of the in-plane NRMSE (bottom left) and the background NRMSE (bottom right) given by the FA error as a function of the offset frequency, shown for the six RF pulses: 1-spoke without (A) and with (B) MLS optimization, 2-spokes without (C) and with (D) B0 robustness, twisted spokes before (E) and after (F) trajectory shape optimization. The twisted spokes pulse (F) achieves accurate FA fidelity while being very robust to B0 effects.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)