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Combined Angiography and Perfusion using Radial Imaging and Arterial Spin Labeling
Thomas W. Okell1

1FMRIB Centre, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom


A new golden angle radial arterial spin labeling acquisition method is proposed in which labeled blood water is continuously imaged as it passes through the large arteries and into the tissue. Both angiographic and perfusion images can then be reconstructed from the same raw data set at any retrospectively chosen time points and temporal resolution. This makes efficient use of the post-labeling delay dead time to provide a more complete assessment of blood flow into the brain, which may be of use in a variety of cerebrovascular diseases.


In conventional arterial spin labeling (ASL)1-3, the inversion of blood water in the neck is followed by a long post-labeling delay (PLD) to allow the blood to reach the tissue before image acquisition, yielding perfusion contrast. ASL can also be used to generate angiographic images4,5 if the PLD is very short. In cerebrovascular disease, information about the status of the arteries and tissue perfusion are both crucial, but separate angiographic and perfusion acquisitions may be unfeasible in a busy clinical protocol.

In this study a new golden angle radial ASL imaging method is proposed in which the labeled blood is continuously imaged after labeling, allowing both angiographic and perfusion images to be reconstructed from the same raw data set. This makes efficient use of the PLD “dead time” normally required in perfusion imaging, whilst also giving a greater degree of flexibility in the image reconstruction process, allowing the resulting images to be tailored to the hemodynamics of each subject. A 2D multi-slice implementation is presented here, but the same principles could apply to 3D imaging.


A schematic of the Combined Angiography and Perfusion using Radial Imaging and ASL (CAPRIA) sequence is shown in Figure 1. After pre-saturation and pseudo-continuous ASL (PCASL) labeling, a spoiled gradient echo golden angle radial scheme6 is used to continuously image the labeled blood passing through the arteries and into the tissue. The azimuthal angle of the ith line after the nth PCASL preparation is:ϕi,n=(ntmaxTR+i)ϕGwhereϕG=111.2where tmax is the maximum temporal resolution desired for reconstruction. This results in relatively even coverage of k-space when combining data within an arbitrary temporal window across multiple PCASL preparations, thereby allowing reconstruction of angiographic images at high temporal resolution and perfusion images at lower temporal resolution from the same raw data set. Acquisition of PCASL control data is interleaved with label data to minimize subtraction artefacts from subject motion or scanner drift. Numerical simulations of the ASL signal7, accounting for attenuation due to the imaging pulses8,9, were used to optimize the TR and flip angle (Figure 2).

Four healthy volunteers were scanned under a technical development protocol agreed by local ethics and institutional committees on a 3T Siemens Verio scanner using a 32-channel head coil. CAPRIA data were acquired in four 10mm slices sequentially, each taking 2.5min. Imaging parameters were: labeling duration 1.4s, imaging time 2s, matrix 192, TR/TE 12/6ms, flip angle 7°, bandwidth 102Hz/Pixel.

For this study, angiographic/perfusion images were reconstructed at 108/252 ms temporal resolution, respectively, using a regridding algorithm10 and adaptive coil combination11. Perfusion images were post-hoc smoothed to boost SNR and match typical ASL in-plane resolution (3.4mm). To give the appearance of inflowing blood in the angiograms, “inflow subtraction” was also performed12,13. Simple outflow timing metrics14 were calculated from angiographic images. Perfusion data were fitted to the ASL kinetic model7 including a macrovascular component15, with T1 modified to account for the imaging pulses8.

Results and Discussion

The CAPRIA sequence is capable of simultaneously generating dynamic angiograms and perfusion images, as demonstrated in Figures 3 and 4. The expected patterns of vascular filling and tissue perfusion were observed in all subjects, in both the reconstructed images and the derived parameter maps (Figure 5). The golden angle radial scheme is well suited to this application, since dynamic angiograms require high spatial and temporal resolution, but are sparse and relatively high SNR, so undersampling can be tolerated. The converse is true of perfusion imaging, but lower spatial and temporal resolutions are required, so more data can be used to reconstruct each image and the denser sampling near the center of k-space improves the reconstruction. One additional benefit of this readout scheme is the absence of distortion and dropout artefacts that are often observed in conventional ASL perfusion imaging using readouts such as echo-planar imaging.

Acquisition of angiographic and perfusion images after ASL labeling has previously been shown using two separate dedicated readouts combined with a time-encoded preparation16. This has the advantage of allowing separate optimization of the two readout modules, but unlike CAPRIA, the timing of the resulting images must be decided in advance, so adaptation to the hemodynamics of each subject is not possible retrospectively.

3D CAPRIA should be possible using an extended golden ratio approach17. The radial trajectory and sparse nature of angiograms would also make this a good target for acceleration methods such as compressed sensing18. CAPRIA requires further optimization, calibration and validation against established methods, but it is hoped it could provide a comprehensive tool for evaluating blood flow to the brain in diseases such as acute stroke.


Thanks to the Royal Academy of Engineering for funding support and to Siemens Healthcare for providing the base pulse sequence code.


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Figure 1: Schematic of the CAPRIA pulse sequence: After pre-saturation and PCASL labeling, continuous golden angle radial imaging allows reconstruction of both angiographic and perfusion images from the same raw data, using high and low temporal/spatial resolutions, respectively.

Figure 2: Perfusion signal simulations: shorter TRs and higher flip angles result in greater ASL signal attenuation (left). Using TR = 12 ms, which results in reasonable undersampling factors, the optimum flip angle, as judged by the average perfusion signal over the imaging period, is 7° (right).

Figure 3: Selected frames from the CAPRIA angiogram of one subject reconstructed at 108 ms temporal resolution (undersampling factor 1.6) after maximum intensity projection. Images are shown with and without inflow subtraction along with the temporal mean. Times displayed are relative to the start of imaging.

Figure 4: Example CAPRIA perfusion images reconstructed using the same raw data as Figure 3, but with broader temporal resolution (252 ms, undersampling factor 0.7) and post-hoc spatial smoothing. The temporal mean image is also shown. Times displayed are the post-labeling delays.

Figure 5: Example CAPRIA parameter maps. The angiographic outflow time roughly equates to the time of arrival of blood in the large arteries, whereas the perfusion arrival time shows the arrival of blood at the tissue. Note the delayed arrival in distal vessels, watershed regions and white matter.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)