Jinsong Zhang1, Lingzhi Wang2, and Jun Li2
1Radiology department,Xijing Hospital, MRI room, Xi'an, China, People's Republic of, 2School of Life Science and Technology, Xidian University, Xi'an, China, People's Republic of
The spinal cord and brain form central
nervous system and sensory and motor signals are relayed by spinal cord and
processed by brain. Studies have suggested that resting state functional
connectivity (rsFC) are fundamental, common feature of the entire nervous
system. However, it still remain unknown the correlation between rsFCs within spinal
cord and brain. The present study discovered dorsal and ventral resting state
networks (RSNs) within spinal cord and sensory-motor RSN within brain. Further,
correlation analysis suggest that dorsal and ventral RSNs connected to sensory
and motor RSNs respectively. Purpose:
The Spinal cord and brain form the human
central nervous system which is to control the majority of the functions of
both the body and the mind. The brain interprets all of the information we
receive from the senses and internal organs, processes them, and then tells our
body how to react. The spinal cord is the main conduit between the brain and
the body. Many functional MRI studies of brain have discovered that temporally
coherent spontaneous fluctuations constitute several anatomically consistent
“resting state networks” (RSNs), such as visual, auditory, sensory-motor,
executive control, and default mode networks [1, 2]. In
addition, very recent studies have also detected intrinsic functional circuits
in human spines using resting-state fMRI [3, 4]. Especially,
sensory and motor messages are relayed by the spinal cord and processed by the
brain. However, it still remains unknown that whether rsFCs are synchronous
within brain and spinal cord. The present study aimed to better understand the relationship
between rsFCs within the brain and the spinal cord using resting-state fMRI.
Sixteen typical youth (eight females, 22.3± 2.7 years) participated in this
study. Subjects provided written informed consent prior to the experiment, and
all procedures were approved to be in accordance with the Institutional Review
Board of Xijing Hospital. All subjects were scanned on a 3-Tesla GE Discovery
750 MRI scanner at the Xijing Hospital.
Whole-brain anatomical images were acquired
using a 3D Fast SPGR scan (188 sagittal slices, resolution 1 mm x 1 mm x 1 mm).
Resting-state functional MRI images were acquired using an EPI sequence (32
slices, 3.44 mm x 3.44 mm x 4mm, TR=2s, 180 volumes). The spinal cord
anatomical images were acquired using a MPRAGE sequence (16 slices, 1 mm x 1mm
x 1mm, covering vertebrae C4-C7). Resting state spinal cord fMRI data were
acquired with GE-EPI sequence (16 slices, 1.25 mm x 1.25 mm x 5 mm, 180
The brain fMRI images were preprocessed
using SPM toolbox (www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/). EPI volumes were performed in
turn removal of the first three volumes, slice-timing correction, spatial
realignment, normalization to the MNI 152 standard space, and smoothed using an
isotropic 6-mm Gaussian kernel. A high-pass filter with a cutoff period of 128s
was applied to remove low frequency noise possibly containing scanner drift. For
spinal cord images, spatial preprocessing were performed with Spinal Cord
Toolbox (http://sourceforge.net/projects/spinalcordtoolbox/),
including spinal cord segmentation, making mask, motion correction and
realignment, and 8-mm Gaussian kernel smoothing. A group ICA was then performed
within the spinal cord area (using 20 independent components (ICs)) and
whole-brain area (using 60 ICs) respectively to obtain IC spatial maps (p<0.05,
FDR corrected). RSNs of interest within spinal cord and brain were selected
visually, based on their anatomical location.
Results: In the cord IC spatial maps, 3 ICs (scIC1-scIC3)
were identified for ventral and dorsal RSNs. The ventral networks were
predominantly bilateral, whereas dorsal networks were predominantly unilateral
(fig. 1). The results confirmed previous fMRI findings, of which a bilateral
activation during motor tasks [3] and a clearly lateralized activation during painful sensory
stimulation [5]. In the brain ICs spatial maps, 4 ICs (bIC1-bIC4) were identified
for sensory-motor RSNs (fig. 2). Interestingly, ICs within spinal cord ventral
RSNs significantly correlate with brain motor RSNs, and ICs within spinal cord
dorsal RSNs significantly correlate with brain sensory RSNs, which indicate
that sensory and motor information are transferred by different nerve tracts to
corresponding brain regions and processed (Tab. 1).
Our results showed that spinal cord RSNs
were separated into distinct dorsal and ventral RSNs, this separation can
reflect the features of functional neuroanatomy of the spinal cord. The dorsal
cord processes the sensory information and the ventral cord processes the motor
information. In addition, the ventral cord activates bilaterally and the dorsal
cord activates unilateral, which mean that human movement involve whole body,
but sensory signal can be perceived and processed by the way of unilateral
body. The results of significant correlations between sensory-motor RSNs and
dorsal and ventral cord suggest that the spontaneous fluctuations of brain and
spinal cord are precisely synchronized and readying for sensory-motor signal
relaying and processing.
In this study, we demonstrated that
features of RSNs represent the functional neuroanatomy of spinal cord and a
synchronizing network between spinal cord and brain are existing and readying
for sensory-motor information perceiving and processing. Our results suggest that
investigation of RSNs of spinal cord and its correlation with brain can improve
the understanding of the nature of the entire central nervous system.
This study was supported
by the international cooperation
Project in Science and Technology of Shaanxi
Province (2014kw19-02), China.References
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