Ali Aghaeifar1,2, Alexander Loktyushin1, Christian Mirkes1,3, Axel Thielscher1, and Klaus Scheffler1,3
1Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 2IMPRS for Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience, Tübingen, Germany, 3Department of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
B0 field inhomogeneity is a major source of distortion in MR images. Current approaches to dynamic shimming require extra acquisition time or external hardware. We propose a method that estimates first order shim errors by using projections of radial acquisition. The errors can be estimated from three projections multiple times in each measurement, which makes the method highly robust. The proposed method is evaluated in simulation and in vivo. Obtained results show a strong agreement between applied and measured first order shim errors.Introduction
MR scanners employ shim coils in order to make the B0 field
homogeneous. However, susceptibility differences at the
interfaces, intentional motion of the subject or involuntary
physiological motion such as breathing
can alter the shimmed fields and lead to image distortions and signal
loss. To solve such problems, it is common to use dynamic shimming
(real-time prospective shim correction), which updates the shim
settings concurrently with the acquisition. This requires a periodic
evaluation of the field fluctuations, which can be done by using the
sensitivity information of coil elements
1, shim navigators
2, or
external field sensors attached to the subject or the coil
3. The
existing approaches, however, have limitations such as increased scan
time duration, slow performance or the need for dedicated external
field monitoring hardware.
this work, we employ a radial acquisition both for imaging and
estimating the first order inhomogeneity of the B0 field, bypassing
the need of dedicated navigators or hardware.
Recently it was proposed to use cloverleaf navigators for combined
real-time motion correction and shimming 4. Assuming a perfect shim and
neglecting the phase of the receiver coil, the strongest signal
intensity is found in the center of k-space which represents DC
component of k-space. First order shim errors lead to a shift of the
DC component away from the center. The three traversals
of the cloverleaf navigator through the center of k-space
provide the projections of this shift onto the X, Y, and Z axis.
on this idea, we hypothesize that in radial acquisitions the spokes
can be used not only for imaging but also for estimation of the
first-order shim errors. Since each spoke is acquired in a different
direction, the information provided by several projections can be
used to determine the first order shim error in X, Y and Z axis.
Figure 1, we show how position of DC component changes in
the XY plane given a good shim (Fig. 1A) and a small linear shim
offset in X direction (Fig. 1B). Traversing k-space along a given
axis in the presence of a first order field inhomogeneity oriented in
the same direction can be mathematically described by Eq. [1].
t=0 is a starting time of the data acquisition, Gdeph and
Greadout are the amplitudes of the dephasing and readout gradients, tramp the gradient ramp-up or ramp-down time
(assumed to be identical for all gradients) , tdeph the
flat-top time of the dephasing gradient, and ΔG the first order
component of a field inhomogeneity modeled as a gradient offset. In
2D k-space, the signal will be maximum at tpeak
when Kx2+Ky2 is minimum.
Applying the derivative operator to Kx2+Ky2
with respect to time results in a circle (see Eq. [2]).
This circle is a set of solutions associated with all possible gradient offsets which result in a maximum intensity peak at tpeak. Finding a unique solution (the gradient offsets) requires several circles, and thus several projections. At least 3 non-identical circles are required to find the gradient offsets, as shown in Figure 2.
& Discussion
have evaluated the proposed method in simulation and in vivo. A
spoiled GRE sequence was modified to allow a projection-based
acquisition of k-space. While scanning a subject, we altered
the first order component of the shim in small steps of -20uT/m to
+20uT/m in X and Y directions in each measurement.
All experiments were performed on a MAGNETOM Prisma 3T scanner
(SIEMENS Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) using a
two-channel head coil. Additionally, we computed gradient delays of
the scanner and applied
them to the measured samples.
Figure 3 shows a comparison of applied shim offsets and the offsets
estimated by our method. The precision depends on how well it is
possible to pinpoint the position of the peak, which requires to
maximally shorten the dwell-time of analogue-to-digital converter
As shown in Table 1, there is a good agreement between
applied and the measured offsets.
propose an approach for first order shim error estimation that does
not require navigators, reference scans or external hardware, and is
appropriate for radial imaging with short TRs. Shim gradients can be
updated from three consecutive projection measurements allowing to
perform the imaging with real-time shim correction. An extension of
the method to 3D imaging is possible and is planned as a future work.
No acknowledgement found.References
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