An extended 3D whole-heart myocardial first-pass perfusion sequence: Alternate-cycles interchanging high-resolution and isotropic imaging
Merlin J Fair1,2, Peter D Gatehouse1,2, Liyong Chen3,4, Ricardo Wage2, Edward VR DiBella5, and David N Firmin1,2

1NHLI, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2NIHR Cardiovascular BRU, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 3UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States, 4Advanced MRI Technologies, Sebastopol, CA, United States, 5UCAIR, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States


An alternate-cycle acquisition strategy is proposed for 3D whole-heart first-pass perfusion, capturing two separate datasets from the same first-pass, each pushing separate boundaries of currently achievable parameters whilst maintaining clinically feasible acquisition times. It is postulated this approach may also confer an advantage with regard to artefact detection.


Simultaneously optimising parameters such as left ventricular coverage, image resolution and contrast sensitivity is difficult in first-pass perfusion (FPP). 3D FPP shows potential to improve coverage1, but “whole-heart” coverage demands high acceleration forcing compromises such as loss of spatial resolution. 2D FPP shows high diagnostic ability with more slices distributed over alternate-RR cycles2, relaxing acceleration requirements.

This work proposes that 3D FPP could interleave two strategies with different 3D parameters in alternate cycles, in sum approaching the full set of desired FPP properties. This work also aims to improve specificity against artefacts by imaging the same myocardium with two different interleaved 3D scans (distinct from reformatting a single 3D FPP scan). Similar confirmation strategies are often used in cardiovascular magnetic resonance, such as repetition with swapped phase-encode direction in late-enhancement imaging.


Spoiled gradient-echo 3D radial ‘stack-of-stars’ imaging3 was developed for independent FOV, resolution and position on alternate cardiac cycles. Imaging was performed on a Siemens (Erlangen, Germany) Skyra 3 Tesla system, with an 18 channel anterior chest array and 12 channel posterior array.

After extensive volunteer optimisation, rest perfusion was acquired in 10 patients with short-axis (SAX) images of higher in-plane resolution acquired on odd cardiac cycles and lower, but more isotropic, resolution long-axis (LAX) images on even cycles (Figure 1). The sequence was highly optimised for speed, e.g. through use of high undersampling, custom-tailored RF pulses and asymmetric readouts (75%).

The SAX cycles collected 98 rays with a TR of 2.0ms, enabling an acquisition time of 196ms – comparable favourably with previous 3D FPP literature. With the LAX cycles acquiring kz across one of the short-axes of the left ventricle, during systole, the FOV required in this direction was minimised and therefore the number of kz partitions required for higher through-plane resolution was lowered. The lower in-plane resolution in these acquisitions helped reduce TR to 1.8ms which, with the 112-124 rays collected depending on cardiac size, gave still acceptable acquisition times of 205-228ms.

After additional zero padding in-plane (for SAX) and through-plane (for LAX), SAX cycles obtained 6-8 wrap-free slices reconstructed as 1.1 x 1.1 x 10.0mm voxels and the LAX cycles obtained 20-24 usable reconstructed slices at 3.1 x 3.1 x 3.1mm. A total variation temporally constrained algorithm was used for reconstruction4 with temporal weighting = 0.7 and 50 iterations, performed in MATLAB (Mathworks, Natick, USA).

Results & Discussion

All patients were successfully imaged by this method at higher in-plane and through-plane resolutions than previously achieved by 3D FPP for the SAX and LAX acquisitions respectively (e.g. Figure 2), in realistic acquisition times.

The SAX shots produced higher quality images, similar to 2D FPP but with contiguous coverage and showing all slices at the same cardiac phase. An example dataset for a patient with dilated cardiomyopathy (Figure 3) shows potential importance for the higher resolution in distinguishing the myocardium.

The LAX images give the reader a second viewpoint with altered motion and resolution characteristics aiding artefact judgement, although they could also be reformatted into any plane (Figure 4). Image quality in the LAX acquisitions was reduced, but the improved through-plane resolution moved towards 3D imaging reconstructed with isotropic resolution, potentially adding information to the more conventional SAX acquisition.


The feasibility of alternate-RR separate 3D acquisitions during a single FPP is presented, capable of acquiring datasets that stretch current limits of both in-plane and through-plane resolutions while delivering two independently optimised acquisitions of the same first-pass for potentially improving clinical confidence.


This work was supported by the NIHR Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit of Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust and Imperial College London, UK.

MJF is funded by a British Heart Foundation (BHF) PhD Studentship Grant - FS/13/21/30143.


1. Fair MJ, Gatehouse PD, DiBella EVR, Firmin DN. A review of 3D first-pass, whole-heart, myocardial perfusion cardiovascular magnetic resonance, J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2015;17(1):68.

2. Bertschinger KM, Nanz D, Buechi M, et al. J Magn Reson Imaging. Magnetic resonance myocardial first-pass perfusion imaging: Parameter optimization for signal response and cardiac coverage. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2001;14(5):556-562.

3. Chen L, Adluru G, Schabel MC, et al. Myocardial perfusion MRI with an undersampled 3D stack-of-stars sequence. Med Phys. 2012;39(8):5204-5211.

4. Adluru G, Awate SP, Tasdizen T, et al. Temporally constrained reconstruction of dynamic cardiac perfusion MRI. Magn Reson Med. 2007;57(6):1027-1036.


Figure 1: The alternate-RR 3D FPP protocol. High in-plane resolution SAX data was acquired on odd numbered cardiac cycles, with fewer acquired kz partitions along the LV. On even cycles, the LAX orientation and systolic acquisition combined to minimise the FOV required by partition encoding across a short-axis of the LV, enabling higher through-plane and lower in-plane resolution towards isotropic. Rays per partition gradually reduced at higher kz for further acceleration.

Figure 2: Alternate-cycle images captured from a single patient, showing 6 slices of the higher in-plane resolution SAX frame (top) and 20 slices of an isotropic lower-resolution LAX frame (bottom) acquired during the same first pass.

Figure 3: Example images from a single patient (with DCM and inferolateral infarction) with a thin myocardium wall, even during systole, demonstrating potential benefit of the higher achieved resolution.

Figure 4: Example reformatted transverse, coronal and sagittal slices from the LAX acquisition are combined (top), demonstrating the 3D isotropic nature of the LAX shot. Isotropic voxels also enable full double-oblique reformatting in real-time for any frame (below), potentially helping to examine possible artefacts further.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)