Justine Beaujoin1,2,3, Fawzi Boumezbeur1,2,3, Jérémy Bernard1,2,3, Markus Axer4, Jean-François Mangin2,3,5,6, and Cyril Poupon1,2,3,6
1CEA NeuroSpin / UNIRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France, 3FLI / Noeud Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 4Forschungszentrum Jülich, INM1, Jülich, Germany, 5CEA NeuroSpin / UNATI, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 6http://cati-neuroimaging.com/, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
In this work, we demonstrate that post-mortem ultra-high field (11.7T) / ultra-high gradients (760mT/m) diffusion-weighted MRI allows to finely map the inner connectivity of the human hippocampus and we show that the polysynaptic intra-hippocampal pathway can be accurately reconstructed using fiber tractography techniques at very high spatial/angular resolutions.Purpose
hippocampus, primarily associated with encoding of episodic memory,
is a structure of acute interest in Alzheimer's disease where its
loss of volume has become an early marker of the disease and could
play an important role in its prognosis. Its complex functional and
anatomical organization
1 makes it difficult to study in vivo.
Ultra-high magnetic resonance imaging (UHF-MRI) provides access
to its inner structure
2,3,4 in vivo, but cannot give
access to its fine inner connectivity, due to gradient limitations on
clinical systems. Few studies of the inner connectivity of the
hippocampus have been done in the past
5. In this work, we demonstrate
that post-mortem UHF-MRI using strong gradients allows to infer the
polysynaptic intrahippocampal pathway at high spatial/angular
- A formalin-fixed post-mortem human temporal lobe was soaked in a
phosphate-buffered saline solution for rehydratation before
being scanned with a preclinical 11.7T Bruker
MRI system equipped with strong gradients (Gmax=760mT/m / SR=9500T/m/s) using a dedicated protocol including: a) a MSME
sequence performed to evaluate the T2 relaxation time (150μm
isotropic;12 echoes;TE=6.40ms-76.8ms; TR=16s; 8 averages; scan time
10h14min); b) a T2-weighted spin-echo sequence depicting the anatomy
(200μm isotropic; TE=45ms; TR=1.8s; 9 averages; scan time
9h13min); c) a Pulsed-Gradient-Spin-Echo sequence to collect a
high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) dataset at b=4500 s/mm2 along 125 uniformly distributed directions
(300μm isotropic; TE=24.2ms; TR=9s; scan time 12h57min).
– The segmentation of the hippocampus and of its surrounding
structures was performed manually from the T2-weighted anatomical
scan using anatomical landmarks and following the strategy
described in 2-4. The segmentation was validated by an independant
– The HARDI dataset was used to compute a field of orientation
distribution functions using the Sharpening Deconvolution
Transform6 with a spherical harmonics order 8 and a
regularization factor λ=0.006. Then, a streamling regularized
deterministic tractography7 was launched on the
mask corresponding to all the segmented structures,
using the Connectomist toolbox8 with the following parameters: 8 seeds
per voxel, forward step 70μm, maximum solid angle 30°,
minimum/maximum fiber lengths 0.5/100mm.
of the polysynaptic circuit– From the obtained tractogram and
the mask of segmented regions, the connectivity matrix of regions and their corresponding individual bundles were inferred using Connectomist. The trisynaptic pathwayinvolving
the entorhinal cortex-subicular area–sulcus–dentate
gyrus–CA3–CA2-CA1–subicular area–alveus–fimbria circuit was
finally reconstructed from the individual bundles.
Results & Discussion
MSME sequence allowed to establish the histogram of T2 depicting a bimodal distribution showing two peaks at
T2(White-Matter)=36.3ms and T2(Grey-Matter)=46.4ms, guiding the
choice of TE=45/24.2ms for the anatomical/diffusion sequences
respectively (Fig.1). Fig.1 also depicts one diffusion sensitized slice at 4500s/mm
2 highlighting its high SNR and shows the bimodal histogram of the mean diffusivity with two peaks at ADC(WM)=0.16x10
2/s and ADC(GM)=0.53x10
2/s. The anatomical scan presenting a very good contrast at 11.7T allowed to delineate the inner/surrounding structures of the hippocampus: the entorhinal and perirhinal cortex, the subicular area, CA1, CA3, the dentate gyrus, the sulcus, the stratum radiatum, the alveus, the parahippocampal cortex, the fimbria. Figure 2 gives
a 3D rendering of them attributing a specific color to each region. Figure 3 depicts the obtained tractogram superimposed on the 2D
fusion of the anatomy and the color-encoded direction map, and
shows the inner connectivity of the hippocampus at very high spatial/angular resolutions characterized by trajectories in perfect
agreement with the knowledge of its anatomy (eg higher level of
connectivity in the head of the hippocampus). Figure 4 shows the connectivity matrix of the substructures of
the hippocampus assessing the higher level of connectivity in the head, and figure 5 illustrates how the polysynaptic circuit
of the hippocampus could be efficiently extracted using high field /
high gradients diffusion MR-based tractography.
this work, we demonstrated that ultra-high field and ultra-high
gradient diffusion-weighted MRI offers a unique opportunity to map the inner structural connectivity of the hippocampus and, in the future, to better correlate its atrophy observed at low field in Alzheimer's patients with modifications of its inner connectivity.
We would like to thank Dr Marion Nouliane who validated our manual segmentations.References
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