Jie Wen1, Daniel Mamah2, Jie Luo3, Xialing Ulrich1, Deanna Barch4, and Dmitriy Yablonskiy1
1Radiology, Washington University, Saint Louis, MO, United States, 2Psychiatry, Washington University, Saint Louis, MO, United States, 3Research Lab of Electronics, MIT, Cambridge, MA, United States, 4Psychology, Washington University, Saint Louis, MO, United States
brain structure and functioning by means of tissue-specific T2* relaxation
properties in vivo can potentially guide the uncovering of neuropathology in
psychiatric illness. In this abstract, R2* (=1/T2*) relaxation rate constant
was separated into tissue-specific (R2*t) and hemodynamic BOLD contributions.
17 control, 17 bipolar disorder, 16 schizophrenia, and 12 unaffected
schizophrenia sibling participants were scanned. A MANOVA of 38 gray matter
regions showed significant group effects for BOLD but not for R2*t.
Our results suggest that increased baseline activity in certain brain regions is part of
the underlying pathophysiology of specific psychiatric disorders.Purpose
advanced version
1 of the Gradient Echo Plural Contrast Imaging technique
is used to measure tissue-specific (R2*
t) and hemodynamic BOLD contributions
to the gradient recalled echo (GRE) signal to detect changes in brain baseline hemodynamic activity
and underlying tissue pathophysiology of subjects with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
study was approved by Washington University's Institutional Review Board.
Participant groups included: 17 healthy controls (CON); 17 bipolar disorder
(BPD); 16 schizophrenia (SCZ) and 12 siblings (SIB) of individuals with SCZ who
did not have a diagnosis of SCZ or BPD or any other DSM-IV psychotic disorder.
Psychopathology was assessed using the Scale for the Assessment of Negative
Symptoms (SANS) and the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS)3. Specific subscale scores were summed
to derive measures of positive symptoms (i.e. hallucination and delusion
subscales), disorganization (i.e. formal thought disorder, bizarre behavior and
attention subscales), and negative symptoms (i.e. flat affect, alogia,
anhedonia and amotivation subscales). All scanning occurred on a 3 T TRIO
Scanner (SIEMENS, Erlanger, Germany). GEPCI data were obtained using a 3D version of the
multi-gradient echo sequence with a resolution = 1 × 1 × 3 mm3, FOV
= 256 × 192 × 120 mm3, and 11 gradient echoes (min TE = 4 ms; ΔTE =
4 ms; TR = 50 ms; bandwidth = 510 Hz/Pixel; FA = 30°) was used, with a total
acquisition time of 6.4 min. Additional phase stabilization echo (the navigator
data) was collected for each line in k-space to correct for image artifacts due
to the physiological fluctuations4.
Effects of field inhomogeneities were removed using the voxel spread function
(VSF) approach5. The data were
then analyzed on a voxel-by-voxel basis using the following model1:
where TE is the gradient echo time, R2*t = 1/T2*t is
the tissue transverse relaxation rate constant (describing GRE signal decay in
the absence of BOLD effect), function FBOLD(TE)6 describes GRE signal decay due to the
presence of blood vessel network with deoxygenated blood (veins and adjacent to
them part of capillaries), and function F(TE) describes the effects of
macroscopic magnetic field inhomogeneities. We used the voxel spread function
(VSF) method4 for calculating F(TE). ζ is the deoxygenated cerebral
blood volume fraction (dCBV) and δω is the characteristic frequency determined
by the susceptibility difference between deoxygenated blood and surrounding
tissue. In the equation, Δχ0=0.27 ppm7 is the susceptibility difference between fully oxygenated
and fully deoxygenated blood, Y is the blood oxygenation level (with Y = 0
being fully deoxygenated, and Y = 1 being fully oxygenated), Hct is the blood
hematocrit, and γ is the gyromagnetic ratio. Herein we describe BOLD effect in
terms of integrated parameter CDEOXY
- tissue concentration of
deoxyhemoglobin. Standard clinical
MP-RAGE images and FreeSurfer (Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Harvard) were used to get brain segmentation. R2*t and CDEOXY
values for each ROI were defined as the median values within that ROI.
t values of the total white matter and cortical gray matter were not statistically significant
(p= 0.3) for different groups. C
median values used as dependent variables in an age corrected MANCOVA showed
significant omnibus group effects. Mean C
showed a tendency towards increased values in all three non-control groups. The
percentage of ROIs with increased mean C
compared to CON was 92.1% for SCZ, 71.1% for BPD and 81.6% for SIB. Increased
superior temporal cortex C
was found in SCZ (p=0.01), BPD (p=0.01) and SIB (p=0.02), with bilateral
effects in SCZ and only left hemisphere effects in BPD and SIB. Thalamic C
DEOXY abnormalities were
observed in SCZ (p = 0.003), BPD (p = 0.03) and SIB (p = 0.02). R2*
t and C
DEOXY group z-score
means (SD) of the 32 gray matter ROIs parcellated using FreeSurfer are
represented on the cortical surface in Fig. 1.
this study, we found increased C
in the majority of ROIs of non-control participants, but most notably in the
superior temporal cortex and thalamus. These findings could indicate that
hyperactivity in these regions is part of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia
and bipolar disorder. Developments in GEPCI and related relaxometric
methodologies will likely provide more precise distinctions between underlying
brain neuropathologies. Results of such studies could be valuable for selecting
treatment and identifying those at risk for developing illness.
No acknowledgement found.References
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