Bruno Riemenschneider1, Jakob Assländer1, Pierre Levan1, and Jürgen Hennig1
1Medical Physics, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
We investigated a segmented version of the spherical stack-of-spirals
trajectory that retains highly efficient data sampling and signal recovery, but
grants more flexibility in data sampling compared to the single-shot version. Whole brain
acquisition with nominal isotropic resolutions of 3mm in
195ms and
2.25mm in 260ms using 3- and 4-fold segmentation have
been investigated. The faster read out along the slowest encoding direction
leads to reduced off-resonance artifacts in comparison to the single- shot
version, and higher sampling rates allow non-regularized reconstruction.PURPOSE
Fast fMRI acquisition methods enable the straightforward removal of
unaliased physiological noise, and moreover the monitoring of fast functional
activation. Whole brain fMRI with TR as low as 100ms
1 and nominal isotropic
resolution of 3mm has been achieved by single shot imaging with highly
undersampled three-dimensional non-cartesian trajectories combined with
multi-coil arrays. However, these methods suffer from off-resonance artifacts
due to a long read-out, and undersampling artifacts which can be removed by
regularized reconstruction. We investigated a segmented version of the
spherical stack-of-spirals trajectory that retains highly efficient data
sampling and signal recovery, but grants more flexibility in choice of TE and
TR, and provides options for sampling of more data points per shot at the
expense of temporal resolution.
spherical stack of spirals trajectory
1 with slow encoding in
kz direction was rotated by
2π/Ni per shot about the
kz-axis to create
Ni interleaves, as shown
schematically in fig. 1. The trajectories were designed for nominal isotropic
resolutions of 3mm and 2.25mm using 3- and 4-fold segmentation, respectively, a
field of view of 192x192x144mm and a TE of 29ms. TRs of each interleave were
65ms including gradient spoilers, adding up to total TRs of 195ms (3 mm) and
260ms (2.25 mm). Spiral spacing in z-direction was 1.5 times the Nyquist spacing,
linearly increasing to 3 in the case of 2.25mm. The sampling density of the spiral
interleaves ranged within [5,10] and [9,18] for 3 and 4 interleaves,
respectively, depending on the distance to the k-space center. The flip angle
was set to 18 degrees, the Ernst angle for the chosen TR. The images were
acquired on a 3T PRISMA scanner (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) with a 64 channel
head/neck coil. Images were reconstructed iteratively using a conjugate
gradient method, modeling the signal by a nuFFT with a grid size matching the
nominal resolutions, without necessity of regularization using the parameters
given above. Before reconstruction, the data of the time series was corrected
for global off-resonances
2. The activation images were obtained by GLM of data acquired during a flickering checkerboard block-design experiment.
tSNR values for the two acquisition types were obtained by voxel-wise division
of mean value by standard deviation of the time series.
Fig. 2 shows every 3
th slice of the first frame of
a 3mm/2.25mm acquisition on the top/bottom row, respectively. Fig. 3 shows the
corresponding tSNR maps. Note that areas depicted in cyan still exhibit tSNR values
of around 40, and not the whole range of values up to the maxima of 270/185 for
3mm/2.25mm, respectively, is shown. Fig. 4 depicts an exemplary time series of
an activated voxel from the visual cortex at 3mm.
previously shown
1, a slow encoding direction pointing in the
direction of an off-resonance gradient can reduce blurring and drop out of
signal compared to other types of trajectories, but leads to signal shift. This
effect can be observed in fig. 2 especially above the sinuses, and is dependent
on the speed of the slowest encoding. As in the case of the used 2.25mm
resolution trajectory the encoding in the k-space center is slower in the z-direction
compared to the 3mm trajectory. Slightly increased distortion and signal drop-out
is observed, which may be due to the
increased number of interleaves in the presence of physiological noise. One
additional shot and a voxel volume of a fraction of 0.42 compared to 3mm
resolution leads to a tSNR ratio of approximately 0.7 for 2.25mm resolution.
This shows that physiological noise is enhanced less than thermal noise when
reducing voxel size, as described for non-segmented EPI trajectories
This holds regardless of the higher segmentation of the trajectory.
The benefit of segmented non-cartesian trajectories for fast fMRI has been
shown. The interleaved version of the spherical stack-of-spirals trajectory
allows a faster read out along the slow encoding direction and therefore shows
reduced off-resonance artifacts in comparison to the longer single-shot
version, while data acquisition becomes more flexible. Physiological artifacts need
to be quantified. However, first results show that TR is low enough for 4-fold
segmentation with good tSNR behaviour. Interleaved spirals might lead to
blurring, which has to be investigated for this type of trajectory, but is
likely to be reduced because of shorter read-outs and therefore decreased
off-resonance. As we deal with a steady state sequence, necessity for variable
flip angles is not of concern. In future work we will investigate other trajectories
and segmentation patterns in order to further improve image quality.
This work was supported by BrainLinks-BrainTools Cluster of Excellence funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, grant number EXC 1086) and by the ERC Advanced Grant 'OVOC' grant agreement 232908.References
1) Assländer et al., Neuroimage 73 (2013) 59-70
2) Pfeuffer et al., Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 47 (2002) 344–353
3) Triantafyllou et al., NeuroImage
26 (2005) 243– 250