Rüdiger Stirnberg1, Willem Huijbers1, Benedikt A. Poser2, and Tony Stöcker1,3
1German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany, 2Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
We conducted a feasibility study to compare
state-of-the-art simultaneous multi-slice EPI vs. segmented 3D-EPI – both
utilizing equivalent undersampling techniques for controlled aliasing – optimized for
ultra-fast whole-brain fMRI at 3T. We compared temporal signal-to-noise ratio,
sensitivity per unit scan time and temporal whole-brain spectra of 8 minutes time-series.
While both fast sequences are well-suited to separate physiological from BOLD
signal, the 3D-EPI sequence achieves greater sensitivity and signal-to-noise
ratio throughout the brain using whole-brain protocols matched for identical TR.Target Audience
MR physicists and Neuroscientists interested in ultra-fast,
state-of-the-art functional MRI at 3T.
To compare two slice-accelerated EPI sequences using
controlled aliasing (simultaneous-multi-slice vs. segmented 3D-EPI) for
ultra-fast functional MRI under realistic conditions at 3T.
A state-of-the-art
simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) blipped-CAIPI EPI sequence1,2 is compared to 3D-EPI3 featuring 2D-CAIPIRINHA4 sampling5,6,
optimized for ultra-fast fMRI at 3T (Siemens Prisma, 64-channel head coil). Although
both acquisition strategies for controlled aliasing have been shown to be
equivalent7 and can be reconstructed
the same way with identical g-factor penalties6,
a stringent comparison is not as trivial practice: different reconstruction
algorithms are typically chosen for the two, and they are differently affected
by physiological noise. In this work, individually optimized 3D-EPI and SMS-EPI sequences
and dedicated image reconstructions but otherwise matched parameters, were therefore
utilized, under the constraint of 2.4mm isotropic axial whole-brain coverage in
equal TR. The latter was selected short enough to ensure separation of aliased cardiac
peaks from BOLD signal in the frequency domain. Utilizing a readout bandwidth
of 2470Hz/pixel and reasonable acceleration factors2,5,6 with both sequences a TR of 580ms at TE=30ms could be
While only CHESS8-based fat-saturation is feasible with the SMS-EPI
sequence, one can make use of bipolar binomial-11 water excitation9 in case of 3D-EPI, which was previously shown
to have two beneficial side effects10:
reduction of the TR (save ~12ms per excitation), and increase of gray matter
SNR (avoiding unintentional magnetization transfer contrast). A smaller total
acceleration factor R=6 could
therefore be used with 3D-EPI (3x2(1)
2D-CAIPIRINHA sampling4) compared to SMS-EPI, which requires a slice
acceleration factor of MB=8 (FoV/3 slice
shift) to achieve the same TR=580ms. The former employed vendor-provided
2D-CAIPIRINHA reconstruction (“IcePAT”) and the latter dedicated Slice-GRAPPA
reconstruction1, both implemented on
the scanner.
EXPERIMENTS: Five subjects
underwent short resting state scans with both sequences (830 volumes in 8
minutes). Additionally, a conventional, singleband 2D-EPI (3mm isotropic, 32
slices + 25% gap, TR=2s, 240 volumes) and a 1mm
T1-weighted anatomical scan were
acquired. The chronological scanning order was altered pseudo-randomly between subjects.
Ernst angles of 84°/47°/16° (2D-EPI/SMS-EPI/3D-EPI)
according to T1=1500ms were used for excitation.
PROCESSING: The processing pipeline
consisted of: (1) removal of the initial 10s of data, (2) motion correction to
the first retained volume, and (3) temporal filtering prior to (4) computation
of temporal SNR (mean/standard deviation with respect to time) and sensitivity
per unit scan time (SEN:=SNR/√TR). Two
alternative temporal filters were applied: a highpass (0.01Hz cut-off for
detrending only) and a bandpass (0.01Hz and 0.1Hz cut-off to additionally
remove physiological noise)11. Following
the latter computation of sensitivity maps is not applicable since the effective
temporal resolutions have already been equalized. Finally, the mean, SNR and SEN
maps were normalized to the 2mm MNI template in order to compute the average
over all subjects. Additionally, whole-brain temporal spectra were computed and
averaged over all subjects.
Fig. 1 (left) shows three axial example slices of
the group-averaged mean maps for 2D-EPI, SMS-EPI and 3D-EPI. The sampling
pattern depicted at the bottom right indicates the 2D-CAIPIRINHA trajectory
used for 3D-EPI. Temporal spectra of the highpass-filtered data (right, top) demonstrate
a clear separation of the respiratory peak and the first alias of the cardiac
peak from BOLD signal with SMS-EPI and 3D-EPI as opposed to 2D-EPI. Fig. 2
shows corresponding sensitivity and temporal SNR maps for the highpass-filtered
and bandpass-filtered data, respectively. Both SEN and SNR of 3D-EPI appear to
be superior to 2D-EPI throughout the brain (despite higher resolution), while SMS-EPI
suffers from SEN and SNR drops, most apparent in the center of the brain.
The temporal spectra demonstrate that
physiological signals, which usually “pollute” typical TR=2s EPI data, are
clearly separable by using ultra-fast EPIs. Accordingly, the bandpass-filtered SNR
map of 2D-EPI still contains a lot of “false signal”, whereas fair comparison
of the fast acquisitions is applicable. We observe a clear SNR advantage
throughout the brain with the less undersampled 3D-EPI (
R=6) over SMS-EPI (
On the other hand, comparison of the SNR
and SEN maps indicates a slightly more positive effect of excluding
high-frequency components for SMS-EPI over 3D-EPI. Advanced methods for
physiological noise removal, such as RETROICOR
13, may even improve SNR,
in particular for 3D-EPI
The present comparison of sequences for
ultra-fast whole-brain fMRI at 3T shows that 3D-(CAIPIRINHA-)EPI can have clear
benefits over 2D-(SMS-)EPI at identical spatial and temporal resolution. With
regard to the separation of physiological noise from BOLD signal, both sequences
are favorable over typically “slow” singleband 2D-EPI.
No acknowledgement found.References
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NeuroImage 83, 2013
3. Poser et al.
NeuroImage 51, 2010
4. Breuer et al. Magn. Reson. Med. 55, 2006
5. Narsude et al. ISMRM
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8. Haase et al. Phys.
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9. Hore, J. Magn.
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10. Stirnberg et al.
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12. Glover et al. Magn. Reson. Med. 44, 2000
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