Validating tractography of high resolution post-mortem human brain at 7T with polarized light imaging
Sean Foxley1, Jeroen Mollink1, Saad Jbabdi1, Stuart Clare1, Moises Hernandez Fernandez1, Connor Scott2, Olaf Ansorge2, and Karla Miller1

1FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom


In this work we present voxel-wise orientation estimates from diffusion-weighted steady state free precession MRI data of post-mortem human brain, acquired with three resolutions at 7T. Data were acquired with 0.5mm, 1mm, and 2mm isotropic resolution over 90 directions. These resolutions were chosen because 1mm and 2mm are typical of in vivo DTI. Deterministic tractography was produced in various regions using the highest resolution dataset. Orientation maps demonstrate small structures that are less apparent in lower resolution data. Orientation estimates and tractography results were validated with polarized light microscopy imaging.


MRI of post-mortem tissue is gaining attention because of achievable high spatial resolution and subsequent tractography results1, 2. Here, we demonstrate validation of diffusion tractography from a whole, post-mortem human brain acquired at 7T against polarized light imaging (PLI) data in the same brain. PLI is an optical imaging method that can provide high-resolution estimates of white matter fibre orientation in mounted tissue slices based on the birefringence of myelin.


Data were acquired of a post-mortem human brain with no known neuropathology, a post-mortem interval <72 hours, and scan interval of 6 weeks. The brain was submerged in fluorinert for tissue susceptibility matching and imaged using a Siemens 7T whole body scanner with a 32 channel receive head coil. Diffusion data were acquired with DW-SSFP at 0.5mm, 1mm, and 2mm isotropic resolutions covering 90 directions. The protocol was repeated using two different transmit voltages (corresponding to 33˚ or 98˚ flip angle at the centre of the brain), chosen to improve uniformity of CNR across the entire brain despite B1 inhomogeneity3. DW-SSFP has a well defined q-value, but not b-value. Here, we used q=300 cm-1 to achieve an effective diffusion contrast of beff=5150 s/mm2 (i.e. the signal attenuation was equivalent to this b-values) in white matter. Each 90 direction dataset required 5 days of continuous scanning. A version of the FSL tool DTIFIT modified to include the DW-SSFP signal model4 was used to estimate the principal diffusion directions and other tensor parameters. Deterministic tractography was performed with Trackvis to visualize local fibre bundles. After MRI scanning, the same brain was sectioned into blocks, selecting three characteristic regions for inspection: the corpus callosum (a well ordered white matter pathway), a gyrus in V1 (fanning architecture where fibres enter gray matter) and the pons (highly interdigitated pathways). For PLI, a Leica DM4000 microscope was upgraded with a linear polarizer, quarter wave plate and rotatable analyzer. Images at 4x4x60 μm resolution were acquired at 18 different polarization orientations (10˚ increments from 0-170˚). PLI-based fiber orientation maps were calculated using custom MATLAB code5.


Figure 1 demonstrates fibre anatomy across the corpus callosum at high resolution. Tractography results show commissural fibres predominantly running left/right; however, the traced tracts also intertwine or braid with one another, particularly at the mid-line. PLI data in the same region presents a striking similarity, showing a disordered appearance at the mid-line, with striated appearance on the lateral aspects.

Figure 2 demonstrates the orientation estimate at the three different MRI resolutions in a single gyrus. At lower resolutions (Figs 2a,b), orientation estimates in gyri suffer from a bias due to fiber bending within a voxel, with the net effect being a subsequent bias in connectivity to the gyral crown. The presence of orientation estimates (Fig 2c) reflecting the fanning of fiber bundles as they intersect the length of the grey/white matter interface increases with resolution. PLI results in V1 (Fig 3b) also depict the fanning anatomy of white matter tracts along the grey/white matter interface. Tractography performed on this dataset (Fig 3a) resolves this anatomy, as well.

Results from the pons are shown in Figure 4. At lower resolutions (Figs 4a,b), the larger relative fraction of corticospinal tract (CST) compared with transverse pontine fibre results in an estimate of the orientation that favors the CST. PLI through the same region of the pons (Fig 5a) depicts the CST and pontine fibres forming interdigitating bundles at a spatial scale approaching that of the high-resolution diffusion data. These bundles are visible in both the tensor-based orientation estimates and streamline tractography (Fig 5b). These results suggest that the improved resolution either resolves these pontine bundles, or at least results in voxel neighborhoods that are predominated by them.


This work compares very high-resolution diffusion MRI data with PLI from the same brain. A number of features seen in the diffusion tractography were corroborated by PLI data. Sutble twisting in the corpus callosum was indicated by both modalities; if not captured accurately, this could lead to incorrect cortical-cortical connectivity estimates. At conventional spatial resolution, diffusion tractography of fibres entering a gyrus often fail to correctly identifying sharp bends into the gyral banks6. Our data suggest this bias could be overcome with improved spatial resolution or more sophisticated models, with data of this kind being invaluable for model validation. Finally, measurements in the pons demonstrate the exquisitely complicated fibre architecture that remains difficult or impossible to identify with existing methods, but which may be resolvable with the next major leap forward in spatial resolution.


MRC and Wellcome for funding

Thomas Willis Brain Collection for samples


1. Foxley S, Jbabdi S, Clare S, et al. Improving diffusion-weighted imaging of post-mortem human brains: SSFP at 7 T. Neuroimage 2014;102 Pt 2:579-589.

2. Miller KL, McNab JA, Jbabdi S, et al. Diffusion tractography of post-mortem human brains: optimization and comparison of spin echo and steady-state free precession techniques. Neuroimage 2012;59(3):2284-2297.

3. Foxley S, Jbabdi S, Clare S, et al. Correcting for B1 inhomogeneities in post-mortem DWSSFP human brain data at 7T using multiple flip angles. 2014; Milan, Italy.

4. Buxton RB. The diffusion sensitivity of fast steady-state free precession imaging. Magn Reson Med 1993;29(2):235-243.

5. Axer M, Grassel D, Kleiner M, et al. High-resolution fiber tract reconstruction in the human brain by means of three-dimensional polarized light imaging. Front Neuroinform 2011;5:34.

6. VanEssen D, Jbabdi S, Sotiropoulos SN, Chen C, Dikranian K, Coalson T, Harwell J, Behrens TEJ, Glasser MF. Mapping Connections in Humans and Non-Human Primates: Aspirations and Challenges for Diffusion Imaging. In: Press A, editor. 2014. 2 ed; 2014. p 337-358.


(a) PLI of coronal slice of the corpus callosum. (b) Tractography of the corpus callosum through the same slice. (c) Axial view of the corpus callosum tractography. Of interest are the intertwining fiber bundles, particularly at the midline, seen in (c). For an animated GIF of tract, see

(a-c) Graphical demonstration of how tractography produces a bias in the gyral crown. (d-f) 2mm, 1mm, an 0.5mm isotropic data of orientation estimates in a gyrus of the occipital lobe, overlain on ADC map. White arrows indicate gyral white matter. Resolvability of fibers turning into the cortex increases with resolution.

(a) Tractography results from 0.5mm isotropic data in the occipital gyrus indicated in figure 2f. (b) PLI of V1 showing the prevalence of cortical projections along the entirety of the grey/white matter interface; not just at the gyral crown. For an animated GIF of tractography, see

Orientation estimates of (a) 2mm, (b) 1mm, and (c) 0.5mm isotropic data in sagittal cross-section of the pons. The resolvability of transverse pontine fibers (red) interdigitated with the corticospinal tract (blue) increases with resolution, becoming increasingly reflective of the underlying anatomy.

(a) PLI of sagittal slice shown in figure 4. (b) Tractography results from 0.5mm data shows transverse pontine fibers projecting orthogonal to CST. The direction color map has been altered to match PLI. (c) Stereoscopic view of (b) with conventional direction color map. See and for animated GIFS.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)